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86 Cards in this Set

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Infant deprivation effects?
decrease muscle tone, poor language skills, poor socialization skills, lack of basic trust, anaclitic depression, physical illness -- severe deprivation --> infant death
Depression in an infant owing to continued separation from caregiver, can result in failure to thrive, infant becomes withdrawn and unresponsive
Anaclitic Depression
children regress to younger behaviors under stress
Regression in Children
severe communication problems, difficult forming relationships, repetitive behavior, unusual abilities, usually below-normal intelligence
Autistic Disorder
Tx for Autistic Disorder
increase communication and social skills
milder form of autism involving problems with social relationships and repetitive behavior, normal intelligence and lack social or cognitive deficits
Asperger Disorder
Loss of development and MR that appears around age 4, only in woman, X-linked disorder, stereotyped hand-wringing
Rett Disorder
limited attention spam and hyperactivity, emotionally libile, impulsive, prone to accidents, normal intelligence
Attention-deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
continued behavior violating social norms, < 18 years
conduct disorder
child is noncompliant in the absence of criminality
oppositional defiant disorder
motor/vocal ties and involuntary profanity, onset <18 years
Tourette's syndrome
How is Tourette's treated?
fear of loss of attachment figure leading to factitious physical complaints to avoid going to school, onset 7-8 years
Separation anxiety disorder
Physical Abuse - Common side/symptoms, gender, offender, incidence.
healed fractures on x-ray, cigarette burns, subdural hematomas, multiple bruises, retinal hemorrhage or detachment, usually female and the primary caregiver, ~3000 deaths/years in YS
Sexual Abuse - Signs/Symptoms, offender, gender, peak age of incidence
Genital/Anal trauma, STDs, UTIs, known to victim, usually male, peak incidence 9-12 years old
Time, Place, Person
unaware that one is ill
unable to locate one's own body parts
body seems unreal or dissociated
anterograde amnesia
inability to remember things that occurred after a CNS insult
Korsakoff's amnesia
Classic anterograde amnesia a/w thiamine deficiency --> bilateral destruction of mammary glands -- seen in alcoholics, a/w confabulation, thiamine = B1 -cofactor for oxidative dephosphorylation of α-ketoacids
retrograde amnesia
inability to remember things that occurred before a CNS insult
waxing and waning level of consciousness, rapid decrease in attention span and level of arousal, disorganized thinking, hallucinations, illusions, misperceptions disturbance in sleep-wake cycle, cognitive dysfunction
gradual decrease in cognition, memory deficits, aphasia, apraxia, agnosia, loss of abstract thought, behavioral/personality changes, impaired judgment, no change in level of consciousness, more gradual onset
perceptions in the absence of external stimuli
misinterpretation of actual external stimuli
false beliefs not shared with other members of culture/subculture that are firmly maintained in spite of obvious proof to the contrary
Visual and Auditory Hallucinations -- Dx?
common in schizophrenia
Olfactory Hallucination often occurs as an aura-- Dx?
psychomotor epilepsy
Gustatory Hallucination Common or Rare?
Tactile Hallucination -- Dx?
common in DTs and cocaine abusers
Hypnagogic Hallucination occurs when?
going to sleep
Hypnopompic Hallucination occurs when?
waking from sleep
periods of psychosis and disturbed behavior with a decline in functioning lasting > 6 months
Positive Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Delusions, Hallucinations (Auditory), Disorganized thought (loose associations), disorganized or catatonic behavior
Negative Symptoms of Schizophrenia
Flat affect, social withdrawal, lack of motivation, lack of speech or thought
5 subtypes of Schizophrenia
Disorganized, Catatonic, Paranoid, Undifferentiated, Residual
combination of schizophrenia and mood disorder
Schizoaffective disorder
like manic episode except not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social and/or occupational functioning or hospitalization, no psychotic features
Hypomanic episode
distinct period of abnormally and persistently elevated, expansive or irritable mood last > 1 week
Manic Episode
Symtom of Manic episode (3 or more)
Distractibility, Irresponsibility, Grandiosity, Flight of ideas, Activity/psychomotor Agitation, decrease Sleep, Talkativeness or pressured speech (DIG FAST)
Symtoms of Major Depression episode (5 of the following for 2 weeks)
Sleep distrubance, Loss of Interest, Guilt or feeling of worthlessness, Loss of Energy, Loss of Concentration, Change in Appetite/weight, Psychomotor retardation, Suicidal ideations, Depressed mood (SIG E CAPS)
milder form of depression lasting at least 2 years
Risk factors of suicide completion
Sex (male), Age (teenager, elderly), Depresion, Previous attempt, Ethanol or drugs use, loss of Rational thinking, Sickness, Organized plan, No spouse, Social support lacking (SAD PERSONS)
Sleep patterns of depressed patients
Decrease slow-wave sleep and REM latency
Increased REM early in sleep cycle and total REM
Repeated nightime awakenings
Early-morning awakening
Electroconvulsive Therapy -- Clinical Use
major depressive disorder refractory to other treatment -- painless seizure
Electroconvulsive Therapy -- Adverse Effects
disorientation, anterograde, retrograde amnesia
recurrent periods of intense fear and discomfort peaking in 10 minutes dx?
panic disorder
Panic Disorder symptoms (4 of 13)
Palpitations, Paresthesias, Abdominal distress, Nausea, Intense fear of dying or losing control, Light-headedness, Chest pain, Chills, Choking, Disconnectedness, Sweating, Shaking, Shortness of Breath
fear that is excessive or unreasonable and interferes with normal routine. Cued by presence or anticipation of a specific object or situation
Specific Phobia
Fear of marriage
Fear of open places
Fear of heights
Fear of pain
Persistant reexperiencing of a previous traumatic event. Response involves intense fear, helplessness or horror. Disturbamce last > 1 month,. 2-4 weeks = acutre stress disorder
PTSD diagnostic criteria
emtional symptoms causing impairment following an identifiable psychosocial stressor and lasting > than 6 months
Adjustment Disorder
uncontrollable anxiety for at least 6 months that is unrelated to a specific person, situation, or event, sleep distrubance, fatique and difficulty concentrating are common
Generalized anxiety disorder
pt conscioulsy fakes or claims to have a disorder in order to attain a specific gain
pt conscioulsy creasted symptoms to assume "sick role" and to get medical attention
Factitious disorder
chronic history of multiple hospital admissions and willingness to receive invasive procedures
Munchausen's Syndrome
illness in a child is cause by the parent, motivation is unconscious, form of child abuse and must be reported
Munchausen's Syndrome by proxy
motor or sensory symptoms that suggest neurologic or physical disorder, but tests and physical exam are negative, often follows an acute stressor, pt may be concerned about symptoms
prolonged pain that is not explained completely by illness
Somatoform pain disorder
variety of complaints in multiple organ systems with not identifiable underlying physical findings
Somatization disorder
preoccupation with and fear of having a serious illness in spite of medical reassurance
preoccupation with minor or imagined physical flaws; pt often seek cosmetic surgery
Body dysmorphic disorder
false belief of being pregnant associated with objective physical signs of pregnancy
Primary Gain
what the symptom does for the pt's internal psychic economy
Secondary Gain
what the symptom gets the pt
Tertiary Gain
what the caretaker gets
odd or eccentric; cannot develop meaningful social relationships. No psychosis; genetic assoication with schizophrenia. What Cluster? Name the personality types.
Cluster A - Paranoid, Schizoid, Schizotypal
distrust and suspiciousness, prejection is main defense mechanism - personality disorder
Paranoid Personailty Disorder
voluntary social withdrawal, limited emotional expression, content with social isolation, unlike avoidant - personality disorder
Schizoid Personality Disorder
interpersonal awkwardness, odd beliefs or magical thinking, eccentric appearance
Schizotypal Personality Disorder
dramatic, emotional, or erratic; genetic association with mood disorders and substance abuse. What Cluster?
Cluster B - Antisocial, Borderline, Histrionic, Narcissistic
disregard for and violation of rights of others, ciminality; males>females; conduct disorder if <18 years
Antisocial Personailty Disorder
unstable mood and interpersonal relationships, impulsiveness, sense of emptiness; females>males
Borderline Personailty Disorder
excessive emotionality, attention seeking, sexually provocative
Histrionic Personailty Disorder
grandiosity, sense of entitlement, may react to criticism with rage, may demand top physician/best health care
Narcissistic Personailty Disorder
anxious or fearful, genetic association with anxiety disorders. What Cluster?
Cluster C - Avoidant, Obsessive-Compulsive, Dependent
sensitive to rejection, socially inhibited, timid, feelings of inadequacy
Avoidant Personailty Disorder
preoccupation with order, perfectionism, and control
Obsessive-Compulsive Personailty Disorder
submissive and clinging, excessive need to be taken care of, low self-confidence
Dependent Personailty Disorder
abnormal eating habits, body image distortion, and increase exercise. Severe weight loss, amenorrhea, anemia, and electrolyte distrubances. Adolescent girls. Commonly coexists with depression
Anorexia Nervosa
binge eating followed by self-induced vomiting or use of laxatives. Body weight normal. Parotitis, enamel erosion, electrolyte disturbances, alkalosis, dorsal hand calluses from inducing vomiting
Bulimia Nervosa