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24 Cards in this Set

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What does the mental status exam assess?
• general presentation
• attentiveness
• form of thought
• intellectual functioning
• judgement
• memory
• mood and affect
• orientation
• perceptual ability
• speech patterns
• state of consciousness
• thought content
What are things to look for when evaluating a patient's appearance?
• appearance for age
• clothing
• grooming
• posture
How do you evaluate a person's behavior?
• gestures
• mannerisms
• psychomotor agitation or retardation
• tics/twitches
When evaluating a patient, what are different attitudes a patient can have to their examiner?
• cooperative
• defensive
• evasive
• hostile
• seductive
What do you look for when evaluating a patient's level of consciousness?
• level of alertness
• lethargy or sleepiness
Describe the different classifications of the Glascow Coma score
• Eyes
- 4: Spontaneous
- 3: To voice
- 2: To pain
- 1: none

• Verbal
- 5: oriented
- 4: confused
- 3: inappropriate words
- 2: incomprehensible
- 1: none

• Motor
- 6: obeys commands
- 5: localizes pain
- 4: withdraws to pain
- 3: decorticate flexion
- 2: decerebrate extension
- 1: none/flaccid
Describe the response of a lethargic patient
• patient appears drowsy but opens the eyes and looks at you
• responds to questions and then falls asleep
Describe the response of an obtunded patient
• patient opens eyes and looks at you, but responds slowly and is somewhat confused
• alertness and interest in the environment are decreased
Describe the response of a stuporous patient
• patient arouses from sleep only after pain stimuli
• verbal responses are slow or even absent
• lapses intoan unresponsive state when the stimulus ceases
• minimal awareness of self or the environment
What are the 3 types of memory and how do you test them?
• Immediate memory (ask to remember 3 words and question after 5 minutes)
• Recent memory (ask about the last 24 hours)
• Remote memory (ask about place of birth, schools attended, or historical information that most people would know
How do you determine if the patient can concentrate and pay attention?
• ask to repeat a string of three to six numbers forward and backwards
• ask to spell the word WORLD backwards
How do you evaluate a patient's cognitive abilities?
• abstract thinking (a rolling stone gathers no moss)
• copy a simple drawing
• concrete thinking (describe how a pear and an apple are alike)
• intelligence (factual knowledge, calculational ability)
• see if the patient can read and write
How do you evaluate a patient's speech?
observe the speech for:
• clear on unclear articulations
• deficiencies in language
• speech too loud or too soft
• pressured speech
What is dysarthria?
refers to defective articulation
What are some abnormalities that suggest aphasia?
• circumlocution: phrases or sentences are substituted for a word the person cannot think of
• disturbed inflections (ex. monotone)
• hesitancies and gaps in the flow and rhythm of words
• paraphasias: words are malformed
What is the difference between mood and affect?
• Mood is a sustained emotional state (ex. depressed, euphoric, anxious, angry)
• Affect is the patient's current emotional state; the state the interviewer can observe
What are examples of abnormalities of thought processes?
• blocking
• circumstantiality
• confabulation
• derailment
• echolalia
• flight of ideas
• neologisms
• perseveration
What are examples of abnormalities of though content?
• anxieties
• compulsions
• delusions
• hypochondriacal symptoms
• ideas of reference (believes that somone on TV is talking about them)
• obsessions
• phobias
A definitive diagnosis of mental disorder can be made using how many of the 5 axes?
a definitive diagnosis can bemade using only the first 3 axes
Describe axis I
• the clinical disorder (ex. schizophrenia, panic disorder, major depression)
• other disorders
- medication induced disorders
- malingering
Describe axis II
personality disorders (ex. avoidance, dependent, histrionic, mental retardation)
Describe axis III
• physical disorders relevant to the mental disorder
• ex. thyroid, diabetes, alzheimers
Describe axis IV
• a listing of psychosocial and envoronmental problems
• ex. death of spouse or family member, job loss, divorce
Describe axis V
• Global assessment of functioning (GAF)
• quantification of how well the patient is functioning in everyday life