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30 Cards in this Set

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IQ test

standard deviation?
criteria for mental retardation?
criteria for severe mental retardation?
mean - 100
SD - 15
MR: <70
severe MR: <40
profound MR: <20
repeated stimulus leads to less decreased response


a natural response is elicited by a conditioned or learned stimulus that was previously presented in conjunction with an unconditioned stimulus

classical conditioning (Pavlov's dogs)
learning in which a particular action is elicited because it produces a reward

operant conditioning

positive reinforcement - desired reward produces action (mouse presses button to get food)

negative reinforcement - removal of aversive stimulus extinguishes unwanting behavior

extinction - discontinuation of reinforcement eliminates behavior
reinforcement schedules

two types?
which goes extinct faster?
continuous and variable

continuous is rapidly extinguished (i.e. vending machine vs. slot machine)
pt projects feelings about formative or other important persons onto physician (e.g. psychiatrist = parent)

physician projects feeling about formative or other important persons onto patient

central goal of Freudian psychoanalysis?
make the patient aware of what is hidden in his/her unconscious
components of Freuds theory of the mind
Id - primal urge (drives)

Ego - mediator b/w primal urges and accepted behavior in reality

Superego - moral values, conscience (can lead to self-blame and attacks on ego)
2 types of social learning
1. Shaping - behavior achieved following reward of closer and closer approximations of desired behavior

2. Modeling - behavior acquired by watching others and assimilating actions into one's own repertoire
unconscious mental processes the ego uses to resolve conflict and prevent feelings of anxiety and depression
ego defenses
immature (primitive) ego defenses
1. acting out
2. dissociation
3. denial
4. displacement
5. fixation
6. identification
7. isolation of affect
8. projection
9. rationalization
10. reaction formation
11. regression
12. repression
13. splitting
unacceptable feelings and thoughts are expressed through actions (i.e. tantrums)

which ego defense?
acting out
temporary, drastic change in personality, memory, consciousness, or motor behavior to avoid emotional stress

can result in what?

ego defense?

can become multiple personality disorder (aka dissociative identify disorder)
avoidance of awareness of some painful reality

common in which pts?

ego defense?
- common reaction in newly diagnosed AIDS and CANCER pts
mother places blame on child because she is angry at her husband

type of ego defense?

- process whereby avoided ideas and feelings are transferred to some neutral person or object (vs. projection)
men obsessed with sports games

type of ego defense?
- partially remaining at a more childish level of development (vs. regression)
abused child sees himself as an abuser

type of ego defense?
- modeling behavior after another person who is more powerful (though no necessarily admired)
describing murder in graphic detail with no emotional response

type of ego defense?
isolation of affect
- separation of feelings from ideas and events
a man who wants another woman thinks his wife is cheating on him

type of ego defense?
- an unacceptable internal impulse is attributed to an external source
After getting fired, claiming that job was not important anyway

type of ego defense?
- Proclaiming logical reasons for actions acutally performed for other reasons to avoid self-blame
A pt with libidinous thoughts enters a monastery

type of ego defense?
Reaction formation
- Process wehereby a warded-off idea or feeling is repalced by an (unconsciously derived ) emphasis on its opposite
Seen in children under stress (e.g. betwetting) and in pts on dialysis (e.g. crying)

type of ego defense?
- turning back the maturational clock and going back to earlier modes of dealing with the world
Not remembering a conflictual or traumatic experience; pressing bad
thoughts into the unconscious

type of ego defense?
- involuntary withholding an idea or feeling from conscious awareness
a pt says that all nurses are cold and insensitive but that the doctors are warm and friendly

seen in which disorder?

type of ego defense?
- belief that people are either all good or all bad at different times due to intolerance of ambiguity

- seen in borderline personality disorder
mature ego defenses (4)
1. Altruism
2. Humor
3. Sublimation
4. Suppression
Mafia boss makes large donation to charity

type of ego defense?
- Guilty feelings alleviated by unsolicited generosity toward others
Nervous medical student jokes about the boards

type of ego defense?
- appreciating the amusing nature of an anxiety-provoking or adverse situation
Actress uses experience of abuse to enhance her acting

type of ego defense?
- Process whereby one replaces an unacceptable wish with a course of action that is similar to the wish but does not conflict with one's value system
Choosing not to think about the massive To-Do list until after the exam

type of ego defense?
- VOLUNTARY withholding of an idea or feeling from conscious awareness (vs. repression)