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43 Cards in this Set

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a detailed description of a particular person being studied or treated
case study
researchers carefully study and systematically record behavior without interfering with the study
observational study
purpose how long people or animals behave in their natural enviroments
naturalistic observational study
observe people and animals behaving in more controlled settings
lab observational study
3 characteristics of a good test
standardization, reliability, and validity
test is contructed to include uniform procedures for giving and scoring the test
(characteristc of a good test)
scores achieved on the test at one time and place should be consistent with the scores achieved at another time and place
(characteristic of a good test)
ability of a test to measure what it was designed to measure
(characteristic of a good test)
the variable you control in an experiment
independent variable
the result that depends on the other variable
dependent variable
distinctive and relatively stable pattern of behaviors, thoughts, motives, and emotions that characterizes and indvidual
a characteristic of an individual, describing, a habitual way of behaving, thinking, and feeling
operaytes according to the PLEASURE PRINCIPLE
operates according to the REALITY PRINCIPLE
more idea, conscience
theories that explain behavior and personality in terms of unconscious dynamics within the individual
Psychodynamic theories
two-way interaction between aspets of the enviroemnt and aspects of the individual in the shaping of personality triats
Reciprocal Determinism
aspects of individual in RD
temperment, learned habits, perceptions
aspects of situation in RD
oppertunites, rewards, punishments
program of shared rules that govern the behavior of members of a society
culture in which the self is regarded as autonomous nad indivdual goals in wishes
individualistic culture
cultures in which the self is regarded as embedded in relationshps
harmony in group is prized
collectivest culuture
time is sequential and important in culture
monochronic culture
schedules are less valued then people
plychronic cultures
a discredited theory that different brain areas account for specific character and personality traits, which can be"ready" from bumbs on the skull
perspective that focuses on how bodily events affect behavior, feelings ,and thoughts
biological perspective
perspective that is concerned with how the enviroment and experience affect a persons actions
learning perspective
perspective that emphasizes on what goies on in people's heads, (how they reason, remember everything)
cognitive perspective
perspective that focuses on social and cultural forces outside the individual
sociocultural perspective
perspective that deals with unconcious dynamics within the individual
psychodynamic perspective
range of coefficiant correlation
-1 to 1
a descriptive study that looks for a relationship btween two phenomena
correlation study
tells how clustered or spread out the individual scores are around the mean
standard deviation
the concept of a kid wanting to get rid of the same sex parent to marry the other
oedipus complex
the central problem in life is to find a blance between the need ofr independence and need for others
obeject relations theories
standardized questionnaires that require qriting responses
objective tests
process which children learn the attitudes and behaviors expected of them by society
when you cannot take another person point of view becuase their thinking is diff than yours
then notion that pysical properties do not change when their forms or appearnces change, balls of clay squished
a theory when parents appeal fo the childs own abilityes, empathy (not spanking)
a common network of belifs and expectations about what it means to be male or gemale and about what heach is sex is uppsed to do wear, feel, and think
gneder schema
the capacity for deductive reasoning and the ability to use new info to solve problems
fluid intelligence
consists of the knowledge and skills that are built up over a lifetime, arithmitic, defintions
crystallized intelligence