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44 Cards in this Set

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Relatively mild mental disorder in which person hasn't lost contact with reality
Severe mental disorder in which person has lost contact with reality
Jumpiness, trembling, not able to relax...
Motor tension
Racing heart, perspiration, dizziness
Results in phobias
Apprehensive expectations and thoughts
Persistent anxiety for at least a month, but can't come up with a reason why
Generalized Anxiety Disorder
Recurrent, sudden onset of intense terror
Panic disorders
Irrational, overwhelming, persistent fear of particular object or situation
Phobic disorders
Anxiety provoking thoughts that will not go away and/or urges to perform repetitive ritualistic disorders to prevent or produce some future situation
Obsessive Compulsive disorder
Develops through exposure to traumatic event
Post-traumatic stress disorder
Psychological symptoms that take a physical form even though no physical cause can be found
Somatoform disorder
Pervasive fear of illness and disease that never really happens
Experience genuine, physical symptoms even though no physiological cause can be found
Conversion disorder
Sudden loss of memory or change in identity
Dissociative disorders
Memory loss caused by extensive psychological stress
Develops amnesia but also travels away and assumes new identity
When someone has two or more distinct personalities within themselves
Dissociative Identity Disorder
Wide emotional swings ranging from deep depresion to extreme euphoria and agitation
Mood disorders
Deeply unhappy, demoralized, self-derogitory and bored, changes in appetite and sleep patterns, decreased energy, feelings of worthlessness, guilt feelings that prompt suicide
Major Depression
Extreme mood swings
Bipolar disorder
Distorted thoughts or perceptions, odd communication, inappropriate emotion, abnormal motor behavioral, and social withdrawal
Schizophrenic disorders
Delusions and halucinations that have no meaning
Disorganized schizo
Bizarre motor behavior, includes being completely immobile
Catatonic schizo
Delusions of reference, grander, and persecution
Paranoid schizo
Characteristics of all three types of schizo
Undifferentiated schizo
Develop when personality traits become inflexible and maladaptive, and usually cannot tell the difference from others
Personality disorders
Appear to be in contact with reality, but most behavior is distasteful
Anxious-fearful cluster disorder
Dramatic, emotional, and erratic cluster personality disorders
Grandiose sense of self, need for admiration, lack of empathy
Important to analyze person's learning history to etermine the extent to which religious behavior has been rewarded, punished or imitated
Behavioral religion
Understanding the key to religiousness resides deep within the unconscious mind
Psychoanalytic religion
Individuals are believed to have instinctual needs that they are not aware of, such as needs for safety and security, which are met by relating to a higher power
Psychoanalytic religion
Person's most important needs include growth, purpose, and express values
Humanistic religion
Humans have innate tendencies to fulfill their potential and express values
Humanistic religion
Individuals adopt a particular religious stance because of the experiences they have in the culture in which they live
Sociocultural religion
What a person does to answer basic existential questions of life
Conscious dependency on a diety or God
Institutional, organizational, ritual, and ideological
Personal, affective, experiential and thoughtful
Change from having no religious belief to accepting a religious belief as one's own or the process of changing from one religious belief system to another
Religious conversion
Involves religious motives that lie within person (LIVES the religion)
Intrinsic Religious Orientation
Involves personal motives that lie outside the religion itself (USE the religion)
Extrinsic Religious Orientation
Searching and exploring religious issues while being satisfied in not finding answers and being awre of one's limitations in the faces of existential questions