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130 Cards in this Set

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Alcohol Withdrawal symptoms
Occur minutes to days after last drink

- Autonomic hyperactivity (tremors, sleep disturbances, insomnia, nightmares)
- N/V
- auditory visual, and tactile hallucinations (bugs and snakes common)
- psychomotor agitation
- anxiety
- grand mal seizure--> sttus epilepticus --> death
- elevated temperature, BP, pulse
Delerium Tremens (or Alcohol Withdrawal Delirium)
24-72 hours after last drink

- elevated vital signs (T>= 100, P>= 100)
- Restless, tremulousness (do fingertip assessment), agitation, hyperalertness
- sound/light sensitive
- illusions/hallucinations
- medical emergency or death may occur if not treated

librium valium, ativan used for treatment of withdrawals
When does withdrawal from opioids start
12- 16 hours after last use
** find out when last use was!

Will subside in 5-10 days if no treatment
Symptoms of opioid withdrawal
- good bumps
- watery eyes
- rhinitis
- yawning
- sneezing
- diaphoresis
- dilated pupils
- tremors
- restlessness
- irritability
- muscle cramps
- abdominal cramps
- nausea
- vomiting
- diarrhea
- fever
Methamphetamine use can cause
- neuro toxic effects destroy brain cells containing dopamine and serotonin
- Parkinson like symptoms may develop

longer use:
- cracked teeth
- skin infections
- strokes
- lung disease
- kidney damage
- liver damage
- birth defects
- death
CAGE screening test for alcoholism
- have you ever tried to CUT down on your drinking?
- have people ANNOYED you by criticizing your drinking?
- have you every felt bad or GUILTY about your drinking?
- have you ever had a drink first thing in the morning to steady your nerves? (EYE OPENER)
Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment of Alcohol
3 phases of abuse
tension building
honeymoon phase
Hans sayle
stress related response research --> dilated pupils
wrote book about waxy-like postures of severely abused child
#1 legality factor
if believe that threats will be acted upon (i believe him when he says he will kill me)
Bistandard effect
no one stepping up to say stop (ie: a group of men gang-raping a girl)
Dating red flags
- partner tells you who u can and cannot see
- gets upset when u spend time with friends and famiy
- verbally puts u don't in front of thers
- pressures to have sex
- extreme jealousy
- destroys property
- upset when late
- grabs, chokes, hits, pushes
- pressure to do drugs
- threatens to hurt you or pets if break up
- begs for forgiveness
resend what said, children do this especially if scared
Abuse #, 24 hour hotline
1-800-96- ABUSE
Finkelhor (theorist)
lookes at individuals that have been victims and there are 4 things that they have to deal with:
- betrayal
- anger
- depression
- stigma
Alcohol dependence
- tolerance and withdrawal
- cognitive, behavioral, and physiologic
- more intake than intended over time
- persistent desire with no success to cut down
- social, occupational, and recreational given up because of drinking
- significant amount of time spent doing stuff to obtain alcohol
- over 12 month period
- continued drinking despite knowledge of physical or psychological problem
Alcohol abuse
within 12 months:
- recurrent drinking resulting in failure to fulfill major role obligations in work, school, or home
- recurrent drinking in situations in which it is physically hazardous
- recurrent alcohol related legal problems
- continued despite persistent or recurrent social or interpersonal pro
blems caused by it
Illness characterized by compulsion, loss of control and continued patterns of abuse despite perceived negative consequences
- obsession with dysfunctional habit
Psychological dependence- continuous or intermittent craving for a substance to avoid a dysphoric or unpleasant mood
Person's ability to obtain a desired affect from a substance and the need to increase dosage to obtain it over time
Physiologic dependence
- physical effects after multiple uses of a substance that result in withdrawal if substance is stopped
Behavioral dependence
- Substance seeking activities and pathological use patterns of the person using the substances
- Behavioral patterns of family members/friends who have been significantly affected by the other;s substance use or abuse
- Behavior that perpetuates another persons substance use or abuse
Biologic theory of drug abuse
- All drugs of abuse stimulate dopamine secretion
- brains of addicts have fewer dopamine receptors
- Individuals risk for addiction may be due to high level of stress hormone, a deficit of dopamine function that is temporarily corrected by the substance
Behavioral or learning theories
- Addiction results from the positive effect of mood alterations and reduction of feelings of fear and anxiety that one experience when using a substance
Sociocultural Theories
- Potential for addiction is affected by economic conditions, cultural, ethnic traditions, companionship and approval of other drug users
Psychodynamic theory
- Individuals who use substances fixed oral or infantile level of development
- Abusers searches for immediate gratification of needs or ways to escape tension
ETOH shortens and individuals life by
12-15 years
Alcohol level and alcohol poisoning
0.8 and ~5 or greater (if tiny person can be less)

Someone's liver could also be "used" to it
Alcohol Abuse does not include-
tolerance, withdrawal, or pattern of compulsive use

- have to have one of the previously listed definition choices
Opioid related disorders
- drugs derived from poppy plant used for pain relief
- Natural (morphine)
- semi-synthetic (heroin)
- Synthetic forms (codeine/methadone)
- take orally, inhale, inject

- user becomes passive and listless
- decreased feelings of hunger, thirst, pain, and sexual desires (usually dehydrated)
Withdrawal from opioids begins
12-16 hours after the last done
Withdrawal can be done by-
- symptom based management
- Suboxone (buprenorphinr and naloxone) 4mg twice a day for 2 days, 2mg twice a day for 2 days, then done
--carefully prescribed so it doesn't become like methadone
- effects felt in 15 min and last about 204 hours
- affects mood, thinking, behavior, and judgement
- may cause hallucinations
- stored in fat cells so stays in body for like 30 days
- possible gateway drug
- most commonly abused drug
- coco plant from South America
- short acting CNS stimulant

* Chest pain common, can die of acute MI
- fastest growing drug threat
- highly addictive stimulant
- neuro toxic effects destroy brain cells containing dopamine and serotonin

- parkinson like symptoms develop
- longer term used: cracked teeth, skin infections, strokes, lung disease, kidney damage, liver damage, birth defects and death
- Clinical Institute Withdrawal Assessment of Alcohol
- used to aid in management of alcohol withdrawal
- Structures assessment that guides orders for medications
Drug Screens
- Urine or blood
- tests for specific substances requested
- Depends on 1/2 life of drug if it will be present
- hair
Impaired Nurse
- higher rates of addiction than general public
- some are chemically dependent
Signs of impaired nurse
- more pts complaining of pain when RN working or not sleeping even though medicated
- RN leaving the unit or in the bathroom frequently
- RN wants to work more shifts or is an overachiever
Residential Treatment
- away from influences to focus on recovery
- need to be detoxed prior to beginning
- interdisciplinary

ie: 28 day program
Self help groups
Dual Diagnosis
- Expect to be the norm not exception
- Treatment programs need to focus on both the mental health issue and the substance issue simultaneously
- Staff need to be knowledgeable about mental health disorders and substance disorders and the treatment that goes with it
- Staff needs to be non-judgmental about substances
Korsakoff's psychosis
-a form of amnesia characterized by a loss of short-term memory and inability to learn new skills
- A CNS disorder associated with alcoholism

- confabulation
- disorientation
Wernicke's encephalopathy
- a CNS disorder associated from alcoholism

- double vision
- involuntary and rapid eye movements
- lack of muscular coordination
- decreased mental function
- may be mild or severe
Alcohol intoxication
- occurs after recent ingestion of alcohol
- evidenced by behavioral changes such as decreased inhibition, impaired social or occupational functioning, fighting, or impaired judgement

- may exhibit mood changes
- increased verbalization
- impaired attention span
- irritability
- slurred speech
- disorientation
- facial flushing
- lack of coordination
- unsteady gait
- nystagmus
- impaired memory
stupor or coma
- gives people " super human strength"
Michigan Alcohol Screening Test
Physical indicators of child abuse
- bruises that do not break skin, usually found on posterior in unusual patterns or clusters
- various stages of healing
- burns- buttocks, palms, soles of feet, wrists, ankles, genitals
- lacerations, abrasions, welts, and scars may be noted on lips, eyes, face, and external genetalia
- missing or loosened teeth
- separation, stiff, swollen, enlarged joints
- head injuries
- internal injuries
- make sure you know child's medical hx
Munchausen's syndrome by proxy
biologic mother, father, or female caregiver fabricates or deliberately causes illness or injury in the child in order to gain sympathy or attention for themselves
Shaken Baby syndrome
- form of child abuse
- leading cause of brain injury in infants
- shakes child violently
Physical findings of shaken baby syndrome
- bruising from being grabbed firmly
- major head injury such as a subdural hematoma or cerebral edema
- blindness (reitnal hemorrhage)
- cerebral palsy
- cognitive impairment
- death
Behavioral indicators of abuse
- depends on age and frequency of abuse, and severity
- fear of parents or adult physical contact
- extreme passivity or aggression, crying often or seldom
- sudden regressive behaviors
- learning problems that can't be diagnosed
- inappropriate dress (to hide abuse)
- excessive compliance to avoid confrontation
- sporadic temper tantrums
- violence toward other children or animals
- demanding behavior
Indicators of emotionally abused or neglected child
- low self concept
- "It's all your fault"
- rejection or immature behaviors of parents or caretakers
- continued friction or conflict at home
- discriminatory treatment of the children
- shuttering
- enuresis or encopresis
- Deliquency, truancy, or disciplinary problems
- hypochondriasis
- autism or failure to thrive
- overeating
- childhood depression
- suicide attempts
Physical sexual abuse indicators
- itching, pain, bruising, bleeding of external genetalia, vagina, or anal area
- edema of cervix, vulva, perineum
- torn, stained, or bloody undergarments
- stretched hymen at a very young age
- semen or STD
- pregnancy in an older child
- bladder infections
Behavioral sexual abuse indicators
- fear of being touched
- difficulty walking or sitting
- reluctance to participate in recreational activities
- poor peer relationships
- deliquency, truancy, acting out, running away
- preoccupation with sexual organs of self or others (in young children)
- sexual promiscuity or prostitution (older children)
- change in sleeping patterns, nightmares, or sudden fear of falling asleep
- bedwetting or thumb sucking (inappropriate to age)
- use of drugs or alcohol
Factors contributing to Domestic violence
- neurologic impairments, agitate depression, antisocial or borderline
- drug abuse and alcohol
- lack of nurturing and mothering during childhood so are unable to nurture themselves
-poor socioeconomic conditions (increased stress, etc)
- poor communication skills
- learned behavior
- may increase after death of family member, loss of job, move, physical or mental illness, developmental change, or pregnancy or birth
Profile of abuser
- usually male (but not always!)
- low self esteem
- beleive that man should be head of household
- jealousy from insecurities and fears
- grew up in violent home
- use force and blame
- denial
Profile of abuse victim
- raised with rigid traditional views regarding male and female roles
- exposure to violence as a child
- getting married as a teenager
- learned helplessness
- religious or cultural beleifs about gender roles
when are victims at greatest risk
when trying to leave or when pregnant
When abuse goes public
- sign of escalation
- abuser doesn't care who sees it cause they are doing it anyways
If choked- Make sure to look....
- behind the ear for choke marks and tongue may be bluish, purple
Phases of abuse
1. tensions building phase
2. beating/abuse
3. Honeymoon phase
Hans Sayle
stress research
- dilated pupils
In 70's wrote a book about battered child and stated that if a child is seriously physically or emotionalloy abused then you can put then in an odd posture that they will stay in (waxy)
signs of a male abuser
- hovering around
- hard to isolate woman so can talk to
** act like going to take an x-ray or a urine sample
Nurses are mandatory reporters for-
elderly, children, and disabled
#1 legality factor
Belief that his threats will be acted on
"I believe him when he says he is going to kill me!"
Pit Bull vs. cobra abuser
Pit bull- outwardly aggressive
cobra- sneaky, gonna get ya (worse!)
Armed abuser
Possible elderly abuse indicators
- bruising, lacerations, various stages of healing, evidence of sexual abuse, statement of vitim, contractures, decubiti, malnutrition, dehydration
Bistandard effect
like in a gang rape no one stepping in to say stop
Some mothers that have been abused suffer from psychoses, putting them at higher risk for
further abuse or them actually abusing their children
something done to a person
omission, something left out
Hard abuse to prove
emotional (no physical marks)
on assessment..
spend a lot of time on skin!, get in hair, covered areas, look between fingers and toes
assessment of genetalis in children (position)
frog legs
resend what they have said (children do this a lot) especially when afraid or threated that dad will go to prison if they say something or are threatend by abuser to hurt them or mom
conflict of interest
- can't be nurse for abuser and victim (cause this would be bad in court)
#1 risk for deliquency in youth
Do not make...
promises you can not keep!!
tell child
it was not their fault

and NEVER give up on a child
Florida abuse hotline
1-800-96 ABUSE

call where child can hear you and they can talk to person too so they know who is coming to talk to them
- theorist
- people that are victims have 4 things they must deal with
1. betrayal (people that love them are hurting them)
2. anger (towards others or self)
3. depression
4. stigma (like their is something wrong with them)
Shaken baby syndrome are more with female or male babies?

- "males shouldn't cry" or cry is worse with higher pitch

- can cut off oxygen to brain
Mandatory reporters
- physicians
- nurses
- medical examiners
- social workers
- school teachers
- mental health professional
Major differences in neuroleptic malignant syndrome, serotonin syndrome and alcohol withdrawal
- BP and other vitals go UP in alcohol withdrawal but not in others
Neuroleptic malignant syndrome
- lead pipe rigidity
Both neuroleptic malignant syndrome and alcohol withdrawal have...
seizures- can be fatal!
With detox main concern is..
Conduct disorder
- trouble with authority
- destruction of property
- hurting animals, small children, homeless (things considered less than them)

AFTER conduct disorder and BEFORE antisocial
Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)
trouble with authority figures (best to treat now before gets worse)

- this is BEFORE conduct disorder
Antisocial personality disorder
- onset before age 15
- may appear normal, but starting having problems with law as a child and continued into adulthoos
- lack of remorse (lack of empathy for victims or people in general)
- at least 18 yo
- evidence of conduct disorders before age 15

If before 18 can be called "cluster B traits"
Borderline personality disorder
- most challenging and prevalent
Personality disorder
- nonpsychotic illness characterized by MALADAPTIVE BEHAVIOR, which the person uses to fulfill his or her needs and bring satisfaction to him or herself.
Cluster A
- paranoid
- schizoid
- schizotypal
- IN TOUCH with reality but are distrustful and suspicious
- unfounded beliefs that others what to harm, exploit, or deceive person
- emotional detachment
- uncooperative
- "super shy"
- odd and eccentric
- magical thinking
- no clear delusions or hallucinations
Cluster B
- antisocial
- borderline
- Histrionic
- Narcissistic
- instability of affect, identity, relationships
- fear of abandonment
- splitting
- manipulation
- impulsive
- self mutilation or possible suicidal
- most challenging and most prevalent
- emotional attention seeking
- needs to be center of attention
- seductive and flirtatious
- vain, self absorbed, fickle, dramatic
- uses physical appearance to draw attention
- consider relationships more intimate than actually are
- shallow emotions, people think they are fake
- may bring gifts, don't accept
- difficulty in handling criticism
- arrogance
- grandiose views of self
- need for consistent admiration
- lack of empathy--> strains on relationships
- sensitive to criticism
- chronic or difficult to treat
- may use meds to treat mood swings (treat depression)
Cluster C
- Avoidant
- Dependent
- Obsessive- Compulsive
- social inhibition and avoidance of all situations that require interpersonal contact
- despite wanting close relationships, due to extreme fear of rejection
- anxious in social situations
- extreme dependency in a close relationship with urgent search to find a replacement if one ends
- most frequently seen personality disorder seen in clinical setting
Limit setting is good for
- important, especially for antisocial and borderline
Assertiveness is good for
dependent and histrionic disorders
If they want social isolation (like in schizoid or schizotypal)
respect that
Combination of meds for personality disorders
antidepressant, anxiolytic, antipsychotic or combo
Dialectical behavioral therapy
- for borderline
- gradual behavioral changes that provides acceptance and validation
- they are very frequently suicidal or have self-mutilating behaviors

1. individual therapy
2. group therapy (socialization skills)
3. Phone calls with therapist between sessions
4. Consults with therapist
Cluster A treatment
- treated with low dose antipsychotics and antidepressants
Cluster B treatment
- mood stabalizers and anticolvulsants
Cluster C treatment
- antianxiety meds
Clusters that severity of disease goes down over time
Cluster A and B severity goes down over time but C does not
Personality disorders are normally associated with-
abuse, neglect, and separation from parents
Treatment for paranoid
low dose antipsychotics and SSRIs
why is treatment of personality disorders difficult?
- they mistrust everyone and don't trust meds or doctors
Signs of fetal alcohol syndrome
- small head circumfrance
- small eyes
- Low nasal bridge
- Epicanthal folds
- Minor ear abnormalities
- Thin upper lip
- Receding jaw
- Short palpebral fissures
- Short nose
- Flat midface
- limb and cardiac defects
ecstacy (MDMA) adverse effects
- critical elevation of BP, P
- Severe hyperthermia
- heart and kidney failure
- brain damage
Meth adverse effects
- dramatic CNS effects
- increased energy and alertness
- decreased appetite
- convulsions
- Hyperthermia
- Tremors
- Cardiac arrythmia
Stages of change model (alcohol and substance abuse)
- Precontemplation (unaware of problem)
- Contemplation (pros, cons)
- Preparation (support, tx options)
- Determination (support)
- Action (support and monitor efficacy)
- Maintenance (identify pos. coping, problem solving, groups)
- Relapse (identify triggers that lead to relapse and prevention for future)
Medical problems associated with substance abuse
- cardiovascular
- respiratory infections
- Renal failure and rhabdomyolysis
- Neuro- Seizures, dementia, amnesia
- Endocrine- amenorrhea, hyperthryoid mimic
- Obstetric complications
- oral
- malnutrition, F&E, skin, impotence, HIV/AIDS
Antipsychotics for personality disorders
Haldol- arrythmias, EPS
Zyprexa- weight gain, EPS
Risperdal- monitor for GI, tachy, weight gain, EPS
Anticonvulsants for personality disorders
Tegretol- liver function, skin
Depakote- liver, ammonia, rash
Antidepressants for personality disorders
Prozac- SSRI
Effexor- HTN, dreams, tremors
Antianxiety agents for personality disorders
Anafranil- anticholinergic
Klonopin- liver, paradoxical excitement first 2 weeks