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174 Cards in this Set

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Positive symptoms of schizophrenia include
hallucinations, delusions
Schizoaffective disorder is a combination of which 2 diseases
schizophrenia and bipolar
Traditional meds ________ dopamine
decrease or block
The biggest reason to change someone from a traditional psychotic med to a atypical is
A late symptom of EPS is
tardive dyskinesia
The treatment for EPS is
anticholinergic (benadryl or cogentin)
What do you do for a pt that develops neuromalignant syndrome
It is an emergency, hold med, cooling measures and hydration
Thorazine, Haldol, Mellaril and Prolixin are which type of antipsychotic
Clozaril, Risperdal, Zyprexa, Geodon, Seroquel and abilify are what type of antipsychotic
2nd generation
A side effect of all atypical antipsycotics
weight gain
Clozaril, a atypical antipsychotic, can cause which emergency problem
Agranulocytosis, if pt reports any s/s of illness or injury check WBC
Akathesia is characterized by
Antipsychotics are ______ to OD on
not very easy
EPS symptoms
Parksonians, acute dystonia, tardive dyskinesia, akathesia
What would you see in a pt with acute dystonia
neck ridgitity
This symptom of EPS does not go away once you have it
Tardive dyskinesia
If a pt presents with EPS symptoms what drug would you give?
An anticholinergic such as cogentin or benadryl
Symptoms of EPS depend on
Old meds target _____ symptoms
Z meds are the worst meds for
weight gain (Zyprexa)
New meds target ________ symptoms
positive and negative
What med would you give to a pt with neuro malignant syndrome
A muscle relaxant- parlodel or dantrolene
With Geodon what do you need to watch out for?
Cardiac hx
Which antidepressant is your 1st line therapy
TCA's should not be given if the patient has
cardiac hx
TCA's work well but can be ___________
deadly in OD
Elderly pt taking a TCA should be taught that a common side effect is _____________ they are at higher risk of _______
hypotension, fall
Serotonin Syndrome is common in which antidepressant class
S/S serotonin syndrome
Agitation, tremorous, jittery, confusion, increase HR and BP, fever, sweating, muscle ridgitity, cardiovascular collapse
SSRI's should not be give with which other drug?
Common side effect in SSRI affecting 70%
Sexual dysfunction
Sexual dysfunction can also occur with which class of antidepressants
This drug class is the 3rd choice due to danger of HTN crisis
Which MAOI's which foods need to be avoided
There are 2 mood stabilizers used for bipolar what are they
Lithium and antiepileptic drugs
How is lithium excreted
by kidneys
Pts taking lithium must be informed to do what with there diet
maintain normal salt intake- the levels of sodium and lithium in the body must balance. They must also stay hydrated.
The normal plasma level of Lithium is
0.8 to 1.5 mEq/L
Adverse effects of Lithium at therapeutic level include
n/d/ abd pain (take with meals)
Weight gain, polyuria (need 800ml h20/day) Renal toxicity (monitor labs) Goiter and hypothyroidism (reversible) and Tetratogenesis (Category D-avoid in pregnancy)
Lithium toxicity occurs at levels around ________- and includes what s/s
2.0 severe n/v/d, course tremors, neuro- slurred speech
Lithium interacts with which drugs
Antiepileptics used for bipolar include
valproic acid, tegretol and lamictal
Stevens Johnson Syndrome is a adverse reaction to which mood stabilizer
Lamotrigine (Lamictal)
What needs to be monitored and why when giving a pt valproic acid
LFT- and PLT
can cause liver failure and thrombocytopenia
Side effect of Valproic acid and how to fix it
N/V take with food
Alcohol w/d s/s
tachycardia, hypertension
w/d assessment should last
3-5 days
Wernicke symptoms
diplopia, ataxia, somnolence
a pattern of substance use that has caused recurrent and significant consequences r/t repeated use of substance repeatedly during a 12 month period
Substance Abuse
must have 3 or more criteria over 12 months or longer but may or may not have physiological dependence on substance
Substance Dependence
A need for a substance in greater amounts to achive desired effect
physiological and mental maladaptation occuring when a substance is stopped
The cage questionare asks what questions
A reversible substance specific syndrome due to recent ingestion defines what
An immediate result at a low cost with a narrow window of assessment used to detect alcohol
breath analysis
Intoxication in most states is a BAL = to
Etoh, sedative-hypnotics, benzo's and barbiturates belong to which class of substances
Name 5 stimulant substances
Amphetamine, cocaine, crack, nicotine, caffeine
Name 3 Hallucinogens
LSD, Ecstasy(MDMA), PCP
Name the 4 classes of substances
depressants, stimulants, hallucinogens, narcotic/analgesics
tremor, restlessness, anorexia, insomnia, agitation, increased activity, increased alertness, elation, are symptoms of which substance class intoxication
Amphetamines effect
increase BP, HR, relax bronchial smooth muscle and vasoconstrict
Cocaine affects which organ of the body
Priority nursing dx for a pt on hallucinogens is
danger to self or safety
Physical effects of hallucinogens include
n/v, pupil dilation, increased temp, BP Pulse Decreased RR, loss of appetite, insomnia, sweating, elevated BS, seizure and coma
With this substance class it is possible to have flashbacks years later
Wernicke's Encepalopathy s/s
ataxia, mental status changes, paralysis of eye
Wernickes is reversible with
Tremors, anorexia, insomnia, tachycardia, HTN, agitation, N/V, hallucinations are withdrawal signs of which substance
DT's start ____ to _____ hours after last drink
anxiety, intolerance to brightness or loudness, muscle twitch, seizure are withdrawal signs of which substance
Opiod w/d causes which s/s
muscle cramps, bone pain, diarrhea, piloerection, temperature fluctuation, craving, pupil dilation, dysphoria
Which substances are at highest risk of having sucidal thoughts during w/d
amphetamines and cocaine
Fatigue, depression, vivid bad dreams, psychomotor and sleep disturbances, increased appetite are w/d symptoms of
amphetamines/ cocaine
When detoxing a pt from sedative/hypnotics do you stop the drug immediatly
No , gradually decrease dose. May use tegretol
Methadone decreases ________
craving for opiods
Benzos are used for labile violent behavior in which drug pt that is detoxing from
What is the intervention for cocaine or amphetamine detox
no physiologic
A patient that is intoxicated from drinking too much is at risk for
# 1 priority for nursing care of a paranoid person
Develop trust
Paranoid patients often use ____________ as a defence mechanism
Tense, guarded, suspicious and argumentative (may hurt others) is the s/s of this
These patients are consumed with delusion, have flat affect
To be diagnosed schizoaffective symptoms of schizophrenia and another mood disorder must be present for
longer than 1 month
positive schizophrenia symptoms are related to _________________ process
Negative symptoms of schizophrenia are related to
structural changes in brain and hypodopaminergic process
flat affect, withdrawl and low functioning are positive or negative types of schizophrenia
Delusions are driven by
Positive symptoms of schizophrenia include delusions, religiousity, paranoia, distorted ______________ and hallucinations
sense of self such as echolalia, echopraxia, and depresonalization
Objective signs of schizophrenia include
alteration in personal relationships- isolation (spends 6-8 hrs in room), alteration of activity, agitation
Delusional disorder includes 5 subtypes
grandiose, jealousy, persecutory, somatic and erotomanic (criterion A -positive symptoms is never met)
Brief psychotic disorder lasts
less than 1 month
How many positive symptoms (criterion a) must a patient have to be dx with brief psychotic disorder
1 or more
Schizophreniform disorder is also called
1st break
How long does schizophreniform disorder last
1-6 months
When you have a disruptive patient there are 6 things you must do, name them
Set LIMITS, Decrease STIMULI, OBSERVE for escalating behavior, minimize potential WEAPONS, do invoke CONSEQUENCES when violations occur, SAFETY
6 things you should do for a withdrawn patient
provide non threatning activities, arrange furniture so patients sit together, assist with decision making, 1x1 with RN, grooming and hygeine, Resocialization
Be matter of fact, dont laugh or whisper, clarify misperceptions, dont touch without warning, be consistant and maintain eye contact are all things you should do with a _____________ patient
A mental status where one struggles to distinguish the external world from internally generated perceptions is ______
Common symptoms of psychosis include
hallucinations, delusions, disorganized thinking
This brain disease disrupts perceptions, thinking, feelings and behaviors
Are males or females more at risk for developing schizophrenia? at what age?
Female in their 20's
To be diagnosed with schizophrenia you must have ___ symptoms which may include hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech, disorganized/catatonic behavior, negative symptoms
Which drugs are effective in treating (not curing) schizophrenia
What plays a major role in the onset/relapse of schizophrenia
Patients with which disease often dont recognize their own illness (denial)
schizophrenia- think its just stress
What is echolalia
repeating words
What is echopraxia
imitating behaviors
What are the 4 A's
Affective disturbance (flat affect) Ambivalence (lack of initiative) Associative looseness (tie things together that dont relate) and Autism
Biologic causes of schizophrenia include
genetics, neurostructure and perinatal risk factors
Hebephrenic is also called
Hebephrenics are ______ functioning
Mimic, don't make sense, flat affect, regressive, disorganized speech are all signs of
Catatonics are _______ functioning
Catatonic symptoms are expressed by _______
body (psychomotor)
s/s of catatonic pt
immobily, waxy, stupor, excessive motor activity, negativity or mute, echolalia, echopraxia, peculiar movements
Highest nursing dx for a catatonic pt
self care deficit
Treatment for thought disorders includes
inpt stay to stabilize, outpt for psychotherapy, group therapy and social skills training
Name 2 mood disorders
Depressive and Bipolar
Depression is a ___________ of norepi, serotonin and dopamine
Depression may also have diminished release of which hormone
Which age group doesnt have a sense of the finality of death
adolecents- concrete to abstract
Major depressive disorder must contain ____ symptoms
4- sleep disturbance, psychomotor disturbance, fatigue, worthlessness, decreased concentration, thought of death
Dysthymic disorder key element is
CHRONICITY- it is less severe than MDD
Pysical signs of depression include
HA, fatigue, constipation and CP
Bipolar disorders are characterized by
mood swings from depression to euphoria (mania) with intervening periods of normalcy
Mania is due to ______ norepi and dopamine
Bipolar onset of symptoms may have a ____ pattern
A patient that has never met the critera for mania or mixed but has hypomania may be diagnosed
Bipolar 2
Stage 1 bipolar has symptoms that
are not severe enough to cause marked impairment in social or occupational functioning or to require hospitalization (hypomania)
Stage 2 of bipolar has symptoms that
cause marked impairment in functioning of mood, cognition and perception
This chronic mood disturbance must have numerous episodes of hypomania and depressed mood for 2 years but cannot meet criteria for bipolar 1 or 2
Cyclothymic disorder
#1 RN dx for mood disorders
risk for injury (not suicidal but agitation and poor boundaries, hypersexual in bipolar) Risk for suicide in depression
Low self esteem would be appropriate in which mood disorder
Self care deficit would be appropriate in which mood disorder
high protein high calorie fingerfoods are good for __________ patients
What type of therapy is used for depression but not mania?
ADHD is the most common dx with
depression and mania
Postpartum depression begins within ________ hours after delivery, peaks at ________ days and lasts _____ weeks
48, 3-5, 2
What is the drug of choice for maaintenance of bipolar pts?
What does lithium do in bipolar?
decreases hyperactivity
Traits become inflexible and maladaptive in what
personality disorders
Egosyntonic means (this is a symptom of a personality disorder)
-behaviors are disturbing to others
This personality disorder is characterized by exaggerated sense of self worth, lack of empathy, lack of humility, overly sensitive, project invulnerability, fantasizes about success
This personality disorder is characterized by always being in a state of crisis, sense of inner rage, fear of abandonment, splitting, impulsivity
This group of personality disorders are in the ER more than others
This group of personality disorders may get into abusive relationships
This personality disorder is characterized by shyness, overly sensitive to rejection, awkward in social setting, timid,
avoidant personality do
This personality disorder is characterized by pervasive needs cared for, fear of separation, allows others to make decisions, feels helpless, lack self confidence
dependent P.D
Splitting occurs when
internal perception is black and white
After a suicide attempt when is the greatest risk of another attempt
3months to 2 years
in constant 1:1 care how close must you be to the patient
within arms reach
After antidepressants are started in a suicidal patient they may
have enough energy and clarity to follow thru with plan
Antidepressants start working in
2 wks
Cluster A includes
Paranoid, schizoid or schizotypial
This personality disorder is characterized by distrust, suspiciousness, tence, cold, oversensitive, blames others
When dealing with a paranoid patient you should
Be matter of fact, tell them what you are doing
This personality disorder is characterized by defect in ability to form relationship or respond to others, often withdrawl, decreased intrest in sex, cold, constrictive affect
This personality disorder is characterized by desiring relationships but cant carry thru, magical thinking, illusions, depersonalization, bland
This personality disorder is characterized by irresponsibility, disregard for rights of others, charming initially, cannot sustain job, manipulative, impulsive,
This personality disorder is characterized by colorful, dramatic behavior, party people, drama queens, attention seeking, manipulative, center of attention
When dealing with a borderline personality pt they need
consistency- DBT works well too
When dealing with a dependent personality disorder pt you should use this therapeutic technique
This personality disorder is characterized by serious, difficulty expressing emotions, rigid, cold, perfectionist, controlling, most common in oldest child
Obsessive Compulsive
This personality disorder is characterized by procrastination, stubborn, forgetful, pessimistic, seek retribution in subtle passive ways
passive aggressive
Cluster A includes
paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal
Cluster A RN dx include
social isolation, altered thought process, loneliness
Cluster B includes
Antisocial, borderline, histronic, narcissitic
Borderline pt is at risk for violence directed at
Antisocial people are a risk for violence to
Cluster B RN dx
risk for violence (need to set limits), disturbed self esteem, Ineffective coping, impaired social fx
Cluster C includes
avoidant, dependent, OCD, passive aggressive
Cluster C focus on
Cluster C RN dx
social isolation, altered communication, altered mood