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75 Cards in this Set

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Mental and physical condition that occurs when a person must adjust to the environment


Stress Reaction

Physical response to stress, consisting mainly of bodily changes related to autonomic nervous system arousal


General Adaptation Syndrome

A series of bodily reactions to prolonged stress; has three stages


Alarm Reaction

1st stage in GAS, during which bodily resources are mobilized to cope with a stressor

Stage one

Stage of Resistance

2nd stage in GAS, which the bodily adjustments to stress stabilize, but at a high physical cost

Stage two

Stage of Exhaustion

3rd stage of GAS, at this time the body's resources are exhausted and serious health consequences occur

Stage three


Study of the links among behavior, stress, disease and the immune system

A study

Primary Appraisal

Deciding if a situation is relevant to oneself and if it is a threat

To be a threat or not, that is the question?

Secondary Appraisal

Deciding how to cope with a threat or a challenge


Emotion-Focused Coping

Managing or controlling one's emotional reaction to a stressful or threatening situation

Controlling Emotions


A negative emotional state that occurs when one is prevent from reaching a goal


Problem-Focused Coping

Directly managing or remedying a stressful or threatening situation


Traumatic Stress

Extreme events that cause psychological injury or intense emotional pain

Extremely bad events that scar


Blaming a person or a group of people for conditions or intense emotional pain

Nazi Germany

Displaced Aggresstion

Redirecting aggression to a target other than the actual source of one's frustration

Taking it out on someone else


Apprehension, dread, or uneasiness similar to fear but based on an unclear anxiety

Defense Mechanism

A habitual and often unconscious psychological process used to reduce anxiety


Counteracting a real or imagined weakness by emphasizing desirable traits or seeking to excel in the area of weakness


Protecting oneself from an unpleasant reality by refusing to perceive it


A specific condition or event in the environment that challenges or threatens a person


A stressful condition that occurs when a person must meet urgent external demands or expectations


Justifying your behavior by giving reasonable and "rational', but false, reasons for it


Retreating to an earlier level of development or to earlier, less demanding habits


Working off unmet desires or unacceptable impulses in activities that are constructive

Mastery Training

Reinforcement of responses that lead to mastery of a threat or control over one's environment


Information given to a person about his/her ongoing bodily activities; aids voluntary regulation of physical states


A person that complains about illnesses that appear to be imaginary


A false belief held against all contrary evidence

Type A Personality

Personality type characterized by time urgency, anger and hostility. Elevated risk of heart disease.

Hardy Personality

Personality type characterized with personal commitment, feeling in control over their life, seeing life as a challenge, and a superior stress resistance


An outdated term once used to refer to a group of disorders.

Anxiety, Somatoform. etc


A psychosis characterized by delusions, hallucinations, apathy, and a personality that "splits" apart

Reaction Formation

Preventing dangerous impulses from being expressed in behavior by exaggerating opposite behavior

Learned Helplessness

Learnt inability to overcome obstacles or to avoid punishment; learned passivity and inaction to aversion stimuli

Social Readjustment Rating Scale (SRRS)

A scale that rates impact of various life events on the likelihood of illness

On the SRRS, what does 0-150 mean?

No health problems

On the SRRS, what does 150-199 mean?

Mild Life Crisis

On the SRRS, what does 200-299 mean?

Moderate Life Crisis

On the SRRS, what does 300 and up mean?

Major Life Crisis

Statistical Abnormality

Abnormality defined on the basis of an extreme score on some dimension, such as IQ or anxiety

Type B Personality

Personality type characterized by calmness, realistic, relaxed.

Not type A


Behavior arising from underlying psychological or biological dysfunctions that makes it difficult to adapt to the environment and meet day to day demands


The study of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorders; also abnormal or maladaptive behavior


An imaginary sensation, such as seeing, hearing, or smelling things that don't exist in the real world

Social Nonconformist

Failure to conform to societal norms or the usual minimum standards for social conduct

Why do we study Psychology?

To study the mind and learn about others and ourselves


Study of behavior

Name the four goals of Psychology





Hypothesis vs Theory

Hypothesis is a suggestion , an idea not yet put into motion or tested out

A theory is a tested explanation of something with given factors

Dependent vs Independent Variable

The independent is the control while the dependent is the result

Research Methods




Founder of the 1st Psychological lab

Wilhelm Wundt

Who brought Psychology to USA

Williams James

Gestalt Psychology

School of Thought, emphasizing the study of thinking, learning, and perception in whole units


School of thought that emphasizes the study of observable behavior


School of thought concerned with analyzing sensations and personal experiences into basic elements


School of thought concerned with how behavior and mental abilities help people adapt

Who is the father of Psychoanalysis?

Sigmund Freud

Freud's Theory

Childhood (below 7)

Sex- Gender

Stages of Development

Id-ego-Super ego



Psychodynamic Theory

Any theory of behavior that empathizes internal conflicts, motives, and unconscious focus


School of thought to explore unconscious conflicts

Insane vs Sane

When you are insane you don't see what you are doing wrong.

However when you are sane you know when you are doing right or wrong

Anxiety Disorder

Disruptive feelings of fear, apprehension, or anxiety

Delusional Disorder

A psychosis marked by serve delusions of grandeur, jealousy, persecution, or similar preoccupations

Psychotic Disorder

A severe mental disorder characterized by a retreat from reality, hallucinations and delusions, and by social withdrawal

Mood Disorder

A major disturbance in mood or emotion, such as depression or mania

Somatoform Disorder

Physical symptoms that mimic disease or injury for which there is no identifiable physical cause

Dissociative Disorder

Temporary amnesia, multiple personality, or depersonalization

Substance-related disorder

Abuse of, or dependence on, a mood- or behavior-altering drug

Depressive Disorders

Emotional disorders primarily involving sadness, despondency, and depression

Bipolar 1 Disorder

A mood disorder in which a person has episodes or mania and also periods of deep depression

Bipolar 2 Disorder

A mood disorder in which a person is mostly depressed but also had one or more episodes of mild mania

Dysthmic Disorder

Moderate depression that persists for two years or more

Cyclothymic Disorder

Moderare manic and depression behavior that persists for two years

Major Mood Disorders

Disorders marked by lasting extremes of mood or emotion and sometimes accompanied by psychotic symptoms