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59 Cards in this Set

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If a pt is in alcohol WD, always give BENZO’s, even if agitated;

NOT antipsychotics - symps will go away with tx by benzo’s fd

Do NOT use Flumazenil unless you know:

they OD’d on Benzo’s – it can lower sez threshold

realationship with current OR former pt is:

ALWAYS a no-go

informed consent ~~

benztropine mechanism =


remember that adjustment disorder doesn’t meet:

the full depression criteria

when presented with a kid/teen, always look for:


- ignore distractors like ODD, ADHD

- remember that it can manifest as irritability

MRI findings in Tourettes =

frontal lobe, possible BG or hippocampus atrophy

(if in doubt, go with frontal lobe)

treatment for aspirin OD =

activated charcoal

- do NOT induce vomiting

- stomach pump only if w/in hour of ingestion

treatment for Li2+ toxicity =


1. decrease dose

2. Propranolol

3. fluids

features of trisomy 21:


1. flat face

2. upslanting eyes

3. small, arched palate

4. short nose

BiPD: MZ twins have a >___% chance of both having it, while DZ ~~

MZ ~~ >50% in twin

DZ ~~ 25%

4 drugs that can cause delirium

1. thioridazine, other antipsychotics

2. TCA's

3. diuretics

4. Li2+

8 drugs that can cause dementia:

* antidepressants (esp. TCA's)
* antiHIST
* anti-Parkinson drugs
* anxiolytics (esp benzo's)
* CV drugs
* AED's
* corticosteroids
* opioids

5 medical causes of dementia:

1. B12 def.

2. tumors

3. subdural hematomas

4. thyroid (either)

5. alcohol

when in doubt, go with:


papilledema ~~

inc. intraocular pressure



1. water restriction

2. loop diuretics

3. NS to solve hyponatremia

acute stress disorder timing =

<1 mth

- o/w, PTSD

Tx PKU =

diet low in protein

make sure to read the question

at the end of the stem first

- try it out for the first few questions

conjunctiva - ALWAYS:

MJ intoxication

Tx Li2+ toxicity =


4 SE's of TCA's:

1. wt gain

2. sedation

3. arrythmias

4. OH

Buproprion mechanism =


don't ignore lab values;

check lab values



Flumazenil =

benzo antidote

"intrusive thought" =

OCD until proven o/w

Tx alcohol WD is ALWAYS:


NOT antipsychotic - doesn't matter if they're agitated

3 doses of benzo + respiratory depression =

benzo OD => Flumazenil

sez in bulimia or binge-eating ~~

improperly given bupropion

CSF 5-HIAA is low in:


ppl with narcolepsy enter REM ______________________________

almost immediately

- sleep to REM latency is DECREASED

OSA also ~~

decreased sleep latency

(take less time to fall asleep, cus they're tired all the time)

Hallucinogens are really the only substance of abuse that can't be r/o with a tox screen.

watch out for hallucinogens

CBT is almost always:

the right answer,

because it has way more evidence to support its use that other types of therapy.

schizophrenics have ___________________________ on brain imaging

diffuse corticol atrophy later in life
Vitamin B1 =

Social anxiety disorder has panic attacks in:

specific social situations - the gestalt is someone afraid of looking nervous when they meet new people.

CBT for:

phobias, including flying

DiGeorge features:


1. long, smooth philtrum

2. wide mouth w/ full lips

Fragile X features:


mc form of inherited MR

1. autistic characteristics

2. delayed speech

3. delayed motor

4. sensory deficits

5. large tests in males

Prader-Willi features:


1. MR

2. obesity

3. hypogonadism

4. almond-shaped eyes

Williams syndrome features:


1. excessively friendly

2. MR

Angelman features:


1. inappropriate laughter +/- hand flapping

2. speech deficit

3. MR

drugs that can cause depression:


1. Accutane: This drug treats severe acne.

2. AED’s

3. Benzo’s/barb’s

4. B-blockers

5. CCB

6. INF-a

7. Opioids:

8. Statins:

9. Varenicline

drugs that can induce mania:


1. antidepressants

2. steroids

3. Levodopa

4. methylphenidate/amph

5. synthroid

6. certain abx

6 drugs that can induce mania:

1. antidepressants

2. corticosteroids

3. Levodopa

4. methylphenidate/amph

5. synthroid

6. certain abx

drugs that can cause psychosis:


1. Dopa agonists (amantadine, pramipexole)

2. anti-cholinergics (benztropine, diphenhydramine)

3. MJ, cocaine, PCP, LSD

encoporesis is dx'd when child is:

**>4 y/o but had previously already been potty-trained**

enuresis is dx'd when child is:

>age 4

- always involuntary

- majority of cases remit by age 7, o/w behavior modification

Tx separation anxiety =


1. FT

2. CBT

3. antidepressant

separation anxiety timeline =

>1 mth

- parents often have anxiety themselves

autism dx =

2 social impairments, 1 communication, 1 repetitive behavior/stereotypy

difference b/w autism and Asperger's =

no problem with language or cognitive development

Tx autism =

intensive remedial education, BT, and antipsychotics to control mood lability

highest cognitive development of Rett disorder =

1 year

AED's are ________________
