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20 Cards in this Set

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Pos/Neg Reinforcement/Punishment?

You turn in hw on time
Teacher praises you
You turn in homework again on time
Positive reinforcement
Pos/Neg Reinforcement/Punishment?

you take aspirin for a headache
the headache goes away
you take aspirin next time you have a headache
negative reinforcement
Pos/Neg Reinforcement/Punishment?

you don't clean up your room when your parent asks you to
your parent yells at you
you clean up your room to avoid nagging
positive punishment
Pos/Neg Reinforcement/Punishment?

you violate curfew
you get grounded
you don't violate curfew next time
negative punishment
4 stages of observational learning and emulation (dr.?)
Bandura's ______:
1. attention
2. retention
3. motor reproduction
4. reinforcement or incentive
Definition of classical conditioning

and example
learning by which a neutral stimulus becomes associated with a meaningful stimulus and acquires the capacity to elicit a similar response

i.e.: flower, bee, fear
UCS definition & role in pavlov
uncontrolled stimulus
a stimulus that produces a response without prior learning

i.e.: dogs food
UCR definition & role in pavlov
uncontrolled response:
unlearned response automatically elicited by the UCS

i.e.: dog's saliva
CS def & role in pavlov
conditioned stimulus
previously neutral stimulus that will eventually come to elicit the conditioned response after being associated with UCS

i.e.: bell
CR def & role in pavlov
conditioned response
learned response to CS after CS-UCS pairing

(i.e.: dog salivating at bell)
Acquisition definition & factors
acquisition: the initial learning of the stimulus-response link

timing & contingency/predictability
Generalization (classical conditioning)

& ex.
the tendency of a new stimulus that is similar to the original CS to elicit a response similar to the CR

(i.e.: dogs salivating at sound of whistles)
Discrimination (classical conditioning)

& ex.
process of learning to respond to certain stimuli and not others

(i.e.: pavlov playing a whistle & not feeding the dog)
extinction (classical conditioning)
weakening of the CR in the absence of the UCS
Spontaneous recovery (classical conditioning & operant)
CR can return after a time delay without further conditioning
operant conditioning

(def. & dr.)
a type of learning in which behavior is strengthened if followed by a reinforcer or diminished if followed by a punisher

operant behavior
voluntary behavior that operates on the environment and produces rewarding or punishing stimuli
Law of effect

(def & dr. & experiment)
behaviors followed by positive outcomes are strengthened, negative outcomes = weakened

Thorndike, cat in cage w/ lever
Classical or Operant:

Is the organism learning associations between events it doesn't control?
classical or operant:

is the organism learning associations between the behavior and the resulting events?