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105 Cards in this Set

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components of a FULL mental status examination

Appearance, behavior, cooperation


thought processes




level of consciousness

insight and judgement




I - clinical psych disorders - eg. mood, anxiety, psychosis, delirium

II - personality and developmental disorders - MR, borderline

III - organic medical problem - hypothyroid

IV - psychosocial stressor -environment, relationships, work?

V - global 100pt assessment of functioning.
MDD lasts for?
>2 weeks
MDD is defined as what symptoms for >2 wks.
5/8 SIGECAPS symptoms lasting >2 weeks

S -sleep issues
I- interest loss/anhedonia
G- guilt
E- energy reduction/fatigue
C-concentration impairment
A-appetite changes
P-psychomotor disturbance -impaired motor
S- suicidal ideation - always assess and know when to admit
risk factors for successful suicide attempt?
>45 yo male, recently left alone and is violent or IVDA, w/ hx of attempt and depression, unemployment.
Dysthmia definition
chronic mood problem lasts >2yrs with depressed moods on most days and 2 of the following symptoms and no history of full blow depression

need 2 of these:

feelings of hopelessness

change in sleep


inability to concentrate

low self esteem

change in appetite
intital tx for dysthmic disorder
psychotehrapy CBT
bipolar disorder classification
bipolar I - depression with hx of one manic episode

bipolar II - despression with hx of one hypomanic episode

manic episode lasts >1 week (need 3 of the DIGFAST)

G- grandiose thoughts

F-fight of ideas = rapid transitions b/t ideas
A-goal oriented ACTIVITY
S-pressured speech
T-taking risks - sexual

hypomanic episode lasts > 3 days
biggest difference between hypomaniac and maniac episodes?
hypo - does NOT interfere with daily functioning

manic - interferes with daily functioning
MDD with psychotic features vs. schizoaffective disorder?
MDD w/ psy - mood disorder then later psychosis

schizoaffective - the psychosis (schizo) precedes the mood disorder. At least 2 weeks of psychosis without mood disorder
why is it so important to r/o bipolar in MDD pts before starting them on Fluoxetene (SSRI)?
b/c any pt with manic episodes (bipolar) who is not on a mood stabilizer as well will have induced manic episodes when on the SSRI
first line mood stabilizer in bipolar
what to watch out for in Li?
LFTs, TFTs,BUN/CR (RFT high), teratogenesis and wt gain
what is cyclothymia?
it's the dysthmia of bipolar (typeII)...

>2 yrs with mild mood disorder and hypomanic symptoms (cycling of shuffling of moods)

Tx : mood stabilizer or psychoT
adjustment disorder w/ depressed mood vs bereavement vs depression and the tx's?
bereavement - lasts 6 months, following a death, does not impair normal life. tx- time

adjustment disorder w/ depressed mood - starts 3 mo w/in inciting incident (death, loss) and resolves 6 mo after stressor is removed.impairs function and self isolation is common, Tx -therapy

depression - lasts for >6 mo, can happen post death or loss but will effect life and impairment is key, pt is irritable and mistrusting of others, etc. tx - ssri, cbt
Tx for acute anxiety?
BDZ specifically Xanax (alprazolam)
Tx for chronic anxiety, PTSD, GAD?
GAD spec - BuSPar (atypical anxiolytic)

others for chronic anxiety - SSRI
OCD tx?
behavorial/psychoT and SSRI over TCA d/t anti-ach side effects.
agorapobia tx?
B-b for the tachy and SSRI and Imipramine.
social speaking phobia, treatments?
shchizophrenia defined as?

+ symptoms? and - symptoms?
limits fnxn and severe psychosis, worsens over time.

+symptoms = delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts

- symptoms = anhedonia, echololia,flat affect, social withdrawal
how is schiZophrenia dx MADE?
2 or more sx in a 1 6 mo period for atleast 1 mo. and impairment for 6+mo.
what are the main EPS sx we worry about with high potency antipsychotics?
akesthesia = restlessness

acute dystonia - d/t anti-ach issues, hand wringing movements, writhing, spastcity, contractions, torticolis

dyskinesia = parkinsonism

tardive dyskinesia = facial tics, irreversible. after several months, lip smacking also seen.
good prognosis in schizophrenia can be seen with
underlying mood or substance abuse and predom + symptoms. good support
schizo drug classes -typical?!!
Typicals - block mesolimbic dopamine rr, non specific. Have strong side effect profile, alleviate + symptoms.

Haloperidol - most potent.

Fluphenazine - high

perphenazine = medium

Thioridazine -

Chlorpromeazine - least potent, more ach side effx

**with these high potent drugs, see lots of EPS, little AntiACH advefx.

** use when want depot or if atypical fails.
NMS? will see most with?
lead pipe rigidty, ams, get ck (elv), fever

tx - dantrolene, STOP OFFENDING AGENT

will see with MOST OFTEN HIGH POTENCY TYPICALS antipsychotics.
atypical antipsychotics? (These are now first line)





**specific, lower sidefx profile - more prolnged QT, DM, wt gain, DKA.

**block dopamine and serotonin (nonspecfic)
clozapine (the prototypical atypical)
spec for D2 receptor antagonism , best drug to control both + and - symptoms.

dont use bc of AGRANULOCYTOSIS = super neutropenia, BESOPHILOPENIA, EOSINPENIA.

reserved for refractory psychosis
which antipsychotic is best for emergency control of psychosis or for acute? situation?
haldol, or traditional typical high potency.
what are the main antiACH symptoms we worry about with neuroleptics?
urinary retention
sexual dys
hyperPTL - due to effect on the TI

EPS due to effect at SN (Substantia niagra)
Schizo spectrum disorders (5) + 2 personality disorders.
earliest to latest or Acute to Chronic.....

brief psychotic - sudden onset due to stress of psychosis lasts total <1 mo. tx = psychoT and neuroleptics short term

schizophreniform - >1 but <6 mo. (between 1-6mo.) of shchizo type behavior, pts return to normal functioning but may develop full blow psychosis. tx - antipsy and mood stab.

schizoaffective - psychosis precedes mood disorder, must see psychosis with normal mood first for >2 weeks. same as above tx.

**delusional- >1 mo of realistic delusions w/o any other psychosis present.

folie a deux (shared psychosis) - one takes on and shares the psychosis of the other, tx - grp therapy.

CLUSTER A - personality disorders of relevance

schizoid -inability to be close, flat affect

schziotypal - "wierd like a pickle, magical thinking, odd beliefs and paranoia"
CAGE questionaire
C- cut down?
A - annoyance from others suggesting you to stop
G- guilt
E -eye opener to wake up in the AM?

1+ risk for abuse.
which substances dilate pupils? tox


which substances constrict pupils? tox
miosis with opiates/narcotics/heroin/codone/morphine
ideal pt presentation for anorexia
14-18 yo teenage girl who is a good student and good kid has negative body image and are <85% ideal body wt and prevent wt gain may induce emesis too, and they have hypothyroid like symptoms: hair loss, amenorrhea, dry clamy skin, brady
co morbid conditons with anorexia and most common cause of death
screen them for MDD and possibly start on SSRI

will have vitD def and osteoepenia with diz.

most common cause of death : V arrythmia.
presentation for ideal bulemic pt?
normal body wt, they are egodystonic meaning they know they are doing this, they are unhappy and they want help. commonly have russel's sign - mark of knuckles from constantly gagging oneself... will have increase amylase and hyperplasia of the parotids, erosion of enamel from emesis, and will binge and purge >2wks for 3 mo. usually fat female, laxative abuse is common (bisacodyl)
what constitutes refeeding syndrome in anoerxic pts





in anorexics who resume eating and have a sudden shift from fat to carb metabolism.
treatment for DTs (etoh withdrawal)
bdz taper and bdz prn for seizures.
what vaccines do alcoholics need?
most common cause of pneumonia in alcoholics?
sx of etoh abuse?
diaphoretic, nv, anxious and tremor can lead to DT if in withdrawal - tactile hallucination (bugs), ams, nv, tremor, seziure.
presentation of amphetamines/nmda abuse?
hyperactvity, mydriasis, tachycardia, agitation, htn, psychosis
tx from amph/nmda abuse?
bdz or IM haldol
tx for etoh intoxication/abuse?
nalaxone, d50 (glucose) give thiamine before!!!

then let them sleep it off. Give thiamine to prevent Wernicke-korskaoff (full korsakoff when confab and mammilary bodies destroyed on CT)

GROUP THERAPY FOR LONG TERM - only effective therapy - if true abuser.

anatbuse - disulfaram, get sick if they take it with etoh.
wernickes, tx?
HIGH DOSE thiamine (vitamin b1) and then d50
korsakoff sx ?
etoh induced dementia, irreversible. will most likely see cirrhosis, this pt is chronic abuser of etoh.
bdz cause delirium in the
what is the date rape drug?
tx for bdz withdrawal?
bdz taper
tx for seziures when on bdz abuse?
tx like etoh induced seizure, any drug induced seizure - tx with benzo
bdz od tx?
problem with bdz od treatment?
flumazenil lowers the seizure threshold
best drug for onset sleep problems?
zolpidem - short acting (Ambien)
best drug for sleep maintenance (help them sleep through the night)
bdz - estazolam - long acting
h/p of a narcotic abuser (intox)?
track marks, miosis, euphoria, resp depression
narcotic abuser tx?
methadone for withdrawal and for abuse.
cocaine h/p?
an upper, angina, htn crisis (at worst), can show as - psychomotor agitation, dilation of pupils, depression as they come off
narcotic OD tx?
nalaxone, can bring the pain back, nv - for acute od
narcotic withdrawal sx?
yawning, lacrimation,sweating, itching, pain, restlessness
cocaine OD tx?
alpha blockade before beta blockade, can cause htn crisis.
Cocaine withdrawal tx?
ccbs and benzos
pcp sx?
aggressive behavior, vertical and horz nystagmus, violence and abnormal strength
pcp abuse tx?
acidify urine w/ ascorbic acid bdz or haldol
lsd, ketamine or other hallucinogens?
haldol benzos
care for nmda abuse/withdrawal?
supportive care
what to never use in bulemics?
name the types of somatization disorders? (7)

conversion disorder


pain disorder


Munchausen's disorder

what are the criteria for somatoform disorder?
need 4 of these for dx

2 gi sx
1 sexual
1 neuro
pain at multiple body regions
criteria for converiosn disorder?
psudoseziures follow stressful events - sensory and motor deficits/
name some drugs that can cause AMS especially in elderly







which pt would be succiptible to sun downing phenomenon?
pts with dementia hx present,see a decrease in behavior after sun down
what condition is elderly can cause in house delerium?
major reasons for dementia

muti infarct
mmse score of __________ a/w cognitive dysfunction
delerium is often reversible but a/w loss of _______& ________ (mmse)
P P T - mmse

know person

loss of place and time
how would u treat agitation/anxiety and psychosis in an elderly demented patient?

dementia is usually non reversible, what are some causes where it would be reversible?

M - metabolic - electrolytes

i -infection/uti

N -poor PO nurtition


h- NPH

a - atheroscelerosis

t -tumors

s- sensory/vision/hearing
dx of adhd is made by what criteria?
need 6 hypersx byt age 7 and must be limiting ability to function
tx for adhd?
use stimulants : dextrometorphan, m-phenidate and atomoxetine,
conduct disorder is defined as damage to property, animals and illegal activty after age 18 it is termed?
antisocial PD
tx for tourette's?
haldol, antiPSY, tetrabenzine,
tetrad for autism
impaired communication -conversation delayed, lack of imaginative play

impaired social interaction - impaired use of nonverbal behaviors

restricted behavior -preoccupations with things or activities

impaired interpersonal interaction
buzzwords for autism on exam
hand flapping (not asterixis)

lining up objects

rocking back and forth
defense mechanism review (next 15 cards)

You can't remember your father's funeral.
repression - Burying a painful feeling or thought from your awareness though it may resurface in symbolic form. Sometimes considered a basis of other defense mechanisms.
You are arrested for drunk driving several times but don't believe you have a problem with alcohol.
denial - Not accepting reality because it is too painful.
You and your roommate have get into an argument so you stomp off into another room and pout
regression- Reverting to an older, less mature way of handling stresses and feelings
You get really mad at your husband but scream that he's the one mad at you.
projection - Attributing your own unacceptable thoughts or feelings to someone or something else
You think your best friend is absolutely worthless because he forgot a lunch date with you.
splitting - Everything in the world is seen as all good or all bad with nothing in between.
Acting aloof and indifferent toward someone when you really dislike that person
isolation of affect -Attempting to avoid a painful thought or feeling by objectifying and emotionally detaching oneself from the feeling
When you get mad at your sister, you break your drinking glass by throwing it against the wall.
displacement - Channeling a feeling or thought from its actual source to something or someone else. ** dont confuse for projection
When you say you're not angry when you really are.
reaction formation - Adopting beliefs, attitudes, and feelings contrary to what you really believe
I always study hard for tests and I know a lot of people who cheat so it's not a big deal I cheated this time
rationalization - Justifying one's behaviors and motivations by substituting "good", acceptable reasons for these real motivations
After your wife dies, you keep yourself busy by volunteering at your church.
altruism - Handling your own pain by helping others.
A person's treatment for cancer makes him lose his hair so he makes jokes about being bald.
humor - Focusing on funny aspects of a painful situation.
Intense rage redirected in the form of participation in sports such as boxing or football
sublimation - Redirecting unacceptable, instinctual drives into personally and socially acceptable channels
You are attracted to someone but say that you really don't like the person at all
suppression - The effort to hide and control unacceptable thoughts or feelings, *** dont confuse with reaction formation
You have feelings of dislike for someone so you buy them a gift
undoing - Trying to reverse or "undo" a thought or feeling by performing an action that signifies an opposite feeling than your original thought or feeling
thought disorder symptoms (next 7 cards)

Excessive speech at a rapid rate that involves fragmented or unrelated ideas
flight of ideas
An inability to answer a question without giving excessive, unnecessary detail.[7] This differs from tangential thinking, in that the person does eventually return to the original point.
Ideas slip off the topic's track on to another which is obliquely related or unrelated.[7] e.g. "The next day when I'd be going out you know, I took control, like uh, I put bleach on my hair in California."
derailment or loose association
During mid speech, the subject is changed in response to a stimulus. e.g. "Then I left San Francisco and moved to... where did you get that tie?"
distractable speech (adhd speech)
Speech that is unintelligible because, though the individual words are real words, the manner in which they are strung together results in incoherent gibberish,[7] e.g. the question "Why do people comb their hair?" elicits a response like "Because it makes a twirl in life, my box is broken help me blue elephant. Isn't lettuce brave? I like electrons, hello please!"
word salad aka. incoherent speech
Failure to follow a train of thought to a natural conclusion.
loss of goal
Wandering from the topic and never returning to it or providing the information requested.[7] e.g. in answer to the question "Where are you from?", a response "My dog is from England. They have good fish and chips there. Fish breathe through gills."
tangential speech