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41 Cards in this Set

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Personality Def
complex patterns of characteristics largely outside of the person
-perceiving, thinking, feeling, coping, behaving about others, self and environment
-emerge from biopsychosocial framework
Personality D/O
pattern of deviant inner experience and behavior
-pervasive, inflexible, stable
-leads to distress or impairment
-permeates entire beings
-stable in dysfunction
-onset at early adulthood
Cluster A Personality D/O
Cluster B Personaltiy D/O
dramatic and emotional (impulsive)
Cluster C Personality D/O
Personality D/O diagnostic criteria
-abnormal, inflexible, long duration, traced back to adolescence/adulthood
-broad range of personal and social situations
-deviate markely from cultural norm (maladaptive, instability, impaired self identity, impulsivity and destructive)
-usually diagnosed in clinical settings
-maladaptive cognitive schema (how they interprete events)
Paranoid Personality D/O
Cluster A
-mistrustful, avoid relationships, arrogent
-more common in men
-etiology unknown, maybe genetic
Paranoid Personality D/O nursing diagnosis
disturbed thought process
Paranoid Personality D/O nursing intervention
-dev nurse-patient relationship
-help id problem areas
-changing thought patterns takes time
-realistic thinking
-world is safe
Schizoid Personality D/O
Cluster A
-impassive, unengaged (emotionally detacted)
-introvert, reclusive, solitary
-confused communication
-no social relationships
-limited introspection, self-awareness, interpersonal experiences
Schizoid personality d/o nursing diagnosis
impaired social interactions and chronic low self-esteem
schizoid personality d/o goal
to enhance experience of pleasure, prevent social isolation, increase emotional responsiveness
schizoid personality d/o intervnetion
-provide social skill training
-encourage social interaction
-long term therapy
schizotypical personality d/o
cluster A
-social and interpersonal deficits
-void of close friends
-odd beliefs
-ideas of reference (things are about them)
-unrealistic thinking
-when psychotic, symptoms mimc schizoprenia
schizotypical personality d/o nursing diagnosis
social isolation, ineffective coping, low self-esteem, impaired social interactions
schizotypical personality d/o nursing managment
-same as schizoprenia
-increase self-worth
-provide social skills training
-reinforce socially appropriate dress and behavior
-focus on enhancing cognitive skills
Borderline Personality D/O
Cluster B
-pervasive pattern of instability of interpersonal relationships, self image, affect, impulsivity
-plus 5 of the following:
--frantic efforts to avoid real or imagined abandonment--unstable relationships of idealization and devaluation--identity disturbance--impulsivity that are self damaging (many have eating d/o)--suicidal behavior/self mutilating--chronic feelings of emptiness--inappropriate anger--transcient stress related paranoid ideations and severe dissociative symptoms
(push back feelings so they don't feel abandoned)
(fun, smart, engaging people, use others as objects to get needs met)
Borderline Personality D/O interventions
-crisis intervention
-remove dangerous items
-check for pill hoarding
-no harm contract
-provide with transitional object to ensure coming back
-ensure relationships with more then one staff memeber (may idealize)
(try to avoid abandonment with suicide)
-avoid them from splitting the unit (give them one person to go to)
-behavioral contract
-confront breaking of contract, manipulation, self sabotage and splitting
-unconditional positive regard
-maintain boundaries
-encourage verbalization of feelings
-support independence
-assist patient in ID/validate their separateness
Borderline Personality D/O epidemiology
-most diagnosed
-mostly women
-mid 20's
-coexist with Axis I diagnosis
Borderline Personality D/O etiology
-instability, transcient psychotic episodes, impulsive, aggressive, suicidal
-maladaptive cognitive processes (neg view about world and self, future- everything is about rejection or abandonment)
-biosocial- emotional dysregulation, vulnerabiltiy, invalidating environment
borderline personality d/o Mahler's theory
-Theory of object relations, seperation from mother
1. autistic phase (0-1 month), child sleeps
2. symbiotic phase (1-5 months), psychi fusion, child views self as extension of self
3. differentiation phase (5-10 months), child becomes aware of seperateness from mother
4. Practicing phase (10-16 months), increased independence
5. Rapproachement Phase (16-24 months), mother realizes separateness, child wants to regain closeness but not symbiosis only for "emotional refueling" ***where BPD blooms, mother feels rejected so is negative towards child
6. On the way to object constancy phase (24-36 months), child goes thru individualization process and learns to relate to objects in constant manner
What stage of Mahler's theory does BPD happen and why?
rapprochment phase, mother begins to feel threatened by increasing autonomy of her child and withdrawals her emotional clinging, dependent behaviors
-a "good child" stays immature and dependent
-a "bad child" grows independent so mom withholds nurturing from child which results in deep fear of abandonment that persists into adulthood
-object consistency never is achieved so people are thought as good or bad, (parts)
What is splitting?
BPD, defense mechanism, objects are either good or bad.
What meds are given for BPD?
-antidepressants- controlling emotional dysregulation
-anticonvulsants- reduce impulsivity
-antipsychotics- transcient psychotic episodes
-buspirone- anxiety
Borderline personality d/o nursing diagnosis
-high risk for self mutilation
-high risk for violence to self or others
-impaired social interaction
-personal identity disturbance
-self esteem disturbance
-ineffective individual coping
Borderline personality
-affective instability, extreme mood shifts, fail to recognize varied responses
-identity diffusion
-unstable interpersonal relationships (no boundaries, extreme fear of abandonment, seek reassurance, dissappointed in relationships, like to feel in control)
-cognitive dysfunctions (dissociation, black and white thinking, bizarre behavior, del/hall)
-dysfunction behaviors (impaired problem solving, impulsivity, self-injurious behaviors
-mostly young women
-risk factor is sexual and physical abuse
BPD etiology
-small amygdala, limbic system and frontal lobe dysfunction, decrease serotinin
BPD psychoanalystic theory
seperation individualization abnormality from inconsistant caregiver, intense fear and distrust, not boundaries, projective indentification-blame others for inadequate feelings
BPD maladaptive cognitive processes
misinterpret environmental stimul, are inflexible in response to new situations, entrenche in pattern of fear and anxiety of new people or situations
BPD biosocial theory
-emotional vulnerability
-unrelenting crisis
-inhibited grieving
-active passivity
-apparent competence
Antisocial personality d/o
cluster b
-pattern of disregard for, violations of the rights of others and begins in childhood and continues into adulthodd
-failure to conform to social standards
-lack empathy, but engaging and charismatic
-easily irritated, often aggresive
-take advantage of people, scam artists, often criminals
Antisocial personality d/o epidemiology
-more men
-creater in Native Americnas less in asian Americans
-co-morbid with mood, anxiety, alcohol/drug abuse, other personality d/o
Antisocial personality d/o etiology
-chromosomal abnormality
-serotonin deficit
-dysreg catecholamines
-insecure attachments
-extreme temperment
-chaotic family
-abuse or neglect
Histrionic personality d/o
cluster B
-attention seeking, like of the party
-insatiable need for attention and approval
-moody and sense of helplessness when others are disinterested
-sexually seductive to gain attention, uncomf in single relationships
-appearance is provocative and speech dramatic
-no loyalty or fidelity
Histrionic personality d/o epidemiology
-no gender difference
-african americans, low income and less educated at greater risk
-comorbid with borderline, dependednt, antisocial personality d/o, anxiety, sustance abuse and mood d/o
narcissistic personality d/o
cluster B
-inexhaustible need for attention
-lack empathy
-fantasize about looks, success
-interpersonally exploitative
-envious of others, arrogent
-more often in men
-occurs often in childhodd
-comorbid with antisocial, histrionic, paranoid personality d/o, mood, anxiety, substance abuse
-really just fearful, have sense of worthlessness, highly sensitive
avoidant personality d/o
cluster c
-avoid social situations
-fearful of criticism, feelings of inadequacy
-extremely sensitive to negative commends and disapproval
-engage in unconditional relationships if only unconditional
-appear timid, shy and hestitant
dependent personality d/o
cluster c
-cling to others to keep them close
-total submission and disregard for self
-difficulty making decisions
-withdraw from adult responsibilities
-need excessive advice and reassurance
obsessive compulsive personality d/o
cluster c
-rigidity, perfectionism, control
-devoted to work
-uncomfortable with unstructured/leisure time
-hobbies are taken serious (not for fun)
-need to control others
-difficulty completing tasks and making decisions, too involved in details
-mood is tense and joyless
-can't think outside of the box
def impulse control d/o
-intermittent explosive d/o
-pathologic gambling
irresistible impulsivity
-intermittent explosive d/o-never know when they will go off
-kleptomania- steal
-pathologic gambling
-trichotillomania-pulling hair out
what is the treatment for impulse control d/o?
psychopharmacologic agents, psychotherapy, behavioral, social interventions