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39 Cards in this Set

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mucous membrane
-any part of body that remains moist and produces mucous (vagina, eye, mouth)
glabrous skin
skin areas that don't have hair follicles
genital lesion
sore on the skin of genitals
fluid-borne transmission
shedding microbes from body fluids associated with sexual activity (blood, semen, mucus of genitals, anus, mouth)
lesion-borne transmission
shedding of microbes from lesions on or near tissues associated with sexual activity (mucous membranes, glabrous skin of genitals, anus, mouth)
person can transfer microbes from one body to another area of ones own body (mouth to genitals, genitals to eye)
asymptomatic infection
no symptoms are showing but still have an STI
transmission time-lines
-delay between time of exposure to appearance of symptoms
-delay between exposure and being infectious
human papilloma virus (HPV)
-lesion borne transmission
16, 18 most cancer borne
6, 11: wart-type infection
-the absence of warts does not mean the absence of HPV
-leads to cervical cancer
genital warts
-benign cauliflower-like tumors on genitals
non-wart type HPV
-strains cause no visible warts or only minimal thickening of skin
herpes simplex virus
transmission lesion borne
-HSV 1 and 2
-symptoms may be delayed for months
-no health risk, just a nuisance
-transmitted to infant during pregnancy likely
HSV type 1 (oralis)
-can be found in mouth and genitals
-transmitted through vaginal, oral, anal, kissing, contact with lesion
HSV type 2 (genitalis)
-can be found in mouth and genitals
-transmitted through vaginal, oral, anal, kissing, contact with lesion
herpes blister, cold sore
-fluid filled vesicles
-contact will spread infection
-fluid borne transmission
-gonococcus bacterium
-symptoms evident w/in couple weeks
male symptoms
-whitish, yellowish discharge, painful urination
female symptoms
-vaginal inflammation, discharge
long term
-can lead to infertility
primary infection
-painful blisters with infectious fluids
-penis, labia, vagina, anus, cervix, mouth
-symptoms of viral infection
-symptoms can arise as late as years after exposure
-symptoms have gone away and come back again
prodromal phase
-reoccurrence signaled by itching or tingling sensation in genitals or face, aching or tenderness in groin, burning urination
-fluid borne transmission through coitus, anal, fellatio
-bacterial infection
-symptoms usually apparent within a couple week
male symptoms
-thin whitish discharge, irritating urination
-"silent disease" no obvious symptoms
female symptoms
-usually silent disease
-thick yellow mucus, cervix inflammation
-symptoms difficult to detect, may heal w/out treatment
viral hepatitis
-transmission fluid borne
-type A, B, C
-early: fatigue, fever, loss of appetite
-later: jaundice, liver inflammation
-can lead to liver cancer, cirrhosis, chronic hepatitis
-disease runs its course, cured by immune system
-vaccinations available
Hep B, C (serum)
infects blood, semen, vaginal, cervical fluids
Hep A (enteral
eneteral: virus infects feces, transmission vector (feces, hands, mouth) commonly spread through food contamination, sexual contact will transmit
-transmission lesion borne
-any contact with chancre
-first: chancre develops (ulcer like painless sore with infectious fluids, chancre heals
-second: rash, bacteria infects lymph glands, nausea, fever, rash subsides, highly infectious first two years
long term
-blindness, paralysis, dementia, if pregnant fetal death
-treated with antibiotics
treponema palidum bacterium of syphilis
ulcer like painless sore
-transmission fluid borne
-primarily via coitus
-symptoms in women: frothy, water, smelly discharge, inflamed labia, painful sex
-symptoms in med: mild urethritis, asymptomatic
human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
-fluid borne transmission
-phase 1: acute infection--similar to chronic viral infection
-phase 2: asymptomatic infection--normal health
-phase 3: chronic lymphadenopathy--swollen glands, chroic specific illness, known to be infectious
-phase 4: AIDS--constitutional disease, neurologic disease, opportunistic infections, secondary cancers
seronegative, seropositive
-HIV positive or negative
CD4 cell count
-depletes with every phase of HIV/AIDS
HAART multiple antiviral medication
given in early stages of HIV infection before decline of CD4 cell count to slow process
EIA, Western Blot, PCR
tests to determine presence of HIV
latex condoms
-provide major (90-95%) prevention of STIs
-less powerful prevention for non-fluid transmitted STIs
-impaired protection due to inadequate use, not product flaw
-failure due to shredding, seepage, procrastination, post ejac exposure
polyurethane condoms
-stronger than latex and have smaller pores
-havent been fully tested
female condoms
-made of polyurethane
-stronger, more durable, pore size smaller
-looser fit, more pleasure to male and female
-inserted prior to sexual activity
latex dental dams
-used during oral stimulation of vagina, clitoris, labia, etc
latex gloves
-used during digital, manual stimulation of vagina, anus
-kill STI microbes
-used in vagina, anus
-alone or with barriers
-very erotic non insertive sex
-no genital penetration, no ejac in body
-S/M, B/D play
-rejected by erotophobes