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150 Cards in this Set

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Delerium: S/Sx
fluctuating/reversible disorientation, memory deficit, language disturbances, visual hallucinations, impulsive, tend to 1 task at a time; short duration with rapid onset
Delerium: causes
physiological causes are #1; fevers, infection, metabolic change
Delerium: treatment (1^, 2^, 3^)
treat the underlying cause (1/4 of all pts with delerium will die within 1 month); 2^ prevention: control infection, 3^: haldol/risperdal, gabapentin, abx; mms exam for baseline
Dementia: types
AIDS dementia complex (with low CD4 count), vascular (cardiovascular complications- stroke/HTN), infection (syphilis), alcoholism (wenicke-korsakoff), brain injury, DAT (alzheimer's)
Alzheimer's: Pre-clinical stage s/sx
amyloid buildup in 3 phases (eventual downstream neurodegeneration in 3rd phase); no clinical s/sx
Alzheimer's: pre-clinical stage dx and use of findings
detect using biomarkers (imaging, spinal fluid protein); use for research only not for client Dx
Alzheimer's: DAT stages
1) pre-clinical (no s/sx)
2) pre-dementia (no ADL impair.)
3) DAT (impaired fxn)
Alzheimer's: Pre-dementia stage s/sx
early s/sx memory lapse, changes in memory/learning, mild cognitive impairment (MCI)--> fxn less than norm for age; no ADL impairment
Alzheimer's: pre-dementia stage dx
subjective (patient's own perception of changes in fxn), family, brain imaging (amyloid plaques)
mild cognitive impairment--functioning less than norm for age; seen in stage 2 DAT (pre-dementia)
Alzheimer's: Stage 3 DAT
cognitive changes that impair ADLs and function
Dementia: reversible causes
pseudodementia (common w/ depression), hypothyroid, infections, dehydration, malnutrition, meds (sedatives, hypnotics)
occurs with depression; apathy, memory disturbances, cognitive slowing; REVERSIBLE
Dementia: clinical course- early dementia/onset s/sx
recent memory loss; disorientation (use MMSE to see if ANOx3 and get baseline), cognitive communication changes (anomia, aphagia, etc.), personality change, anxiety, denial, changes in appearance (hygiene), apraxia
loss of language ability
difficulty remembering words
loss of writing ability
inability to understand written words
inability to recognize objects or people
loss of purposeful movements such as brushing teeth; seen in the early/onset phase of dementia
Dementia: clinical course- Middle phase s/sx
increase in behavior problems, catastrophic reactions/eccentric, sundowner's syndrome
Sundowner's Syndrome: define, tx
as the light dims and environmental stimuli decrease, confusion increases (diurnal regulation); keep lights dim at night and radio on
Dementia: clinical course: terminal phase
bedridden: unsteady gait, motor inabilities; bewilderment or wandering (risk for falls), incontinence, dysphagia- AIRWAY
Dementia: Nursing Process- assessments
use subjective and objective data; MMSE for trends/baseline, assess for depression (can worsen dementia), look for comorbid medical conditions
loss of purposeful movements such as brushing teeth; seen in the early/onset phase of dementia
Dementia: clinical course- Middle phase s/sx
increase in behavior problems, catastrophic reactions/eccentric, sundowner's syndrome
Sundowner's Syndrome: define, tx
as the light dims and environmental stimuli decrease, confusion increases (diurnal regulation); keep lights dim at night and radio on
Dementia: clinical course: terminal phase
bedridden: unsteady gait, motor inabilities; bewilderment or wandering (risk for falls), incontinence, dysphagia- AIRWAY
Dementia: Nursing Process- assessments
use subjective and objective data; MMSE for trends/baseline, assess for depression (can worsen dementia), look for comorbid medical conditions
Dementia: nursing process- interventions
fall precautions, reality orientation (post-its, photos, calendars), socialization/pets, coping (build on good skills), encourage independence (not too many choices), reminisce therapy
Dementia: nursing Dx
altered thought process, risk for violence, risk for falls, self care deficit, low self esteem
Dementia: family considerations
burnout potential (respite care such as day care, res. living, snf, in home care, board and care), educate on disease process and create realistic goals
Medicare: describe program
federal entitlement program for people 65+ (and others who meet spec. criteria) to get social insurance
Medicare: Part A, what does it cover, length of coverage
Hospital insurance (inpatient fees for tests, room, food, SNF if SNF stay is for same Dx as hosp admission), not for ADL/non- skilled care; 20 days fully paid, 80 with copay; 100 day max
Medicare: Part B
outpatient insurance (physician, nursing, xray, dialysis, chemo); must be administered at an office (not hospital); covers some equipment like canes
Medicare: Part C
"choice"--optional; private insurance you can buy that covers what A,B,D don't cover; not standardized, don't always cover everything anyways
Medicare: Part D
drugs; amount/brands limited, anyone who has A and B gets part D but must pick which plan they want
Medicaid/Medical: describe
federal and state funded welfare program (for low income and resources)--managed by the states; in SF must be on SSI to get medical
Psychodynamic theory of personality disorders
misuse of ego defense mechanisms (acting out, controlling, displacement, idealization/devaluation, splitting, denial, transference, projection)
unconscious desires that affect thinking (can be positive or negative)
taking anger out on something/someone else
putting your thoughts onto others
personality disorder: definition
stable, inflexible, long-standing maladaptive patterns of behavior that persist thru the lifetime, deviates from one's cluture, affect the way we think, perceive, and relate; IMPAIR FXN
Cluster A PD's
paranoid, schizoid, schizotypal
Paranoid PD: s/sx
general suspicion, tendency to misinterpret other's actions as harmful, look for hidden meanings, trust issues, question partner fidelity, refuse consent, high violence risk, self referential thought
Paranoid PD: tx
share notes/chart/records, explain all actions/procedures, don't confront paranoia but don't agree
Schizoid PD: s/sx
overlaps with negative s/sx of schiz; see world as engulfing and retreat into own fantasy world; do not want close relationships
schizoid tx (meds also)
support relationships, be accessible, active listening, teach social skills and assertiveness training; antipsychotics and antidepressants
Schizotypal PD: s/sx
overlaps with positive s/sx of schiz; odd beliefs, unusual perceptions (special powers, etc.), friendless but want interaction
Oppositional Defiant Disorder: s/sx, onset
precursor to antisocial, mood swings, low threshold, loss of tmeper, blame others, usually apparent by age 8
Conduct disorder
no conscience, aggression to animals, lying, fires, violence; this dx always trumps ODD
Antisocial PD: s/sx
dx over age 18; lack empathy/guilt, no remorse, charming, intellectual, manipulative, criminal activity
Antisocial PD: tx (meds)
assess for violence, firm boundaries, confront lies/manipulation, positive reinforcement with negative consequences; meds: mood stabilizer and SSRIs
Borderline PD: s/sx
splitting, idealization/devaluation, many comorbidities (SA, MDD, BAD, ED, ASPD), fear abandonment, rapid mood swings/labile, self mutiliation, SI/attempts
Borderline: tx (meds)
consistency across staff, firm boundaries, DBT therapy; mood stabilizers, ssri, antipsychotics
Histrionic PD: s/sx
dramatic, shallow, attention seeking, assume closer relationships than actually exist, somatiform
narcissistic PD: s/sx
grandiosity, need for admiration, indifferent to criticism, arrogant, childhood without feedback, condescending
Avoidant PD: s/sx
introversion, fear of rejection, social phobia, minor setbacks seen as much bigger
dependent PD: S/Sx
submissive behavior, need emotional support, endure bad relationship
OCPD: s/sx
ego-syntonic obsessions/compulsions (don't bother), fixation on details, intelelctualization, rigid, don't see big picture
OCPD: tx
consistency, behavioral contracts
focus on mindfullness, interpersonal effectiveness, distress tolerance, emotional regulation; good for ED's and borderlines
secure attachment (infants)
learn that world is safe, gain the trust of caregiver who responds to fears
insecure attachment: avoidant
child that avoids caregiver and goes to strangers
insecure attachment: resistant
go to parent but pushes them away
insecure attachment: disorganized
no pattern, sometimes go to parent, other times to stranger
Reactive Attachment Disorder
DSM diagnosis: inhibited (overly fearful child) or disinhibited (overly friendly to strangers)
separation anxiety norms
7-18 months
ADD/ADHD types
combined, inattentive, hyperactive
decrease attention to details, difficulty sustaining interest in tasks, failure to follow thru on duties, forgetful, distracted, leaves seat, on the go, blurt out answers
behavioral therapy that uses incentives; stimulants (adderal, ritalin), wellbutrin, Strattera (non-stimulant, not addictive, SSRI side effects)
Schizophrenia: neurostructual changes
larger ventricles, frontal and temporal lobe gray matter changes, hippocampus changes
Schizophrenia: biochem
excess dopamine and glutamate
Schizophrenia: diathesis stress
genetic loading + environmental stressor= dz
Schizophrenia: DSM criteria for dx
>2+ for 1 month or longer over 6 mo:
1. positive s/sx (hallucinations, delusions, disorganized speech or bx)
2. negative s/sx (flat affect, anhedonia, alogia, avolition)
3. marked impairment in fxn
Schizophrenia: SCPT (schizophrenia chronic paranoid type)
hallucinations/delusions (persecution or grandeur) regarding paranoia of some kind
Schizophrenia: Disorganized
flat or inappropriate affect, childlike
Schizophrenia: delusional disorder
fixed delusion on 1 or 2 things
Schizophrenia: brief psychotic disorder
substance induced or out of the blue
Schizophrenia: schizophreniform
<6 months in duration
Schizophrenia: schizoaffective
with mood component/lability
Schizophrenia: prodromal s/sx
magical thinking, speech-vague or overly concrete, socially withdrawn; usually about 5 years before psych break; Tx early with low dose antipsychs
Typical Antipsychotics: list meds, side effects
Haldol, Prolixin; EPS side effects (akathesia, dystonia, parkinsonism, tardive dyskinesia, photosensitivity, anticholinergic)
anticholinergic side effects
dry mouth, blurry vision, constipation, urinary retention, orthostasis
EPS side effects: list/describe
akathesia: inner tickle/jump out of skin
dystonia: rigid muscles
parkinsonism: shuffle, pill roll, flat face
tardive dyskinesia: involuntary mvt (lip smack, blink)
EPS side effects tx
congentin, benadryl, atarax
atypical antipsychotics: list drugs, side effects
seroquel, risperdal, abilify, zyprexa, clozaril (agranulocytosis); some EPS, photosensitivity, metabolic syndrome (wt gain, hyperlipidemia)
NMS: cause, s/sx
adverse effect of antipsychotics; increased vitals/temp, confusion, stiff, increased cpk, low wbc
bulimia nervosa: dsm dx criteria
recurrent binge episodes (eating large amounts in a short time); purging (vomiting, laxative, diruetics, meds, exercise); lack of control over behavior, concern over body image/weight
bulimia nervosa: physical s/sx (GI, labs, cv)
decrease tooth enamel, esophagitis, Mallory Weiss tears (GI bleed from wearing down lining), cardiac arrhythmias, Russel's sign (abrasion on knuckle), low K+
binge eating disorder: s/sx
eat rapidly, eat past fullness, eat large amounts when not hungry, eat alone, guilt after eating, can't prevent weight gain, ashamed after
binge eating disorder: tx
topomax (anticonvulsant/mood stabilizer and assists with weight loss); side effect= low IQ
Female Athletic Triad: dx criteria, tx
amenorrhea, altered eating habits, osteoporosis; 1500mg Ca, 800mg Vit D
Anorexia Nervosa: DSM dx criteria
refusal to maintain body weight (<85%), intense fear of gaining weight or becoming fat, rituals with food, disturbed body image, amenorrhea
anorexia nervosa: physical s/sx (vitals, sexual side effects, labs, integument, fatal s/sx
bradycardia, hypotension, hypthermia; amenorrhea, low libido, impotence, low estrogen; low Zn,K,Ca,Fe,PO4; thin hair, lanugo, chapped lips, keratinemia; refeeding syndrome: food reintroduced too fast leads to liver failure
anorexia nervosa: psychological s/sx
excessive exercise, fainting, secretive about eating, social withdrawal, self harm, constant weighing, looking in the mirror
substance abuse definition
maladaptive pattern within 12 month period with 1 or more: recurrent use, missed obligations, hazardous situations, legal problems, use despite awareness of issue
substance dependence definition
1 year with 3 or more:
tolerance, withdrawal, need higher dose for effects, unsuccessful attempts to stop, time/effort to obtain substance, give up on social/life/work, use despite knowledge of problem
Etoh withdrawal timing
starts as early as 4-6 hours after last drink
etoh withdrawal s/sx
nausea, insomnia, headache, tremor, increased vitals
alcoholic hallucinosis
auditory hallucinations, 24-48 hours after last drink; ego dystonic
Delerium Tremens
alcohol withdrawal lasting 1-5 days; severe memory disturbances, anorexia, hallucinations, tremors, seizure; medical emergency that requires detox
Korsakoff: short term memory loss
Wernicke: progression to encephalopathy; ataxia/confusion; permanent damage to hippocampus requiring vitamin B (thiamine) injections
decrease cravings for alcohol
makes you sick if you drink alcohol; must watch for over the counter meds, mouth wash, etc
Etoh detox meds
Benzos (anticonvulsants, usually librium unless liver issue then ativan), MgSO4 (anticonvulsant), IM thiamine (wernicke-korsakoff and peripheral neuropathy)
disease that is always present and has flare ups
disease that is not always present and has resurgence or flare up on occasion (doesn't have to affect a large someone of poeple); ie small pox if it came back
existence of a disease in a large portion of the population
control over disease
reduce the incidence (new cases) or prevalence (total cases) to an acceptable level as a result of deliberate effort
reduce incidence and prevalence to ZERO as a result of deliberate effort with no need to further control (ie smallpox)
stages of infection:
latent: replicating virus before shedding
communicable: shedding (contagious)
incubation: between invasion and symptoms
active: s/sx present
infectious agents
virus, bacteria, fungus, etc
what can hold the disease (water, etc)
portals of entry/exit
nasal passage, mouth, skin, etc
mods of transmission
direct: person to person
indirect: vectors, fecal-oral, etc
passive immunity
transfer of antibody from immune to non-immune (mom to baby=vertical), person to person immunoglobulins =horizontal
active immunity
exposure to antigen of infectious agent leads to creation of antibodies
herd immunity
immunity of a group or community (based on resistance of a high proportion >80% of individuals who are immune thereby covering the rest of the population)
vaccination vs immunization
vaccination is getting antigen injection; immunization is building up antibodies properly to prevent the disease; vaccines can fail to seroconvert, etc.
vaccine adverse event reporting system: anyone with strange reaction must be reported
shows exposure to TB but not active infection
PPD reading 5mm or >
positive if HIV positive, positive chest xray or exposure to someone with TB recently
PPD 5- 10mm
positive if IV drug user, alcoholic, diabetic, foreign born in country with lots of TB, low income, resident of jail, children under 4
PPD >10mm
positive in all over 4 years old
GAD: generalized anxiety disorder s/sx
excessive anxiety and worry on more days than not for 6 months; difficult to control worry, anxiety causes significant distress or impairment in fxn
anxiety s/sx
restlessness, on edge, easily fatigued, difficulty concentrating, irritability, muscle tension, sleep disturbances (difficulty falling asleep or restless sleep)
anxiety pharmacology
benzos (short term use, habit forming), BuSpar (qid/tid, requires compliance), ssri's
panic attack: criteria
palpitations, pounding heart, seating, trembling or shaking, sensation of SOB or choking, nausea or abd distress, dizzy, faint/light-headed, fear of going crazy, chills, etc
PTSD: describe, s/sx
exposure to trauma leads to dz; reexperiencing the event, avoidance of things that resemble event or remind victim of event, numbing of emotions, hypersensitivity
OCD: s/sx
anxiety disorder, ego-dystonic thoughts and impulses that lead to actions repeatedly performed; takes more than 1 hour a day
OCD meds
luvox (ssri), anafranil; don't work for OCPD
anxiety disorders caused by other medical conditions
thyroid, copd, vit b12 deficiency
Major depression: DSM dx
depressed mood or anhedonia and:
weight change, insomnia/hypersomnia, fatigue, psychomotor agitation or retardation, worthlessness, guilt, impaired concentration, SI
ddepression: biochem
low 5ht and norepi
adolescent depression
high suicide risk, difficulty expressing emotion, acting out, moodiness, anger, withdrawal
geriatric depression
NOT dementia, must assess (GDS scale)
depressed mood most of the day, more days than not for at least 2 years w/: under/over eating, sleep dif., fatigue, low self esteem, difficulty concentrating, feeling hopeless; no MDD in those 2 years
TCAs: purpose, list drugs
first generation antidepressants Tofranil, Elavil, Anafranil
TCAs: side effects
lethal in overdose, sedating, anticholinergic
MAOIs: list drugs, side effects
Marplan, Nardil, Parnate; hypertensive crisis is tyramine (pickled, alcohol, smoked, chocolate)
Serotonin syndrome; s/sx, tx
5ht toxicity; increased hr, diaphoresis, headache, nausea, diarrhea, hyperthermia, DIC, coma, death; tx with benzos, hyperreflexia
antidepressants and suicide
can increase energy level but not fix underlying deprssion, must keep watch during first few weeks
Bipolar I
mania present (major lability), depressed and grandiose
Bipolar II
hypomania with major depressive disorder
cyclothymic disorder
cyclical hypomanic states, can appear seasonal
manic episode
elevated mood for 1 week with 3:
inflated self esteem, decreased need for sleep, hyperverbal, pressured speech, flight of ideas, distractible, impulsive
hypomanic episode
4 day minimum: elevated, expansive, irritable mood, not severe to cause marked impairment in social or occupational function
Bipolar Meds
Mood stabilizers: lithium (0.6-1.2 mmol/L as serum level), anticonvulsants: tegretol, depakote, topomoax, lamictal, neurontin
lithium side effects
cognitive blunting, fine hand tremor