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112 Cards in this Set

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who is more affected by ostracism men or women


uses of ostracism

control people, cultural uses

how do people respond to ostracism

drepressed mood, painful, efforts to appease -> withdrawal if it doesn't work, self destructive behavior

what leads to friendship and attraction

proximity, interaction, mere exposure

proximity rule of attraction

the closer you are to a person the more likely you are to like them

interaction rule of attraction

the more you interact with someone the more likely you are to like them

fuctional distance

how often your paths cross


falling for anyone who shows interests in you and has similar interests as you

anticipation rule of attraction

anticipation of interacting with someone can increase your liking of them

mere exposure rule of attraction

the more often you see something/one you become more familiar with it and the more you will like them

studies have found the looks _____ on the first date

do matter

the matching phenomenon

tendency to pair off with people who are equally as attractive as us

physical attractiveness stereotypes; why is this slightly valid

beautiful people are good and only have good traits; attractive people are more socially relaxed

self fulfilling prophecy of attractive people

if you think someone is attractive they will seem more fun and flirty

what kind of faces do we find attractive

average and symmetrical faces

evolutionary factors of attractiveness

youth-procreative years

live longer


women are most fertile time of the month look the most attractive

social comparison of attractiveness

seeing beautiful people all of the time can make average people look less attracitve

love and attractiveness

we are attracted to those we love and people who have been together a long time think their spouse is more attractive

similarity vs. complementary

similarity: people who are similar will be together (birds of a feather) people who are opposites will be together (opposites attract)

people aren't similar can develop a _____ for each other; this is especially true when talking about things that are _______

adisliking; important to you

attitude alignment

more time you spend around other people the more likely aspects of each other will align

traits that you don't like about yourself you will dislike more in____

other people


self esteem (ex)

why do people like us (ulterior motives);

do people seem too desperate to be your friend (rebounds)

ingratiation ; doesn't work it

devaluing themselves in the process of trying to get you to like them; if the flattery is not true or too much flattery

gaining another's esteem and attraction

we like someone more if they dislike us

reward theory of attraction

more likely to be with people we find satisfying to be with; must be more rewarding than the alternative

liking by association

increased attraction b/t couples who do fun and dangerous things together

triangle of love (____);

romantic love,


compassionate love,


fatuous love,



intimacy and passion,


intimacy and commitment

empty love,

passion and commitment,


sternbergs triangle of love requires

intimacy, decision/commitment, and passion

two factor theory of emotion

emotion is based on physiology and cognitve arousal; misatribution -> increased adrenaline will make others seem more attractive

which gender falls in love more quickly?
more likely to break up a non marriage relationship?

value friendship aspect of relationship?value physical and playful aspect of relationship?

men,women,women, men

companionate love

love that grows over time;

attachment styles are based on

the responsiveness of your caregiver




don't need others,

craving intimacy but pushing it away

am I good enough for the other person

equity in a relationship is important because

as perceived equity increases so does satisfaction.

self disclosure; leads to the _____

idea of sharing intimate private info; liking cycle: person who disclose a little bit -> we like them better -> so we share -> they like us better and then they share

disclosure reciprocity

has to be equal sharing of info or it's weird

growth promoting listeners (_____); more likely to be ____ and ____

Rogers; people skilled in making others feel heard and important ; women and mental health field people

enduring marriage factors (5)

enduring love and satisfaction

ignore other potential partners

economic and social barriers

moral obligation

good intentions

moral obligations that keep people in a relationship

religions that discourage divorce

economic and social barriers that keep people in a relationship

societies that stigmatize divorce

good intentions that keep a relationship together

people who get married with the intention of staying together

enduring marriage predictors (8)

after age 20 or similar age

stable 2 parent homes

long time dating (but too long -> obligation or scared of commitment)

highly or similarly educated

highly or similarly religious

stable income

small town or farm

not cohabiting or pregnant

how people cope in a bad relationship

loyalty: stick it out

neglect: ignore spouse and live separately (men)

voice: express concerns (women)

5:1 positive-negative ratio (____):

Gottman: when couples communicate if there is a ratio of 5 good comments to 1 bad comment then like... that's a good relationship

demand withdrawal pattern

1 person demands (says what is bothering them) and the other withdraws (ignores and doesn't change)

4 horsemen of the apocalypse

criticism, contempt, defensiveness, stonewalling





personal attacks, negatively label attributes, use words like "never" and "always";

attacking persons sense of self with the intent to insult;

seeing self as victim, making excuses, not listening to others POV;

completely withdrawing

divorce from an individualistic POV? narcissistic?

what am i getting out of this relationship for me;

need constant admiration

annual number of divorcees

annual number of divorced people

.38% of popu.


the detachment process

more painful when ____

agitated preoccupation -> sadness -> detachment ,not always linear;

closer, longer, fewer options,

altruism vs. egoism when helping

do we do it to help others vs. to get attention or some benefit

social exchange theory

-usually done consciously/unconciously

-external rewards

-internal rewards

min-loss and cost and max- benefits


-good reputation, acceptance

-get rid of your distress from seeing someone else in distress ex. shaking the baby

emotion associated with feel bad-do good phenomenon; exception

guilt; intense grief b/c you don't have it in you to care about others

reciprocity norms; when does it not work

those who help you should get help from you not harm ; when people are really proud or high in self esteem but can't reciprocate your favor ex. people who get angry when you help them

social responsibilty norm; ex.

people who are independent but can't reciprocate the favor should be helped anyway

ex. elderly, kids, the sick

gender and helping;

women are more likely to ____ (4)

men are more likely to ___ (2)

get help when its short term and when they are alone, more likely to help both genders, and ask for help, help in dangerous situations if they know the person;

help women and even more likely to help attractive women, more likely to help in dangerous situations

kin protection

will be more likely to sacrifice self than your kids

kin selection

i think it's more likely to protect those who share the same genes as you

reciprocity and group selection

helping works best in small isolated groups were helpee will have a chance to reciprocate

empathy; (3)

vicarious experience were you focus more on other distress than your own ;

attachment , identification, other-focused

positives of empathy

decreases negative attitudes, inhibits aggression, increases

negatives of empathy (4)

more likely to risk life for other people, burnout, psychologically harm other person-embarrassed;

favoritism (give reward to person to make them feel better)(focus more on the one you love than the most injured)




assuming responsibility

notice person

interpret as an ER (conflict: we need to help/ we need to do what everyone else is doing)

assume someone else to take care of tit

informational influence

look for others to know what to do

illusion of transparency

people cared but didn't show it on their face

prosocial model

more likely to help when you see someone else help

less likely to help when_____

in a rush

network of traits

multiple traits theorize helping (happy person, high in empathy, high in self efficacy)

how to reduce ambiguity and increase responsibility

other's reactions and labels

personal appeals

increase self awareness

socializing altruism

teaching moral inclusion (who is in your circle of moral concern)

modeling altruism

people see help will more likely help too

socializing altruism; more attributed to ____

learn by doing; more attributed to what they are doing to altruistic motives;


perceived incompatibility of actions or goals

conflict and social dilemmas; ex.

individual cost/benefits differs from collective cost/benefits

ex. global warming, overpopulation

prisoner's dilemma

give up partner -> other person gets 10 years

both give each other up -> both get 5 years

neither give each other up -> both get 1 year

The tragedy of the commons

commons: any shared limited resource

everyone must use it in moderation for natural replenishment; both collectivist and individualist believe

fundamental attribution error and conflict; who does it the most

I have a good reason others are greedy; self-inflating, self-focused, narcissists

changing motives social trap

to gain reward and minimize loss you through your partner under the bus and if it doesn't work you try and save face, avoid defeat

non zero-sum games social trap

mixed motive situations or instances were when people put themselves before the community the community benefits as well

3 social traps

non-zero sum games, changing motives and fundamental attribution error

resolving social dilemmas


-small groups

-subdivide "commons"


-change payoffs-

appeal to altruisitc norms

-developing rules

-people feel more responsible so less bad

-your contributions are more identifiable

-people talking in a group are more likely to help each other than when they don't talk

-ex. carpooling-save time

-social responsibilty,keep commitments, keep morality

robber's cave study (_____)


what creates conflict

competition of scarce resources (realistic group conflict), identifiable competing outgroup, perceived injustice (equity), rxns of the exploiters or exploited

justice =


my outcomes/my inputs = your outcomes/your inputs

the exploiters or the exploited are less sensitive to inequity


rxns of the exploited

accept and justify inferior position, demand compensation, ask for more

what type of exploited person is more likely to retaliate

highly educated individual how knows that that they deserve more

in noncapitalist cultures justice =


misperception and conflict

self serving bias - accept credit for good deeds and not take responsiblity for bad deeds

-self justification- deny the wrongs of their evil acts ( i didn't hit him i just touched him)

-fundamental att. err. - each group thinks that the other is hostile and bad

-preconceptions-filters info to fit preconceptions



-ingroup bias

-stereotype- neg stereotypes of other group

mirror image perceptions

self confirming images

both groups think that the other group is bad

see what you want to see and exaggerate differences

how can contact decrease and increase conflict

studies showed a 94% positive results in desegregation and a decrease in racial attitudes -> friendship and equal status contact;

it can also lead to anxiety or perceived threat or people will self impose segregation which leads to pluralistic ignorance

people cooperate more when

there is a common threat, have a superordinate goal that requires cooperation to achieve

what 3 things are required to be a superordinate goal

require cooperation, achievable, and redefine group

cooperative learning

teach each person something different so that they have to come together and teach each other

jigsaw classroom

intentionally sort students in class room in a certain way so student who wouldn't interact do

assimilation vs. bi/multiculturalism

trying to get you to become more like the majority

have people keep their original customs and create a more diverse more community

communication options

bargaining, mediation, arbitration




direct negotiation b/t 2 parties in conflict

- bringing in mediator during bargaining

-go to higher power and that person decides the outcome

integrative agreement

both people win; longer lasting


both parties give something else (no one is happy b/c loss on both sides

mediation tactics

id and rank goals, state facts and i-statements, role reversal, restate and reply, establish trust, avoid reactive devaluation (ignore statements if they are made by indiviuals whose value you don't care for .

what is GRIT


graduated and reciprocated inititiatives and tension-reduction

(complete conciliatory acts, reciprocate in kind)

kyoto protocol

agreement made to reduce greenhouse effects, between countries

relationship between money and love over the years

studies have found that people are increasingly more interested in finding love than money

relationship between having a meaningful life philosophy and being well off financially

studies have found that people are increasingly more interested in being well off financially than developing a meaningful life philosophy

why does materialism fail to satisfy

social comparison-we compare our success to others

upward comparison- we compare our success to people who are "better" than us

relative deprivation- perception that we are worse off to the people that we compare ourselves to

ways to reduce consumption

control population and moderate consumption

public and economic polices towards sustainability

incentives for conservation and disincentives for consumption

social pressures for sustainability

individual choices

true cost, carbon nutrality, and emissions trading;

consciousness and voluntary simplicity movement

ways to move away from materialism

close supportive relationships, faith communities, positive thinking habits, flow (find work that puts you in "the zone"

ways to get happy

don't overvalue wealth, take control of life and time, work towards long term goals, act happy, exercies, priorities close relationships, be optimistic, be spiritual, engage in challenging tasks