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25 Cards in this Set

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child development
study of the persistent, cumulative and progressive changes in the physical, cognitive and social-emotional development of children and adolescents
physical development
physical and brain growth and age-related changes in motor skills
cognitive development
systematic changes in reasoning, concepts, memory and language
social-emotional development
systematic changes in emotions, self-concept, motivation, social relationships and moral reasoning and behavior
the broad social environments, including family, schools and community services, neighborhoods, culture, ethnicity and society at large, that influence children's development
inherited characteristics and tendencies that affect development
a child's characteristic ways of responding to emotional events, novel stimuli and personal impulses
genetically guided changes that occur over the course of development
environmental conditions that affect development
sensitive period
a period in development when certain environmental experiences have a more pronounced influence that is true at other times
in a particular aspect of human development, the commonalities seen in the way virtually all individuals progress
in a particular aspect of human development, the varied ways different individuals progress
qualitative change
relatively dramatic developmental change that reflects considerable reorganization or modification of functioning
quantitative change
developmental change that involves a series of minor, trendlike modifications
a period of development characterized by a qualitatively distinct way of behaving or thinking
stage theory
theory that describes development as involving a series of qualitatively distinct changes
organized system of principles and explanations regarding a particular phenomenon
biological theory
theoretical perspective that emphasizes genetic factors and physiological structures and functions of the body and brain
behaviorism and social learning theory
theoretical perspective that focuses on environmental stimuli and learning processes that lead to behavioral change
psychodynamic theory
theoretical perspective that focuses on how early experiences and internal conflicts affect social and personality development
cognitive-development theory
theoretical perspective that focuses on major transformations to the underlying structures of thinking
cognitive-process theory
theoretical perspective that focuses on the precise nature of human mental operations
sociocultural theory
theoretical perspective that focuses on children's learning of tools and communication systems through practice in meaningful tasks with other people
developmental systems theory
theoretical perspective that focuses on the multiple factors, including systems inside and outside children, that combine to influence children's development
developmentally appropriate practice
instruction and other services adapted to the age, characteristics and developmental progress of individual children