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61 Cards in this Set

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A person who is suffering from disordered thinking, bizarre behavior and hallucinations and who is unable to distinguish between fantasy and reality is likely suffering from __________.


"I didn't get the job even though i was the ost qualified applicant because the company has to hire a minority worker." This probably illustrates which defense mechanism?


Chemical substances that change moods and perceptions are called _________ drugs.


the typical sequence of the five stages of dying postulated by Kubler-Ross is ____________.

anger, bargaining, depression, denial, acceptance

Which term refers to a way to define abnormality by comparing and individual's behavior to the norms of standards of the society in which an individual lives?

social norm deviance

Hippocrates maintained that mental illness was ____________.

caused by imbalances of vital body fluids

Erikson's theory of social development viewed the ages of three to six, his third stage, as being characterized by the major challenge of _________.

initiative versus guilt

the tendency to base attributions soleley on behavior without considering the situation is called:

fundamental attribution error

taste adversion seem to be specific examples of what type of learning?

classical conditioning

Some psychologists believe the dissociative identity disorder is not a real illness but rather is a misdiagnosed form of which other mental disorder?

borderline personality disorder

According to Erikson, the last stage of development involves the crisis of:

ego-intergrity vs. despair

Linda is afraid of cats because when she was little a cat scared her by jumping out of her closet and onto her face. as a result of the experience, Linda learned to be afraid of cats. Which model of abnormality offers the best explanation of Linda's fear?


Researchers have discovered that during speccific periods in one's life, certain abilities must devolp of they will not develop later. these are known as__________.

critical periods

According to Jung's psychoanalytic theory, each of us has______, which are inherited predispositions to respond to certain concepts.


John Watson was a behaviorist who argued that the science of psychology must concern itself only with

observable events

A negative reinforcer is a stimulus that is ______ and thus ________ the probability of a response

removed; increases

Modern psychology is said to have begun when:

Wundt opened the first laboratory devoted to the scientific study of psychology

Which of the following is the correct order for Piaget's four stages of cognitive development?

sensory-motor, preoperational, concrete operations, formal operations

Who interviewed terminally ill patients and concluded they went through a series of stages in dealing with their impending deaths?


Erik is a newborn. According to Erikson, his main task will be to develop a sense of _______?


According to Rodgers, people brought up with conditional positive regard _________.

feel valued regardless of their attitudes and behaviors

Today, trepanning is done to

relieve pressure from fluids on the brain

On a fixed-interval schedule, reinforcement is given

for the first correct response after a fixed amount of time has passed

Which of the following is the better predictor of psychological and physical health, according to Lazarus?


For those people in the Middle Ages who believed abnormal behavior resulted from spirit possession, the treatment of choice was ___________.


Unpredictability is stressful because:

we cannot plan for random events

Audrey is a normal, healthy tho-year old. Her main task, according to Erikson, will be to develop a sense of _____________.


Which of the following is an example of subjective discomfort?

worrying about everything most of the time

Discrimination differs from prejudice in that it is:

a behavior

Maria is a retired factory worker who lives with anxiety. Due to the fear of having anxiety attacks, she does not leave her house. This makes her feel trapped in her home, which creates distress. Which criterion would be most appropriate in deciding whether Maria's case represents an example of abnormality?

subjective discomfort

The pleasure principle is to the reality principle as the _________ is to the ________.

id; ego

Jane is an angry hostile woman. At work and in her personal life, she is described as energetic go-getter because she is a workaholic and does a great deal of volunteer work for abused children and women. Jane's behavior may be an example of which defense mechanism?


Ellie is a graduate student in psychology at the local university. She is interested in one day specializing in the study of abnormal behavior. What area of psychology should she focus on in school?


the process by which experience or practice results in a relatively permanent change in behavior of potential behavior is known as ___________.


The person MOST colsely associated with the law of effect is ________.


A major reason why people won't help when there are many bystanders is because:

of diffusion of responsibility

Which of the following statments about stress is TRUE?

positive situations can lead to stress.

The tendency of those studying psychopathology to start seeing themselves as suffering from the illnesses being discussed is known as __________.

psychology student's syndrome

Sally has a desire to eat a steak with a bakedpotato smothered with butter and sour crea. One component of her personality tells her because she is overwieght that instead of eating the meal, whe should fast and direct her efforts to ending world hunger. Another component suggests that it would be better to eat a salad and a bran muffin, then run two milles. The fasting suggestion most likely was made by which component of personality?


The pattern of characteristic thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that persists over time and situations and distinguishes one person from another is called ________.


The psychodynamic model holds that abnormal behavior is the result of _________.

repressed thoughts, memories and concerns

According to the cognitive perpective, disordered behavior is a result of ________.

illogical thinking patterns

Free-floating anxiety refers to anxiety that is _________.

unrelated to any realistic, known source

A typical statement of someone in the _________ level of Kohlberg's moral development would be, "I'm not going to steal because I'll probably be punished if I do."


A reasearcher who selects a sample of pepople of varying ages and studies them at one point in time is, by definition, using the __________ method.


While doing volunteer work at a mental hospital, Mary is put on a ward for adults with severe mental disorders. One patient remains in the same position for hours at a time and never talks. The doctors tell Mary this patient suffers from

catatonic schizophrenia

Which model of abnormality holds that physical, mental, and cultural factors are intertwined and that they must all be considered when dealing with psychology disorders?

the biopsycholsocial model

Which of the following gives the stages of develpment outlined by Freud in the order in which they occur?

oral, anal, phallic, latency, genital

According to Piaget, wich of the following is crucial to cognitive development at the sensory-motor stage?

object permanence

The hippocampus is instrumental in:

transferring information from short-term to long-term memory

Which of the following is the correct order which psychologists use in studying a particular behavior?

describe explain predict control

What is the tendency to make internal attributions when we succeed and external attributions when we fail?

self-serving bias

A psychologist spends her entire career studying how and why changes occur in people as they get older. This psychologist is most likely a ___________ psychologist.


A young woman recovering from a blow to her head finds she has great difficulty maintaining her balance and coordinating her movements. Injury to which part of her brain is likely to be causing her difficulties?


Joanna is experiencing severe anxiety. Her psychiatrist attributes her disorder to a chemical imbalance. Her psychiatrist is using the ________ of abnormality

biological model

The process we use to notice important stimuli and ignore irrelevant ones is ________.


Adler believed that people often are motivated by ________

feelings of iferiority

The part of the hind brain that largely controls breathing, heart rate, and blood pressure is the __________


Garfield is having great difficulty controlling his appetite. All he wants to do is eat and no matter how much he eats he is still hungry. His weight is approaching 400 pounds and he still constantly wants to eat. His physician says the problem is due to a disorder in a specific center of the brain. The brain center is most likely the _______


According to studies done by Holmes, there is a positive correlation between stress and ________

major illness

Adaptation is the process in which __________

receptor sensitivity changes depending upon the intensity of the stimulus