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38 Cards in this Set

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Chemical substances that can block or reduce a cell's response to the action of other chemicals or neurotransmitters are called

A) agonists.
B) antagonists.
C) digoxins.
D) endorphins.


The nerves carrying messages from the CNS to the voluntary muscles comprise the

A) sensory pathway.
B) motor pathway.
C) autonomic nervous system.
D) parasympathetic division.

Motor pathway

Melissa is walking around barefoot and suddenly steps on a sharp nail. She feels the pain and immediately pulls her foot off the ground away from the nail. Which neurons were involved in her response?

A) interneurons only
B) interneurons and motor neurons only
C) sensory and motor neurons only

D) sensory, motor, and interneurons

Sensory, motor and interneurons

Kim's doctor got a detailed image of her brain by using radio waves and powerful magnetic fields. Kim received a(n)


B) CT scan.
C) MRI scan.
D) PET scan.

MRI scan

The _______ is to involuntary muscles as the _______ is to voluntary muscles.

A) somatic nervous system; autonomic nervous system
B) autonomic nervous system; somatic nervous system

C) central nervous system; peripheral nervous system
D) peripheral nervous system; central nervous system

Autonomic, somatic

The central nervous system are what parts of the body?

Spine & brain



Automatic Nervous System controls ______ movements


The _____ division of the autonomic nervous system is also called the fight-or-flight system.

A) sympathetic
B) parasympathetic
C) synaptic
D) endorphin


The neurotransmitter ______ does not go through the reuptake process.

A) dopamine
C) serotonin
D) acetylcholine


The right hemisphere of the brain specializes in nonverbal processing, processing of the whole, and

A) the written language.
B) the spoken language.
C) mathematical calculations.
D) music and artistic processing.

Music and artistic processing

The parasympathetic division could be called the

A) stress division.
B) all-or-nothing system.
C) fight-or-flight system.
D) eat-drink-and-rest system.


Neurons have _____which receive input, _____ which are cell bodies, and _____ which carry the neural message to other cells.

A) dendrites; somas; axons

B) axons; dendrites; somas
C) axons; somas; dendrites
D) somas; axons; dendrites




The _____ is a group of several brain structures located under the cortex that are involved in learning, emotion, memory, and motivation.

Limbic System

The _____ part of the spinal cord transmits messages to and from the brain. The ____ part controls lifesaving reflexes

A) upper; lower
B) lower; upper
C) outer; inner
D) inner; outer


The ________ controls the size of the pupil.


If you are experiencing habituation,

A) your receptor cells are no longer sending signals to your brain.
B) the lower centers of the brain are sending signals from sensory receptors to the cortex.
C) you are detecting the difference between two stimuli.
D) sensory receptors are still responding to stimuli.

Sensory receptors are still responding to stimuli

________ is the way the brain deals with unchanging information from the environment.


The linear perspective is an example of

A monocular cue

What is transduction?

The process of converting outside stimuli to neural activity

Which pictorial depth cue causes distant objects, such as mountains, to appear hazier than nearby objects?

A) linear perspective
B) relative size
C) motion parallax
D) aerial perspective

Aerial perspective

One's tendency to perceive things in a certain way because of previous experience or expectation is called

A) perceptual set.
B) an illusion.
C) a binocular clue.
D) a monocular clue.

perceptual set

Many people believe that some stimuli act upon the unconscious mind and influence behavior, a process called

A) habituation.
B) sensory adaptation.
C) subliminal perception.
D) supraliminal perception.

subliminal perception

The image projected on the retina is

A) upside down but on the same side as the visual field.

B) exactly the same image that is registered by the brain.
C) right side up and reversed from left to right.
D) upside down and reversed from left to right.

upside down and reversed from left to right

Which of the following is TRUE about rods?

A) They are sensitive to changes in wavelengths.
B) They are located in the center of the retina.
C) They are the first stop for light within the eye.
D) They are responsible for peripheral vision.

They are responsible for peripheral vision

Depth perception seems to develop

A) in middle childhood.
B) in early infancy.
C) during the toddler years.
D) in adolescence.

Early infancy

Procedural memories

A) are not easily retrieved into conscious awareness.
B) are part of STM.
C) are stored in the amygdala.
D) are formed by maintenance rehearsal.

Are not easily retrieved into conscious awareness

It is extremely difficult to bring ______ into consciousness.

A) semantic memories
B) implicit memories
C) sensory memories
D) episodic memories


The information-processing model of memory suggests that

the process of memory storage is similar to the way a computer processes memory in a series of three stages.

The storage time of a memory depends upon

A) one's age.
B) how well the memory is rehearsed.
C) the system of memory being used.
D) the right retrieval cues.

The system of memory being used

Piaget suggested that children become able to deal effectively with abstract concepts during the ________ stage.

A) preoperational
B) formal operations
C) concrete operations
D) sensorimotor

formal operations

When adolescents move into Piaget's final stage of formal operations, what becomes possible?

A) introspection

B) emotional maturity
C) abstract thinking
D) conventional thinking

abstract thinking

Anything that can have an influence on development that does not come from within the person is known as

A) nature.
B) genetics.
C) nurture.
D) heredity.


The ABC Model of Attitudes includes

A) Attitudes, Behavior, and Cognition
B) Affect, Beliefs, and Cognition.
C) Affect, Behavior, and Compliance
D) Affect, Behavior, and Cognition.

Affect, Behavior and cognition

Which of the following emotions about being stereotyped creates a self-fulfilling prophecy?

A) anxiety about supporting the stereotype
B) indifference about one's performance

C) anger about being stereotyped
D) eagerness to prove the stereotype holder correct

Anxiety about supporting the stereotype

Which of the following memory phenomena has been supported in impression formation?

A) primacy effect
B) recency effect
C) latency effect
D) serial position effect

primacy effect

In his experiment on conformity, Asch found that

A) participants were as likely to conform with two confederates as with four.
B) conformity increased with each new confederate, up to four.
C) people stuck to their own answer about 90 percent of the time.
D) conformity was probably a sign of the times.

Conformity increased with each new confederate, up to 4

The three components of attitude are _____, thoughts, and actions.
