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38 Cards in this Set

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Psychological disorder
a condition that either seriously impairs a person's ability to function in life or creates a high level of inner distress
approaches to psychological disorders
biological, psychoanalytic, cognitive-behavioral, diathesis-stress, systems approach
biological approach
disorders have a biochemical or physiological basis
psychoanalytical approach
result from unconscious internal conflicts
cognitive-behavioral approach
result from learning maladaptive ways of thinking/behaving
people biologically predisposed to a mental disorder (diathesis) will tend to exhibit that disorder when particularly affected by stress
systems approach
biological, psychological, and social risk factors combined - disorders
mood disorders
restricted emotional range; disturbances in mood or prolonged emotional state
specific mood disorders
depression, mania, bipolar disorder
symptoms of depression
overwhelming feelings of sadness; lack of interest in activities; sometimes excessive guilt or feelings of worthlessness;
2 forms of clinical depression
major depressive disorder
major depressive disorder
an episode of intense sadness that may last for several months
less intense sadness but persists with little relief for a period of 2 years or more
symptoms of mania
euphoric states; extreme physical activity; excessive talkativeness; distractedness; sometimes grandiosity
bipolar disorder
alternating periods of mania and depression, may go thru periods of normal mood
causes of mood disoders
biological factors; psychological factors; social factors
biological causes of mood disorders
genetics (twin studies); certain chemical imbalances in the brain have been linked to mood disorders
psychological causes of mood disorders
cognitive distortions; illogical/maladaptive responses to negative life events
types of illogical thinking
arbitrary inference; overgeneralization; magnification & minimization
social causes of mood disorders
difficulties in interpersonal relationships
anxiety disorders
phobias; panic disorder; generalized anxiety disorder; obsessive-compulsive disorder
types of phobias
specific; social; agoraphobia
specific phobia
intense fear of some object
social phobia
excessive, inappropriate fears connected with social situations or performances
multiple, intense fear of crowds, public places
panic disorder
recurrent panic attacks: sudden intense fear/terror without any reasonable cause
generalized anxiety disorder
prolonged, vague but intense fears not attached to any particular object or circumstance
obsessive-compulsive disorder
recurrent, uncontrollable disturbing thoughts (obsessions) and/or senseless rituals (compulsions)
causes of anxiety disorders
prepared responses; not feeling in control of one's life; an inherited predisposition; internal psychological conflict
schizophrenic disorders
delusions; hallucinations
false beliefs about reality that have no basis
sensory experiences in the absence of external stimulation
types of schizophrenic disorders
disorganized schizophrenia;
catatonic schizophrenia;
paranoid schizophrenia; undifferentiated schizophrenia
disorganized schizo
bizarre and childlike behaviors are common
catatonic schizo
disturbed motor activity
paranoid schizo
suspiciousness/bizarre delusions
undifferentiated schizo
symptoms that don't meet the criteria for another subtype of the disorder
causes of schizo
elevated dopamine levels;
enlarged ventricles in the brain;
abnormal pattern of connections between cortical cells;
family relationships