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88 Cards in this Set

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French biologist Marie Jean Pierre Flourens and surgeon Paul Broca conducted research that demonstrated a connection between

the mind and the brain

What was the subject of the famous experiment conducted by Helmholtz?

reaction time

Whelp Wundt is credited with?

the founding of psychology as a scientific discipline

Wundt an his students sought to analyze the basic elements that constitute the mind, an approach called


William James and helped establish functionalism as a major school of psychology thought in North America

G. Stanley Hall

The functional approach to psychology was inspired by

Darwin's On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural selection

To understand human behavior, Jean Martin Charcot and Pierre Janet studied people

psychological disorders

Building on the work of Charcot and Janet, Sigmund Freud developed

psychoanalytical theory

the psychological theory that emphasized the positive potential of human beings is known as

humanistic psychology

behaviorism involves the study of

observable actions and responses

the experiments of Ivan Pavlov and John Watson centered on

stimulus and response

Who developed the concept of reinforcement?

B.F. Skinner

The stay of mental processes such as perception and memory is called

cognitive psychology

During World War II, cognitive psychologists discovered that many of the errors pilots make are the result of

limited human cognitive capacity to handle incoming information

the use scanning techniques to observe the brain in action and to see which parts are involved in which ovperstons helped the development of

cognitive neuroscience

central to evolutionary psychology is the function that minds and brains serve.


social psychology differs most from other psychological approaches in its emphasis on

human interaction

Cultural psychology emphasizes that

culture shapes some, but not all psychological phenomena

Mary Calkins

become the first woman president of the APA

Kenneth Clark

did research that influenced the Supreme Court decision to ban segregation in public schools


the belief that the best way to understand the world is to observe it first hand/ knowledge can be acquired through observation


anything that can detect the condition to which an operational definition refers


the goodness with which a concrete event defines a property


the tendency for an instrument to produce the same measurement whenever it is used to measure the same thing


an instrument's ability to detect small magnitudes of the property

demand characteristic

those aspects of an observational setting that cause people to behave as they think someone else wants or expects

naturalistic observation

a technique for gathering scientific info by unobtrusively observing people in their natural environments

the belief that accurate knowledge can be acquired through observation is



a falsifiable prediction

when a measure produces the same measurement whenever it is used to measure the same thing it is said to have


the methods of psychological investigation take

into account because when people know they are being studied, they don't always behave as they otherwise would.


aspects of an observation al setting that causes people to behave as they think they should are called

demand characteristics

in double-blind observation

the purpose is hidden from both the observer and the person being observed

which of the following describes the average value of all the measurements in a particular distribution?


what does a correlation coefficient show?

direction and strength of a correlation

when two variables are correlated, what keeps us from concluding that one is the cause and the other is the effect?

the possibility of third-variable correlation

A researcher administers a questionnaire concerning attitudes towards global warming to people of both genders and of all ages who live all across the country. The dependent variable in the study is the of the participants.

attitude toward global warming

the characteristic of an experiment that allows conclusions about casual relationships to be drawn is called

internal validity

an experiment that operationally defines variables in a realistic way is said to be

externally valid

when people find evidence that confirms their beliefs, they often

tend to stop looking

what are psychologists ethically required to do when reporting research results?

report findings truthfully, share credit for research, make data available for further research

functions of a neuron

processing info, communicating with other neurons, sending messages to body organs and muscles

signals from other neurons are received and relayed to the cell body by


signals are transmitted form one neuron to another

across the synapse

which type of neuron receives info form the external world and conveys this info to the brain via the spin cord?

sensory neuron

An electrical signal that is conducted along the length of a neuron's axon to the synapse is called?

an action potential

the chemicals that transmit info across the synapse to receiving neurons dendrites are called


the automatically controls the organs of the body.

automatic nervous system

which part of the hindbrain coordinates fine motor skills?

the cerebellum

what part of the brain is involved in movement and arousal?

the midbrain

the regulates body temp, hunger, thirst , and sexual behavior


What explains the apparent beneficial effects of cardiovascular exercise on aspects of brain function and cognitive performance?

neuron plasticity

during the course of embryonic brain growth, the

undergoes the greatest development.

cerebral cortex

the first central nervous system appeared in


Genes set the in populations within a given environment.

range of variation

identifying the brain areas that are involved in specific types of motor, cognitive, or emotional processing is vest achieved through

brain imaging

sensation involves , whereas perception involves

stimulation; interpretation

what process converts physical signals from the environment into neural signals carried by sensory neurons into the central nervous system?


the smallest intensity needed to just barely detect a stimulus is called

absolute threshold

the world of light outside the body is linked to world of vision inside the central nervous system by the


light stricken the retina causes a specific pattern of response in the three cone types, leads to our ability to see


in which part of the brain is the primary visual cortex, where encoded info is systematically mapped into a representation of the visual scene?

area V1

our ability to visually combine details so that we perceive unified objects is explained by

feature-integration theory

the idea that specialized brain areas represent particular classes of objects is

the modular view

the principle of holds that even as sensory signals change, perception remains consistent

perceptual constancy

image-based and parts-based theories both involve the problem of

object identification

what kind of cues are relative size and linear perspective


what does the frequency of a sound wave determine?


the placement of our ears on opposite sides of the head is crucial to our ability to

localize sound source

sensory memory

a type of storage that holds sensory info for a few seconds or less

iconic memory

fast decaying store of visual info

echoic memory

fast decaying store of auditory info

in classical conditioning, a conditioned stimulus is paired with an unconditioned stimulus to produce

a conditioned response

what occurs hen a conditioned stimulus is no longer paired with an unconditioned stimulus


what did Watson and Rayner seek to demonstrate about behaviorism through the little Albert experiment?

even sophisticated behaviors such as emotion are subject to classical conditioning

which part of the brain is involved in the classical conditioning of fear?

the amygdala

after having a bad experience with a particular type of food, people can develop a lifelong aversion to the food. this suggests that conditioning ha a aspect.



actions and outcomes are critical to pedant conditioning, involves the reinforcement of behavior,

has associative mechanisms with roots in evolutionary behavior.

has a role in Skinner's approach to behavior?

cognitive, neural, evolutionary

latent learning provides the evidence for a cognitive element in operant conditioning because

it occurs without any obvious reinforcement

activity of neurons in the contributes to the process of reinforcement.

medial forebrain bundle

helps form the basis of observational learning

attention, perception, memory

neural research indicates that observational learning is closely tied to brain areas that are involved in


what kind of learning takes place largely independent of awareness of both the process and the products of info acquisition.

implicit learning

the process in which repeated or prolonged exposure to a stimulus results in a gradual reduction in responding is called


truths of implicit learning

some forms of learning start out explicitly but become more implicit over time, occurs even in the simplest organisms, children learn language and social conduct largely through implicit learning

responding to implicit instructions results in decreased brain activation in which part of the brain/?

the occipital region

which study strategy has been shown to be the most effective?

taking practice tests