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138 Cards in this Set

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Rate of occurence of Schizophernia
1% - genetic component
What are the subtypes of schizophrenia
paranoid, undifferentiated, catatonic, disorganized, residual
paranoid schizophrenia
delusns orhallucinations w/ persecution or grandiosity
undifferentiated schizophrenia
many dif symptoms- combos
catatonic schizophrenia
immobility extreme negatism, repeating speech or mov of others
residual schizo
w/drawl, after hallucination and delusions have disappered
disorganized schizo
disorganized speech or behavior or flat or inappropriat emotion
How is dopamine related to schizophrenia
Dopamine Overactivity
•Schizo express higher levels ( 6X) of dopamine D4 recep in brain
source amnesia
attribe event to wrong source- exper heard read or imagined
misinformation effect
incorporating misleadign info into one;s mem of an event
Loftus Studies
car accident studdies, Red Datsun Study, slides, sub not misled: 80% correct
Misled: 20% correct
physic change in brain when memory formed
process- changes in struc and func of neurons when mem formed strengthen memories
long term potentiation
(LTP) synaptic enhancement after leaning- increase in neurotransmitter release or receptors onthe recieving neuron.
Alzheimer's Disease primary diff
anterograde amnesia
associated w/ acetyl Coline
mem is recontructive process T/F
how reconstruction can lead to false memories
can be messed w/ by misinformation effect, hindsight bias, imaginationeffect, source amnesia
dysfunction is key to disorder, why?
interferes w/ life, not disorder unless impairs daily function
deviant, distressful and dysfunctional
what defines a disorder . mental
biological model
concept that diseases can be diagnosed, treated and cured
psychological models
psychodynamic, behavorial and cognitive approaches to treating disorders
biological socio-cultural and psychological factors combine and interact to produce psychological disorders
Culture - specific psychological disorders
anorexia bulimia (west cultures)
Diagnstic and Statistical Manual of MEntal Disorders
How is the DSM IV used to classify and label disorders?
decribes 400 multiaxial classification- from loss grade to high grade label hels communication and establish therapies
is the DSM IV reliable diagnoses across practitioners.
neg affects of labeling w/ psychological disorder
causes ppl to view them dif, stigmatize individuals.
generalized anxiety disorder
tenseness and apprehension (6 mo or more) autonomic arousal,
panic disorder
min long ep of intense dread, or terror chest pains, choking or other frightening sensation
persistent and irrational fear of an obj or situation that disrupts behavior
Obsessive complusive disorder
persistence of unwanted thoughts (obsessions) and urge to engage in senseless rituals (compulsions) that cause distress.
Acute traumatic stress disorders
less than 4 weeks
haunting mem , nightmares, social w/drawal jumpy anxiety sleep probs
Post traumatic stress disorder
4 or more weeks
haunting mem , nightmares, social w/drawal jumpy anxiety sleep probs
cause of anxiety disorders
psychodynamic-repressed urges
behavioral- reinforcement
cognitive-irrational thinking
biological- chemical imbalances
major depressive
response to past or current loss, 2 or more weeks letharygy, feelings of worthlessness, loss of interest in family & friends, and activites
bipolar disorder
depressive symp: gloomy, withdrawn, inability to make descisions, tired, slow.
manic symp: elation, euphoria, desire action, hyperactive, multiple ideas
biological perspective on depression
geneic influences , reduction of norepinephrine and serotonin drugs: norepinephrine.
scans: PET shows brain energy consumption rises and falls w/ manic and depressive ep.
self defeating beliefs and explanatory style play in depression
depression cycle,
stressful experiences--> neg explanatory style--> depressed mood--> cog and behav changes
how can depressing thoughts reinforce themselves?
it loops back around as you become more stressed
dissociative identity disorder
a person exhibits 2 or more distinct and alternating personalitities.
DID critics
argue that diagnosis of DID has increased to 20,000 cases from 2 cases.
dissociative Fugue
travel from familiar surroundign after traumatic event, amnesia for trip and possibly personal identity.
dissociative amnesia
memory loss for personal info related to traumatic event (froids ideas of represed mem)
dissociative disorder
conscious awareness becomes separated from prev memories thougths and feelings. symp: sense of being unreal, being sep from body, watching themselves in a movie.
Personality Disoders
inflex and enduring behav patterns that impair social functioning, Avoidant pers dis,
narcissitic pers dis
Borderline prs dis
Borderline pers dis
extreme reactions
avoidant pers dis
fear of rejections
narcissistic pers dis
think the world is abt them
antsocial personlity disrder
a lack of conscience for wrongdoing, even towards friends and family members Psychopaths, sociopaths
atsocial pers dis and stress hormones?
Less stress hormones released. Less arusal in the automatic nervous system
schizophenia genetic factors
1% of population world wide, iden twins have 50% chance of having.
viruses and schizoprenia
to viral infections during pregnancy particularly in the 2nd trimester 5-6%- icreased chance
psychological factors play a role (stress-vulnerability model) schyzophrenia?
genes may predispose but if not exposed-->wont develop--> environment shapes Ex height
psychoanalytical therapies
bring repressed feeling into conscious awareness (psychoanalysis)
cognitive therapies
•Based on the assump that thots intervene between events and our emo rxn.
looks for Distortion of thinking
behavioral therapies
applies learning principles to eliminate unwanted behaviors
classical conditioning, counterconditioning, systematic disensitization, aversion, and exposure therapies
humanistic therapies
Uses active listening
Echoes, restates, and clarifies patient’s thinking, acknow expressed feelings
group therapies
6 to 10 ppl
–Clients benefit from knowing others have simi prob (way of delivering therapy)
–Can help more people and cost less.
–Shy, now don’t have the one on one interaction
psychological therapies
confiding interaction between a trained therapist and a patient
action therapies, insight based therapies
action herapies
ex: behavioral, cog-behavioral, cognitive
change something abt individ
Insithg based based therapies
understand motifs
Distortion of Thinking
cog therapy:
–Arbitrary inference – “jumping to conclusions” (john didn’t return call must b seeing some1 else)
–Overgeneralization – sweeping conclusions they r somewhat evi based
–Magnification – out of proportion (one examine, not going to get job u want)
–Minimization – not emph good things
Personalization – take blame 4 things out of control
cognitive-behavior therapy
– Alter the way ppl act (behavior therapy) and the way they think (cognitive therapy)
active listening?
humanistic therp
•Echoes, restates, and clarifies, acknowl expres feelings.
person-centered therapy
humanistic: ative list, nondirective, non judging, unconditional pos regard-pos emo rxns
deficiencies and repetitive behavior- 1%
autisms realtion to Theory of mind and mirror neurons?
reason for it is possible dificiency in mirror neuron system- visual learning
the three biomedical treatments for psychological disorders
Drug treatments
electric shock therapy
drug treatments influence on hospitalizations?
rapidly declined.
placebo effect
when expectations strongly influence behavior and drug results
double blind procedures
tests the effective ness of drug patients are tested w/ drug and placebo and patients and person who interacts w/ patient are kept blind.
four major classes of drugs
antipsychotic, antianxiety antidepressants, and antimanic
antipsychotic drugs
classical- remove #pos symtoms - delusions hallucinations
Atypical- trys to remove neg symp: apathy, concentration-blocks dop receptors
antianxiety drugs
depress central nerv system, reduces tension elevates GABA
antidepressants drugs
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, lowers reuptake of serotonin, SSRIS
Antimanic Drugs
stabilize manic episodes in bipoler disorder, moderates lvls of Norepinephrine and glutamate neurotrans (A salt)
Electroconvulsive therapy to treat and side effects
severley depressed patients- unrepsonsive to drugs, memory loss before and a little after. 80%
100 volt short 3 sessions
does TMS work for depression
repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation- yes
removal of brain tissue, prefrontal lobotomy, bilat ant cingulatomy, last resort!!!
prefrontal lobotomies
server connections between frontal lob and limbic system.
bilateral anterior cigulatomies
use MRI take out 2 regions of frontal lobe
what is consciousness?
awarness of everything going on around inside and out
what are waking and altered states of consciousness?
waking: thoughts feelings senstations
Altered: shift in quality or patterned of activity.
circadian rhythm
our biological clock, 24 hr cycle
circadian rhythm brain involved and chemical that controls it?
yeah brain involve, hypothalamus, decress melatonin in morning and increase in nightfall.
role of hypothalamus play in circadian rhythm
suprachiasmatic nucleus triggered by light decreases melatonin
how to measure brain activity when we are sleeping?
with an EEG, 90 min through cycle
circadian rhythm
our biological clock, 24 hr cycle
stages of sleep + waves
awake : beta waves
5 stages: 1 (light sleep0 and 2(temp breath decrease) = theta faster smaller, 3 and 4 delta waves slower- growth hormone release, 5) REM
circadian rhythm brain involved and chemical that controls it?
yeah brain involve, hypothalamus, decress melatonin in morning and increase in nightfall.
role of hypothalamus play in circadian rhythm
suprachiasmatic nucleus triggered by light decreases melatonin
how to measure brain activity when we are sleeping?
with an EEG, 90 min through cycle
stages of sleep + waves
awake : beta waves
5 stages: 1 (light sleep0 and 2(temp breath decrease) = theta faster smaller, 3 and 4 delta waves slower- growth hormone release, 5) REM
REM paralysis
voluntary muscles are relaxed
REM rebound
increased amt of REM sleep if depreived prior
REM stage of Sleep?
stage 5, rapid eye movements, vivid dreams Beta waves
What happens during REM
rapid eye movement w/ vivid dreams , low amp fast reguluar beta waves
Cycle throguh dif stages of sleep
90 min 1-5 stages
sympt of sleep deprevations
fatigue ,impaired concentration, emotional irritability, depressed immune system, gratter vulnerability
persistant inability to fall asleep
overpowering urge to fall asleep that may occur while talking or standing up
Sleep Apnea
failure to breathe when asleep
Kids sleep disorders
night terrors: fear stage 4
sleepwalking: stage 4
Sleeptalking: runs in familes
Sleep theories- why we sleep
Adaptive theory- sleep protects ancetors
Restorative theory= sleep helps us recover and grow.
Sleep helps us rememer: rebuilds fading mem
what are things that we dream about (research)
wish fulfillment- frued
info processing
psysiological function
Activation synthesis theory-
Cognitive development- reaseachres thing it is part of brain maturation and cog develop
Theories as to why we dream
feud's wish fullfillment, information processing, physiological function, activation-synthesis, cognitive theory.
hypnosis affect consciousness
a heightened state of suggestibilityy
are hypnotized people acting involuntarily
no it is person being hypnotized that is in control.
theories of hypnosis
dissociation- splitting of conscious
social-cognitive theory of hypnosis, that assumes that ppl are not in an altered sate but playing the role expected.
interpersonal therapy
therapy for depression which incorporates multple approaches and foucus on interpersonal problems.
Gestalt Theory
for of directive insight therapy which therapist helps client to accept all parts of feelings and subjective experiences , leading questions or role playing.
disadvantages of group therapy
paranoia schizophernia cant tol environment, client share therapist time, reluctance to speak freely.
free association
patient says anything aloud that comes to mind.
characteristics of humanistic therapy
focus on: conscious thts, present and future self, promoting growth instead of curing illness, taking responsibility
when your brain makes a conscious desicion to block coming out
dream interpretation
manifest content: actual dream content
Latent content: symbolism behind the dream content.
aims of psychoanalysis
repressed impulses and conflicts in childhood. feeling into conscious awareness id and ego and super ego in conflict.
criticisms associated with psychoanalysis
hard to refeute can't be proven or disproven, takes a long time and expensive (yrs)
psychotherapy effectivness? data vs patients
patients 90% satisfied,
meta analysis - average treated patient better than 80% untreated patients.
problems w/ evaluationg therapies
clients need to believe therapy worked, natural tendedncy to get better after crisis.
clinicion overestimate success , familys want to see ppl get betr /
stat combining results of many studies
commonalities among psychotherapies
therapeutic alliance (therapis client relationship, protected setting and hope (placebo effect)
cultures role in therapy
therapist may differ from clients in beliefs, values and cultural background.
depression therapy
behavior and cognitive
cognitive and exporsure
meds are only affective with psycho therapy t / f
Do cognitive therapies work?
inexpensive, works w/ depression stress anxiety, eating disorders and schizo to a small degree/
potential bias on what needs to be changed by therapist.
goal of cog therapies
active teaches adaptive ways of thinking and acting, intervene between events and our emotional reactions.
role in cognition play in disorders
the distortions of thinking:
arbitrary inference
personalization lead to these disorders
aversive conditioning
associates unpleasant state w/ unwanted behavior- closer to punishment
expectation learned not association.
systematic desensitization
cant be anxious and relaced, associates relaxed state with gradually increasing anxiety- phobias.
exporsure therapies
exposes patient to things they fear and avoid extinction of conditioned fear response. (get used to a ticking clock)
conditions new responses to stimuli that trigger unwanted behaviors
behavior theories use classical learnign technique to modify behavior
counterconditioning and operant conditioning action therapy, token economy
operant conditioning used to modify behavior ?
esired behavior rewarded and undesired behavior rewarded or punished tp change behavior token economy-
token economies
earn tokens for certain behavior, traded good stuff, used in institutional settings.