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151 Cards in this Set

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factitious disorders (can have 2 different types of signs / symptoms or both)
something produced artificially, either with predominantly physical or psychological signs & symptoms or a combination of both with the purpose of becoming a patient or getting attention. They can often produce physical symptoms and have a history of lying, unnecessary surgery and frequent hospitalization
Named after a German cavalry officer, person goes from hospital to hospital with false symptoms. (They purposefully put blood in a urine sample, burn themselves, take drugs etc.) and refuse to comply with hospital rules
Munchausen by proxy
Parent hurts child so they require medical treatment, the parent gets gratification from others sympathy
conversion disorder
Pattern of symptoms of loss of control of physical function that appear with no underlying organic nature / cannot be explained. Freud believed it was from unconscious conflicts, today physical symptoms serve as a defensive function to avoid a stressful situation. Has a 2:1 ratio women to men, appears during extreme stress and can last for weeks or months. Patient has no anxiety with describing their symptoms.
sensory symptoms of conversion disorder
any 5 senses could be involved, hyperasthesia (excessive sensitivity to pain), or anylgesia (loss of sensitivity to pain)
motor symptoms of conversion disorder
paralysis is confined to single limb, loss of function is fairly selective, they can only whisper. For example, they can't write, but they can shuffle cards.
visceral symptoms of conversion disorder
constant headaches, coughing, belching
Somatization Disorder (Briquets)
Many complaints about parts of body with no physical cause: headache, fatigue, allergies, back & abdominal pains. Numerous doctor visits, surgery, use vivid images when explaining symptoms. They are manipulative and self-centered, and present an array of symptoms with no pattern.
Pain disorder
Associated with psychological factors, clear and lasting pain anywhere in the body for 6 months. Can be associated with psychological factors and / or a general medical condition, but the sole symptoms has no known pathology.
dysmorphophobia - preoccupation disorder
imagined / exaggerated defects in appearance. (Winkles, facial hair, shape / size of nose etc.) Concerns are very distressing, they try to hide flaw and don't want to be around others.
hypocondriasis - preoccupation disorders
Abnormal preoccupation with a disease. Get upset with a little illness, characterized by multiple complains where evidence is not true, many doctor visits and anxiety but symptoms are fairly minor. Express great concern over the disease, constantly on the lookout for new symptoms, read a lot about it, they want the disease to be found.
dissociative amnesia (episodic, not semantic)
Loss of memory about identification, can happen if one has suffered a trauma. Related to conversion disorder: prevent underlying anxiety, not necessarily anxious. Symptoms include amnesia, depersonalization, derealization, identity confusion, or identity alterations (surprising skills are displayed).
Localized amnesia
Failure to recall events during brief periods of time, surrounding the event
Selective amnesia
Remembers part of the event
Generalized amnesia
Loss of memory, goes back in time
Continuous amnesia
Forgetting in the present starting with the traumatic event (new experiences can't be remembered)
Episodic vs. Semantic Memories
Episodic is personal experiences & different life events. Semantic is information like things in the dictionary / knowing how to do something.
Dissociative fugue
"flight / to flee". Travels to new location, forgets identity, establishes new identity, shows characteristics they haven't shown previously. Episodic memory, can happen after a trauma and tends to end abruptly. The goal is to avoid stress that is involved regardless of the source of the stress.
Dissociative identity disorder (multiple personality disorder)
The occurrence of 2+ personalities, each with a stable life of its own. Usually from physical abuse as a child, child hypnotizes themselves to pretend they aren't in the situation they're in.
Subpersonalities (alter)
Distinct emotions, unique and relatively stable personality. Primary personality (core, host) appears most often.
mutually amnesic relationships
No awareness of each other
mutually cognizant relationships:
Personalities talk amongst themselves, personalities know each other.
one way amnestic relationships
Some are aware of others (co-conscious) but it's not reciprocated
Change in self-perception, sensation of unreality, never seen beyond the age of 40. Sudden appearance of symptoms, and chronic. Strange perception of body, perceive others as mechanical or dead. Anxiety, depression, fatigue. No effective treatment, sometimes given sedatives, cognitive therapy.
Major depressive disorder
Person experiences depressed mood + 4 other symptoms, loss of interest. Interferes with everyday life for 2 weeks. Can happen once or be recurrent.
Dysthymic disorder
Depressed mood + 2 other symptoms for at least 2 years. No more than 2 months without these symptoms at a time within the 2 year span.
Depression with melancholic features
Inability to feel or express pleasure. Depression is worst in the morning, with excessive or inappropriate guilt and significant weight loss.
Depression with psychotic features
Delusions and hallucinations with no basis in reality or fact. Hallucinations are hearing, seeing, or smelling with no external stimulus and are very negative in content.
Depression with postpartum onset
Woman 4 weeks after child birth. Post partum blues occur frequently for 2 weeks, may become psychotic with delusions, auditory hallucinations.
Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD)
at least 2 years of depression, symptoms are tied to the # of hrs of daylight; SAD is most common when there are fewer hrs of daylight.
Symptom of major depression: emotional
Sadness, loss of gratification, does not like the sight of nice things (puppies), crying spells, loss of the feeling of love
Symptom of major depression: cognitive
Pessimistic, inadequate, inferior, incompetent. Self esteem is low, believe they failed, hopeless future.
Symptom of major depression: behavioral
Activity level decreases, spend time alone in bed. Slow movements.
Symptom of major depression: physical
Disturbances in appetite, sleep. Cluster of medical problems that don't seem to go together and may lead to a misdiagnosis.
Symptom of major depression: motivational
No drive, passive, difficulty making decisions, see suicide as an escape.
Biochemical theory of depression
Neurotransmitters in brain, dendrites with stimulation. Lack of norepinephrine and serotonin in brain causes depression. Nerve cells may be damaged by stress. Meds taken increase norepinephrine & serotonin in body.
Tricyclics & how they work
Elevil, Torphrinil, Enaphronil. Work best with people with the common symptoms, alter balance by increasing activities and blocks the premature re-uptake of serotonin and norepinephrine. 65% success rate.
Eloxatine, Prozak, Zoloft, Paxil. Alternate the sensitivity of serotonin with fewer side affects.
MAO inhibitors
Increase the availability of the MAO's. 50% success rate.
Electroconvulsive Therapy
Treatment for intractable depression, majority of recipients are women. There is a pre-operation (anesthesia, muscle relaxant, meds to control heart rythym, oxygen, bite-block) then 65-140 volts of electricity pass through brain. Causes brief convulsion. Sometimes all of episodic memory is lost.
Light therapy
Seasonal affective disorder, replaces the sun with bright lights to increase happiness
Psychodynamic view & treatments
Depression is triggered by loss, or lack of parenting. Works to change feelings about the past.
Freud / psychodynamic view
People experience grief and depression, introjecting the love object, direct feelings about them toward their mood. Depression from a lack of or a lot of gratification during oral stage. Depression comes from relationships, being pushed toward being self-reliant.
Behavioral perspective and treatments for depression
Assessment of activities in persons life then try to change environment (teach social skills, teach to find fun activities, relaxation, time management)
Beck's cognitive distortion model of depression
Depression is a disorder of thinking rather than a mood. Help identify dysfunctional thoughts, are they reasonable?
cognitive triad (oneself, situation, future)
Negative thoughts about the future, person who is depressed is negative, pessimistic, etc.
Bipolar I
Severe depression alternates with extreme mania + 3 other symptoms (mania = elated behavior that goes beyond joy and happiness) Imbalance in neurotransmitters.
Bipolar II
Depression is severe but alternates with hypomania (a little bit of mania)
Cyclothymic disorder
Both depression and mania are mild. Lasts for 2 years with normal periods in between.
Symptoms of mania
inflated self-esteem, talkative, loud, decreased need for sleep, impulsive behaviors that can lead to trouble, hostile, psychotic with delusions, unshakable thoughts.
Cause of mania
Imbalance of neurotransmitters, norepinephrine and serotonin are low.
Sodium ion activity (mania)
Chloride, sodium, potassium ions all surround nerve cell. Porous membrane opens, and ions flow out. With mania, too many Na ions go into the cell, with depression, too few Na ions are going into the nerve cell.
Genetic factors
Monozygotic twins 40%. Dyzygotic twins 10%. The Amish in PA have the highest rate of bipolar disorder.
Lithium therapy - lithium carbonate
Manic behavior caused by toxic level of euric acid. Mixed with lithium --> docile. Cut down on sodium, and it worked. Severe side effects.
Anticonvulsant drugs
Tegretol, Adephrocolt. Most ppl with bipolar disorder take several medications. Psychotherapy always recommended in addition to meds.
Categories of suicide: committed, attempted, threatened, ideation.
Committed: you are dead
Attempted: carried out an act but it didn’t work
Threatened: you say you want to / going to do it
Ideation: suicidal thoughts
Edwin Schneidman: definition of suicide
the human act of self inflicted self intentioned succession
death seekers
those who are clear on their wish to die
death initiators
clear on their intent to kill themselves, but they plan to die soon anyway (terminally ill / elderly) and just decide to end it earlier
death darers
ambivalent about dying, actions much less likely to produce death, done to make someone feel guilty or gain attention
death ignorers
trade their present life with a better life
statistics about suicide
4:1 women attempt, but 4:1 men succeed. varies greatly by country, high in Russia, low in Spain, lowest in Muslims. Women more likely to kill themselves using pills, men more likely to use a gun or hang themselves.
Precipitating factors of suicide
stress or breakup, death, loss of job, disaster, serious illness
Sociological theory
Durkheim: person is strongly attached to societies rules, suicide is a disturbance between society and themselves
Egoistic theory
Person is underintegrated, individuals mental energies are concentrated on the self to such an extent that societal integrations are not helpful. Person has little concern for community. Person does not think of themselves as meaningful, society is seen as uncaring and uninvolved.
Anomic theory
Relationship between society and individual is destroyed, person is in a state of disorganization / anxiety / lonely / isolated. Event could be: loss of a job, loss of someone close to them. Durkheim suggested that sudden wealth could bring suicide if the person couldn’t cope with the wealth.
Over integration, excessive involvement between person and society.
occur when there is religious and political oppression. Individual sees all opportunities and prospects as blocked, excessive control (totalitarian regimes)
Anorexia DSM-IV symptoms
active person, being concerned about appearance, thinking or fantasizing about food. a denial in low body weight. Females who had previously gotten their period but no longer get it for 3+ months. 20:1 female.
Anorexia personal characteristics
refusal to maintain weight at or above the minimal normal weight for their age and height (less than 85% of normal body weight). Fear of gaining weight.
Anorexia pre-occupation with food
think or fantasize about food.
Anorexia distorted body image
disturbance in the way weight and body shape is experienced. They draw themselves as being much larger than what they actually are.
Anorexia sociocultural pressures to be thin
most common in white middle and upper class citizens. Usual age range is 14-18, but cases have been seen in prepubescent ages. Perfectionist, good students, rate is high in female models, gymnasts, ballet dancers, etc.
Physical consequences of anorexia
retarded bone growth, lack of tolerance for cold, hair loss, fine hair growth on the face and the trunk and extremities, lack of menstrual period / erection, electrolyte imbalance (calcium and potassium), compromised immune system, heart problems
Hypothalamus in Anorexia
(controls balance within body) could be a malfunction, some people consider anorexia as a biological disorder (water imbalance), OCD, eating is a substitute for sexual expression (fear of increasing sexual desire = fear of eating)
Treatment for anorexia
immediate goal is to help person gain weight
Hospital / outpatient clinic
only if weight loss is extreme does the person go to the hospital, otherwise person goes to outpatient clinic
weight gain for anorexia
if the young person is refusing to eat, you would force feed them.
Behavioral therapy for anorexia
appetite stimulants can be given, positive reinforcement for eating
Cognitive Therapy for anorexia
tries to correct faulty thinking
Family Therapy for anorexia
family therapist works to get the adolescent out of the sick role
Bulimia Nervosa: DSM-IV symptoms
continuous chewing, recurrent purging, purge eating with a lack of control, individuals are influenced by body shape and weight
Purging type bulimia
enemas, laxatives, diuretics, vomiting (90%)
Non-purging type bulimia
vigorous excessive fasting or large amount of food intake
Bulimic anorexics
can be overweight, underweight, or average weight. Persistent attempts to lose weight but only the anorexic changes her food intake. Likely to be critical of her behavior, often depressed.
Cycle of binging and compensation
tops eating fatty foods (soft texture high in calories). Pre-binge: person is anxious
Binge: relief of anxiety
Post-binge: anger over lack of control, depression over not being able to stop the binging
Behavioral treatment for bulimia
relaxation to prevent the binge from starting, response techniques
Cognitive treatment for bulimia
change maladaptive attitudes, identifying reasons that lead to purge
Antidepressant treatment for bulimia
Tri-Cyclics can cause cravings for carbs, MAO leads to increased heart rate (isn’t given), SSRI’s are given
Group therapy treatment for bulimia
Over-Eaters Anonymous group
Self help group for bulimia
can have a relapse if stressed
Substance abuse
less severe form of drug use, interference with the person’s ability to fulfill major obligations, recurrent use of drugs in dangerous situations, harmful and maladaptive but no dependence
Substance dependence
addiction. Repeated self-administration that leads to tolerance, withdrawal, compulsive drug taking.
having a level of drug that alters mood and behavior
need more to get the same affect
symptoms appear when drug is stopped being taken
Sex difference in alcohol
men have more of an enzyme that breaks down alcohol (women feel the effect of alcohol sooner than men)
Fetal alcohol syndrome
alcoholic pregnant women pass on deformations, retardations and behavioral problems to fetus
Alcohol withdrawal
symptoms appear after drinking, lasts 3-10 days, shaking in eyelids and hands and tongue. Nausea and vomiting, tend to be anxious, irritable and depressed. May have transient hallucinations (negative images, like insects crawling on the walls)
Alcohol withdrawal delirium = delirium tremens (DTs)
Attacks last for 2-3 days. Initial symptoms resemble those of normal withdrawal but then they can have seizures and vivid and more frightening hallucinations.
projectile vomiting to prevent more drinking
self help group started in 1935 by Wilson and Smith. Largest and most widely known, admit you’re an alcoholic, moral and spiritual guideline. Turn control over to a higher power, heterogeneous may never drink again. Alanon = not an enabler of alcoholics….Alateen = children of alcoholics
depress CNS so excitement is reduced, make you feel mellow in high doses (anesthesia) → suicide, suppress resperation, highly addictive some people don’t take them right and their sleep, drive, sex and eat changes
Anti-anxiety drugs - benzodiazepines
reduce anxiety, minor tranquilizers, Xanex, Valium, the drug has to be withdrawn gradually if treating alcohol addiction
10x stronger and addictive than morphine, euphoria and nausea, attempts to legalize it for terminally ill patients, constipation, nausea, pupil dilation. Buprenophrine clonadine: antagonist to heroine, they won’t feel it. Heroine is more pure now. 90 – 94% comes from Afghanistan
nausea, muscle tremors, sweating, hot&cold symptoms peak at 3 days. Prostitution and stealing to pay for heroin 1,000,000 heroin addictions
synthetic, dispensed in clinic each day, need to be watched so they don’t sell it
Indians have chewed leaves because it relieves symptoms of fatigue. Rub them on skin as anesthetic. Freud used it to treat depression → cocaine papers, Sherlock Holmes used cocaine, Coca Cola (you would have needed 20 quarts) heighten awareness and sexual desire. Withdrawal = chills, paranoia, bugs under skin
tolerance and withdrawal, chocolate and energy drinks, increases metabolism, body temperature and diminishes appetite, hand tremors, sleeplessness, truck drivers
cigarette, pipe cigar, chewing tobacco, snuff, Luther Terry said it could cause lung cancer, used to say it would relax you, emphazema, cancer of the mouth, takes 7 seconds to get from lung to brain, carcinogens, second hand smoke, low birth weight and premature, 73 million people smoke, 40% tries to quit.
Treatments for nicotine addiction
hypnosis, giving nicotine gum, albutrin, scared straight, tri-cyclics
“turn me on, tune me out”: doing unethical, gave LSD to students, liquid in sugar cubes or homemade stamps, chemical trip
hallucinogen hallucinosis
having abnormal perception, kaleidoscope, sound of wind becomes human voice, depersonalization
overflow from one sensory to another, hear colors, see sounds, loss of boundaries, unexpanded conciousness, terrifying experience, psychotic state (bad trip)
20% unpredictable flashbacks, can’t be controlled
smoked during the alcohol embargo.
Psychological effects of weed
slow reaction time, impaired math / reading comprehension, loss of short term memory, inability to remember what you learned when you were high (when you return to being sober)
Physiological effects of weed
dry mouth, dry throat, bloodshot eyes, slight elevation in blood pressure, increase in appetite, produces tolerance
Polysubstance abuse
taking more than one drug at a time
Simultaneous polysubstance abuse
injecting yourself with cocaine and heroin
Sequential polysubstance abuse
swallow beer, inhale cigarette.
Synergistic effects
effect can be increased or enhanced. Similar actions = 2 depressants are taken. Antagonistic = one depressant one stimulant
Complex etiology of addiction
people look at how society views a drug, mood being altered, genetic predisposition – chemically different neuron changes reward circuits, feel good when activated.
Masters & Johnson - physiological research
studied human sexual behavior and dysfunction, monitored and studied 10,000 orgasms.
Sexual response cycle: desire phase
urge to have sex, having sexual fantasies, feeling sexually attracted to someone
Sexual response cycle: excitement phase (arousal)
enlargement of blood vessels, muscle tension, boner, swelling of clit,
Sexual response cycle: orgasm phase
sexual arousal reaches peak in intensity, male and female very similar
Sexual response cycle: resolution phase
time of relaxation, if the person does not have an orgasm the person might have a long recovery time
Refractory period for males
male is unresponsive to stimulation after orgasming
Sexual desire disorder: hypoactive sexual disorder
male or female, lack of interest in sex, lack of sexual activity, impairment of sexual gratification, find sex enjoyable or a neutral experience but they just aren’t interested in having sex
Sexual desire disorder: sexual aversion
male or female, finds sex disgusting, very anxious and fearful about sex
male erectile disorder
erectile disfunction
female sexual arousal disorder
female may or may not have physical arousal, emotionally no excitement or pleasure, inadequate lubrication
premature ejaculation
unsatisfactory start of sexual activity and ejaculation, could occur before or very shortly after penetration (less than 2 minutes)
male orgasmic disorder
inhibited male orgasms, great difficulty reaching orgasms, can ejaculate early during masturbation or foreplay
female orgasmic disorder
some women orgasm very easily, others don’t: women who never have an orgasm despite being exposed to a reasonable amount of sexual activities
very painful contractions of the outer muscles on the vagina
painful, enjoy sex, easily aroused
life long or acquired: generalized or situational
man may have never had erection or recent may be tied to a certain situation
sexual interest centers on a specific body part of another person or an inademate object, object needed to orgasm
transvestic fetishism
men who dress as women because they are aroused by women’s clothing
love of children who have not yet gone through puberty. Frequently a pedophile is shy, religious, and have trouble forming adult relationships. DSM-IV requires a pedophile be at least 16 years old and at least 5 yrs older than the child
obsession with children who have gone through puberty
exhibitionism (indecent exposure)
exposing genitals to a stranger, arousal from pretending to expose himself or actually exposing himself, most of the time the reason is to shock or scare the observer.
clandestine peeping. Peeping causes arousal, sometimes the voyeur fantasizes about having sexual contact with the person but it does not actually happen (its just a fantasy). Gets turned on by looking at people who don’t realize they’re being watched and knowing her might get caught looking.
male who becomes sexually aroused while fully clothed because he rubs his genitals across a women’s body in a crowded place.
sexual sadism
arousal or sexual gratification by inflicting mental or physical pain on someone else, bondage and discipline. Sexual excitement through killing someone else (sexual release or foreplay).
sexual masochism
self-denial and whip themselves, you get tortured to become aroused. Live regular lives.
zoophilia (bestiality)
desire of sexual gratification with an animal, masturbating or having intercourse, lick genitals of human partner. Tends to occur with young males.
gender identity disorder: transsexualism
feel they’re in the wrong body and wish they were in the body of the opposite sex instead. Transgender is used when the person has not had the surgery, and transsexual if they have had a surgery. Under 18 yrs old call them having gender identity disorder.
treatment: hormones, cross-dressing, sexual reassignment surgery
person is required to go through therapy, they receive hormones of the opposite sex and cross-dress. Surgery to reconstruct sexual organs, sometimes there is severe depression or suicide.