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173 Cards in this Set

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mozart effect

listening to mozart inproved cognition temporatilly...but no effect on long term


descartes, mind and body separate but intertwined


established first psych lab

-reaction time experiments

-introspection=feelings after looking at different objects



talk about feeling when looking at different objects


concious experience broken down to underlying parts, have to look at entire structure




mind too complex to be broken down

consousness has to have function

-darwain influenced=whats the funciton of x


functionalism, influence by darwain

evolution theory

darwain, used to understand the mind


freud, unconsious, when sexual urges are blocked it can lead to disorder

pschoanalysis method

bring uncounsous to consous

gestalt pschology

opposed structuralism

look at whole not parts


predict the behavior from exposure to different stimuli

-ring bell dog salivates


behaviorist, dog salivating

cognative pschology

involved in learning, intellegence, problem solving, linked mind with brain

social psychology

ppl shaped by interactions with others

types of psych involved in individual

behavioral, personal, congnative, differntial

types of psych involved in group

biological, perceptional cognition, differential

intitutional review boards = (IRB's)

ethical guidelines

-privacy, confidentiallity, informed concent, deception, risks

observational study

observe ppl in their habitat

-adv=easy and good early to tell if phenominon exists, can be lab or real world

-dis=observer bias and reactivity

observer bias

observers expectation can cause bias in recorded result


observer presence change due to being witnessed

self report


-adv=cheap and fast/ez, lots of data

-des=self report bias, memories not perfect

self report bias

in self reports/surveys ppl wont reveale things butting them in negative light

case study

intense examination on one or few ppl in an instance

-adv=lots of data

-dis=subjective, prexisting theories are favored unfairly, rusults cannot be generalized from one study

correlational method

find correlation in data not causal

directionality problem

cant determine what causes what (correlational methods)

third variable problem

correlational studies can have third variable causeing the observed relationship


something that effects dependent variable that is not intended

-reduced by control

operational definition

define experiment specifically

-with x blood alcohol u will achieve y score

central nervous system

brain and spinal coard

peripheral nervous system

nerve cells in rest of body

-somatic nervous system and autonomic nervous system

somatic nervous system

voluntary controll

autonomic nervous system

involuntary control

parasympathetic nervous system

rest/digest/fee/breed, urination, sexual arousal ect,

sympathetic nervous system

fight or flight


detect signals

cell body

integrates (joined together) info


sends out info, transmits

terminal buttons

end of axon, connect to other dendrites


communication between nuerons via nuerotransmitters

action potencial

nueral impule traveling allong axon to relase nuerotransmiter to synapse

steps to nueron

1. transmisison=enouph stimiliation to cause action potencial and down axon

2. reception=action potencial causes nuerotransmitters to release, and enter dendrites

3. integration=nuero trans excites or inhibs postsynaptic nueron,

myelin sheath

increases the speed of nueral transmission


drugs that enhance actions of nuerotransmitters


drugs that inhib actions of nuerotransmitters


motor control over muscles


adrenal and energy


arousal and alertness


emotional states and impulse control dreaming


rewards and motivation


inhibition of action potencial for anxiety recution, intoxicatoin via alcohol


enhancement of action potencials, learning and memory


pain reduciton/reward

-no pain at first in traumatic situations


phrenology (diff parts of brain do diff things) wrong and no basing for the system but is ture there is a system


found brocas lobe, related to talking with language


electrodes on scalp, get general idea of brain activity


cahnge in blood oxygen level detection, map working brain

TMS(transcranial magnetic stimulation

fast/powerful magnetic field to momentarily disrupt activity in specific brain area, if disable speech area patient cant speak ect.


motivation, emotion, complex thought

-subcortical (hippocampus, amgdala, basal ganglia)

-cortical structures (occipital, parietal, temporal, frontal lobes)



-substantia nigra=initiation of voluntrary motor control



-brainstem=breathing, heart rate, survival

-cerebellum=motor learning, coordination, balance


breathing, heart rate, survival


motor learning, coordination, motor activity

substanctia nigra

initiation of voluntary motor activity


sensory info except smell


body functions and motivation (hunger and thirst ex)


memory formation


emotional assosiation with expiences

basal ganglia

motor planning and movement, reward

occipital lobes


parietal lobes

touch, spatial information

temportal lobes

hearing, memory of faces and shapes

frontal lobes

planning, movement, complex thought

corpus collsoum

connects two brain hemispheres together

fusiform face area

between occipital and temporal lobes

-face recongnition

somatosensory homunculus

somatoosensory area on top of cerebral cortex (parietal) towards frontal is motor cortex while toward back is somatosensory

preforntal cortex

is the part of brain of frontal cortex


had a rod though his frontal lobe, became animal like in his actions


damaging prefrontal contrx to get lethargy as treatment for disorder

dizygotic twins

fraternal twins nonidentical

left hemishphere

language, motor actions of right body, math, logic, linear thinking


nurtures effect on nature in brain, brain can adapt to situations

split brain

corpus collapsum cut so brain hemis are seperated

right hemisphere

spatial orientation, imagination, emotional


no room for free will

-universe is lawfull, everything, everything happens due to preexisting reasons


dominant viewpoint at a particular time

paradigm process


-all therories change

empiric observation-pschology

electical reading of brain, things that can be measured directly


against determinism, more than what is already there, can be creative to come up with new idea

order of psych

matter-->living system-->mind-->culture


what is the nature of reality


what is the nature of knowledge, what does it mean to know

-senses=give us knowledge of phsycial

-intuitino gives us knowledge ofabstract

two realms of metaphysics

abstract and physical realm (cant get perfect right triangle)

zeno's paradox

every change is illusion (everything has always been the same), always walking halfway and will never get there


platos allegory of cave led to this (we only see shadows)

-physical world and mental world seperate


part of dualism, everything u know u already knew just need to be reminded of

(how can u not know somethign unless u already knew)

toledo falls

library in middle ages with lots of info

galileo gallilei

what is pschology, what problems we encounter iwth it

primary vs secondary qualities

primary=absolute immutable and capable of precise math description

secondary=purely psychologica experiences (mind)


saught undeniable basis for truth

-the skeptic

-cant trsut senses

-i think therefore i am

cartesian paradigm

animals have mechanical bodies, work anatomically without soul

-humans have nonphsycial mind that permeates soul

-vitalism=mind is another essence that gives us life



mind is essence that gives us life, being alive is based on balance of fluidsin body


mind and bod are distinct but interact some ways , mind interprets physcial

catesian theory

smaller version of us that dictates what we see

-little man in brain like watching a movie

-can get in between what we see and this man can cause problems


god is mathmetician, something set universe in motion and stepped away

-rejects dualism

-occams razor=shave off extranious explanations

occams razor

shave off extraneous explanations (newton)


study of consious behaviour, free will and creativity


sudy of consous behavior


-rationalist=consious is due to physcial activity


conscous due to phsycial activity


empiricist=consousness is prodcut of elements comign together

-subcategory of structuralism



focus on observable stimuli

clive wearing

ex of case study

-couldnt develope long term memories after surgery

context specificity

may miss importantt fators influencing behavior with case studies

action specific approach

ppls perpective of world is based on their ability to move around in it

-recorded distance inc with inc in slope (actual distance constant)

comparitive psychology

psych involved in animal behavior

-rats in maze

slime mold

can do mazes, solve traveling busynesman problem

-like slimemolds brain is designed for function rather than refelction upon itself


timed the nueral impulse


act as support structures

-supply and regulate oxgyen

-controll placement of nuerons

-30x glia to nueron ration

white matter

nuerons with myelin sheath, faster responces

grey matter

nuerons without myelin shealth slower connection

afferant nueron

sensory, info into the brain

-carry incoming info from sensory receptor ot the CNS

efferent nueron

motor, carry the outgoing info from CNS to muscles and glands

-signal form spine goes to body

projection nueron

link one area of CNS to another

-connects two diff areas of brain together


local connections of brain, connect two nuerons, mostly brain

nueron at rest

polarized at charge of -70mV

graded potencial

signal coming form another nueron causes slight chagne in polarity of dentrites and can cause it to fire

graded depolarization

outside and insdie of nueron becomes more close in charge, less neg inside

graded hyperpolarization

potasium kicked out increasing polarization

critical threshhold

-50mV if it reaches this then nueron fires

refractory period

nueron cannot fire during this period

-after firing nueron goes beyond -70mv and too neg to fire

nuerotransmitter binding

causes open or closing of ion channel

-na channel opening: depolarizes the membrane (excitatory)

-k channel or cl channel opening=hyperpolarizes the membrane (inhibitory)

hebb's law

nuerons that fire togheter wire together


study of ppls efficiantsy in workign environment

social pschology

diseases, ailments

metaphysics philosophy

two realms completely seperate (pythagerous)

1500 years ago west vs east thought

east=dom by aristotle focusing on sensation and optics

west=platonic church version (dualism/cave)

problems psychologists encounter

subjective reality

can only study primary qualities (qualities able to be scientifically/mathematically studied)

stream of consiousness

past, pres future arbitrary, no districtinos from past


understanding invidual differences in cases to treat ppl


innate ideas=god, infinity unity ect

-relativity (3 basins problem)

-i think therefore i am

-mind and physical have to be seperated





cognative psychology

external validity

high in naturalistic observation

humes touchstone

explanations of behavior should apply to all capable organsims (slime mold vs mazes)


effect ability of nuerotransmitters


division of labor between two brains

brocas aphasia

cant talk or form words

wernickes aphasia

can form words but dont make sense

-difficulty in semantics


putting diff mind processes to certain location


relays sensory info to hindbrain


reg of heart beat arousal

stanley hall

first lab, phd in psych, president of apa

eeg tcd

high temporal low spatial


good spatial and temporal but invasive due to rad

bell mendegi law

ventral nerves of spine are for motor output

dorsal side are sensory imput

sensory afferant division

somatic sensory and visceral sensory

visceral sensory

stretch pain temp

-taste and smell

somatic sensory

touch pain pressure vibration

-hearing equilibrium vision


governs body rythyms

pituitary gland

governs other glands

thyroid gland

how body burns energy (glucose)

adrenal gland

immune system


vision, hearing, orientation


contians substancia nigra for involuntary controll


tectum and tegmentum (substancia nigra)

parkingsons disease

nuerons that prodcue dopamine in substancia nigra die off

reticular formation

helps control arousal

angular gyrus

transforms visual and auditory so they are togheter

hawthorne effect

observer effect

graded vs action potencial

graded is natural responce of nuerons polarity while action potencial is other nuerons effect on it via depolarization

fundamental attributin error

-less suseptable ppl

over emphasis of explaining ones behavior using deep meaning, rather than consider external factors

-those in collective cultures rather than individual cultures

richarson and boyd

culture and genetics both apply affects into psychology