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37 Cards in this Set

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personality( skip 14-27) not on test
people's typical ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving
relatively enduring predisposition that influences our behavior across many situation
nomothetic approach
approach to personality that focuses on identifying general laws that govern the behavior of all individuals
idiographic approach
approach to personality that focuses on identifying the unique configuration of characteristics and life history experiences within a person
Tellegren university of minnestoa findings
twins separated at birth are far more similar than fraternal twins reared apart... more convincing case for the role of genetic influences on personality would be ahrd to come by... shared environment plays little or no role in adult personality
novelty seeking
a trait that refers to the tendency to search out and enjoy new experiences
theories describing personality
how do our personalities develop
what are the core driving forces in our personalitities or ,"", more informally , what makes us tick
what accounts for individual differences in personality
freud's theory of personality
psychological determinism- assumption that all psychological events have a cause
there is nothing that is meaningless... everything counts
unconscious motivation- we rarely understand why we do what we do
the id
is the reservoir of our most primitive impulses including sex and aggression, entirely unconscious , contains the sex drive- libido
pleasure principle
tendency of the id to strive for immediate gratification
psyche's executive and principal decision maker
reality principle
tendency of the ego to postpone gratification until it can find an appropriate outlet
our sense of morality
we direct an impulse from a socially unacceptable target onto a safer andmore socially acceptable target. ( taking anger from day at work out on punching bag)
give a reasonable sounding explanation for our unreasonable behaviors or for failures
perform bizarre actions engage allows us to avoid anxiety by thinking about abstract and interpersonal thoughts
identification with the aggressor
process of adopting the characteristics of individuals we find threatening
transforming a socially unacceptabe impulse into an admired goal
erogenous zone
sexually arousing zone
oral stage
psychosexual stage that focuses on the mouth-birth-12-18 months
anal stage
psychosexual stage that focuses on toilet training
18 months- 3 years
phallic stage
lasts 3- 6 years old child gain attraction to opposite sex child and genitials become source of attention
oedipus complex
greek myth- boy unknowingly killed his father and married his mother=> boys want their mom
electra complex
greek myth- girl avenges her father's murder by killing her mother
latency stage
period of calm following latency stage
genitial stage
psychosexual stage in which sexual impulses are awaken and typically begin to mature into romantic attraction toward others a
factor analysis
statistica technique that analyzes the correlations among responses on personality inventories and other measures
big five
five traits that have surfaced repeatedly in factor analyses of personality measures
lexical approach
approach proposing that the most crucial features of personality are embeddded in our language
conscientious people tend to be careful adn responsible
openness to experience
sometimes just called "openness" open people tend to be intellectually curious and unconventional
extraverted people tend to be tense and moody
aggreable people tend to be sociable and easy to get along with
neurotic people tend to be tense an moody
individualism- collectivism
people from largely individualistic cultures like the us tend to focus on themselves and personal goals... thsi creates somewhat of a flaw in big five
cosmetic copharmacology
used to describe use of medications to produce long term alterations in personality ... prozac paxil and zoloft