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41 Cards in this Set

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a distinctive pattern of behavior, thoughts, motives and emotions that are consistent in an individual over time
Personality Traits:
Long-term disposition to behave in particular ways in a variety of situations
Cattel’s Theory of Personality:
• Studied traits using factor analysis
• Developed the 16 Personality Factors Questionnaire
• Examples: Are you more reserved or outgoing? Relaxed or Tense? Trusting or Suspicious?
McRae and Costa
• Developed the “Big Five” Personality Traits; believe most personality traits fall under these categories: OCEAN
o Openness:
Is open to novel experiences/ Has narrow interests, is a person original, imaginative, artistic, creative and how open one is to things
o Conscientiousness:
Is responsible and dependable/Is impulsive and careless, fussy vs. careless, responsible vs. not
o Extraversion:
Is outgoing and decisive/ Is shy and withdrawn, how frank or open you are with things
o Agreeableness:
Is warm and good-natured/ Is unfriendly and cold, jealous or mild gentle or head strong
o Neuroticism:
Is stable and not a worrier/ Is nervous and emotionally unstable, calm vs. anxious
Freud’s Psychoanalytical Theory
• Focuses on the influences of early childhood
• Emphasis on the unconscious motives/conflicts
• Primary focus on sexual and aggressive urges
Freuid: Id:
impulses/dominated by pleasure/avoid pain
Freud • Ego:
“voice of reason,” mediator of id/superego, helps find compromises
Freud • Superego
: moral component of personality; rigid standards
Freud Stage Theory (Oral Stage)
Birth – 1 Year
o Sexual Interests at This Stage: Sucking, swallowing, biting
o Effects of Fixation: Lasting concerns with dependence and independence; pleasure from eating, drinking, and other oral activities
Freud Stage Theory (Anal Stage)
1 – 3 Years
o Sexual Interests at This Stage: Expelling feces, Retaining Feces
o Effects of Fixation: Orderliness, Stinginess, Stubbornness
Freud (Phallic Stage)
: 3 – 5/6 Years
o Sexual Interests at This Stage: Touching penis or clitoris; Oedipus complex
o Effects of Fixation: Difficulty feeling closeness
• Males: Fear of Castration
• Females: Penis Envy, feel inferior to boys
Freud (Latency Period)
5/6 – Puberty
o Sexual Interests at This Age: Sexual Interests Suppressed
• Genital Stage:
Puberty Onward
o Sexual Interests at This Age: Sexual contact with other people
Defense Mechanism:
Responses to anxiety which is caused by internal conflicts; attempts to reduce distress of anxiety/guilt
• Examples of Defense Mechanisms:
o Displacement
- Displacing feelings on someone safer like a kid instead of a boss
I should study, but studying doesn’t help, so lets party!
Acting younger than used to, wetting beds, sucking thumbs, adults and temper tantrums
Carl Jung: Analytical Psychology
• Freudian influenced
• Personal Unconscious: Material which one has repressed or forgotten from personal experiences
• Collective Unconscious: traces of inherited memories from one’s ancestral past; archetypes or images and thoughts with universal meaning
Adler: Individual Psychology
• Stresses the motivation for superiority
• Universal attempt to improve oneself and master life’s challenges
• Inferiority Complex:
Everyone must overcome feelings of weakness in comparison to competent adults/siblings
o Dad, I’m your favorite aren’t I?
• Compensation:
Efforts to develop one’s own abilities in response to inferiorities
• Overcompensation:
Attempts to “conceal” one’s own feelings of inferiority
o In Shrek, he says about Lord Farquad, “I think someone is trying to overcompensate for something” since Lord Farquad is very short and has a large castle.
Reciprocal Determinism (Bandura):
• Reinforcement history and cognitive influence behavior
• We see what we expect to see
• We place ourselves in places which we will confirm our beliefs
Self- Efficacy:
Acquired from 4 Sources: belief one can set out to accomplish tasks/goals.
Four sources of self-efficacy
Mastery of new skills, overcome obstacles
o Riding a bike, falling off, and getting right back on!
• Successful and competent role models
• Positive feedback and encouragement
• Awareness of feelings/manage responses
Locus of Control (Rotter)
• Internal Locus of Control: People believe they are responsible for what happens to them
• External Locus of Control: People believe their lives are controlled by luck, fate or other people
Mischel’s Person by Situation Interaction
• People express particular traits in particular situations
• Most likely to see consistency within these similar situations
• Some traits are more situatonally determined
o Honesty: restaurant bill, take-home-tests
Humanistic Perspective
• Focus on the inner experience of one’s personality and development
• Unique human qualities
• Freedom and potential for human growth
• Optimistic view of human nature: can control impulses, not based on irrational needs and conflicts
Maslow: Hierarchy of Needs
EC: when u look at esteem needs with Maslow- 2 levels lower and higher
o Lower- when ppl to get respect from others
o Higher- people have their own self respect own sense of confidence
• Bottom of Pyramid -> Top of Pyramid
Physiological Needs: hunger, thirst, and so forth
o Safety and Security Needs: Long-term survival and stability
o Belongingness and Love Needs: Affiliation and acceptance
o Esteem Needs: Achievement and gaining of recognition
o Cognitive Needs: Knowledge and understanding
o Aesthetic Needs: Order and Beauty
o Need for Self-Actualization: Realization of Potential
Lower on Pyramid
Higher on Pyramid
• Lower on Pyramid: Regression, if lower needs are not being satisfied
• Higher on Pyramid: Progression, if higher needs are satisfied
Carl Rogers:
accepts the self actualizing tendency; explores individuals who do and do not function well
• Looked at the relationship between the self (one’s conscious feelings/views of self) and the person (sum of experiences, feelings, perception and wishes)
• Ex: some people who believe they’re honest, yet are upset with something they did (a hit and run accident), yet Rogers found that if someone who looks at the sum of things, they realize it was a blimp, and they can overcome the mistake
• Congruence:
when sense of self and the person are consistent it allows for positive functioning
• Incongruence:
sense of self/person are in conflict
• Unconditional Positive Regard:
attempt to resolve conflict; accept that one may have acted badly and still be a good person; accepts one in a positive and accepting manner
Personality “Types” ON THE EXAM!
Sheldon: Body types “somatotypes” linked with personality characteristics
o Endomorph: round, soft body, few muscles
• Tolerant, calm, needs affection
o Mesomorph: muscular, upright, firm, mature
• Adventurous, competitive, less empathic
o Ectomorph: thin, delicate, few muscles, smart
• Shy, introverted, self-conscious