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22 Cards in this Set

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psychological processes that
arouse, direct and maintain behaviour towards a goal
Drive Reduction Theory
Needs produce a state of tension called drive
balances out temperature in your body
Incentive theories
external stimuli regulate motivational states
Maslows Hierarchy of Needs
Physiological needs all the way up to self-actualization needs,
a pyramid of individual needs from the largest at the bottom to the smallest at the top
A display of feelings that are evoked when important events occur
Behavioral component of emotion:
Facial expression and Body Language
Physiological component of emotion:
autonomic response
emotion circuits
(internal nervous system)
Cognitive component
Subjective interpretation of emotional states
Conditioned emotional response
*Little Albert* you've been conditioned to cry after seeing a rat because of a previous traumatizing experience
Phineas Gauge
Rail spike through his orbitofrontal cortex
OrbitoFrontal Cortex
P.G. -base of the frontal lobes
-info from sensory systems and frontal lobes
-connections with limbic system
Pre-frontal Lobotomy (What happened to Phineas Gage)
Reduce pathological emotional responses.
Results in:Serious change in personality, normal emotions eliminated
Lie Detector Test
Polygraph measures autonomic responses,
high level of anxiety=lie
6 basic emotional expressions
Anger, disgust, fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise
Common Sense View of Emotion
(Theories of Emotion)
"I tremble because I feel afraid"
stimulus, emotion, response
dog, scared, trembling
James Lange Theory of Emotion
Stimulus-Physiological Reaction-Sent to Cortex- Emotion

Dog-Tremble-Fear: Trembling before the fear
Canon Bard Theory of emotion
Processed through the brain first, the brain releases information to emotional and physical response at same time
Display Rules of Emotion
Emotions that are culturally acceptable or not acceptable to display (Mounties and Smiling)
Shacters two-process theory of Emotion
Like Canon Bard, but the brain assesses the information first before there's a reaction to it.
Like, I cut my face, I don't feel the cut into
Darwin Emotions
product of evolution.
Emotions adaptive to aid in survival.
Plutchiks Model of Emotion
Spectrum of emotions from high intensity to low intensity

ex: annoyance, anger, to rage