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50 Cards in this Set

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what is an instinct?

a fixed inborn pattern of responding that is species-specific

which of the following is NOT an argument against instinct theory for human behavior?

the list of instincts was not large enough to account for human behavior

a need is

a state of deprivation or deficiency

which of the following is the best definition of drive?

a state of bodily tension that arises from an unmet need

which of the following is a secondary drive?

desire to earn money

incentives are

rewards that motivate us to behave in a certain way

in motivation theories, psychosocial needs are also known as

interpersonal needs

the desire of steer clear of failure is called

avoidance motivation

what is the typical sequencing of needs is maslow's hierarchy?

physiological, safety, love,belongingness, esteem, self-actualization

regarding the regulation of hunger and appetite, which of the following statements if false?

the lateral hypothalamus regulates feelings of safety, wheras the ventromedial hypothalamus initiates eating

the rate at which one's body burns calories at rest is called

basal metabolism or basal metabolic rate

in what order do the phases of sexual response cycle occur?

excitement, plateau, orgasm, resolution

during the sexual response cycle, a refractory period is a time when

men are unable to achieve another orgasm

sexual orientation is best described as

as the direction of one's gender indentity

the male sex hormone testosterone

increases sexual interest in males and females

psychosocial causes of sexual dysfunction include all of the following except

exposure to homosexuals

the three components of emotions are

bodily arousal, cognitions, and expressed behavior

the behavioral component of an emotion can take down one of the two forms: __ and __

approach; avoidance

which of the following is not one of the six universally recognized emotional expressions?


the customs and social norms used to regulate the display of emotions are known as __

display rules

of the following factors, which is most likely to be linked to personal happiness?

having friends

the james-lange theory of emotion suggests that emotions

come after bodily reactions

the two-factor theory of emotion suggests that emotions

result from a combination of psysiological arousal and cognition appraisal

in the dual-pathway model of fear, the "high road"leads to the ___ and the "low road" leads to the ___

cerebral cortex; amygdala

curlee has a good ability to recognize emotions in herself and in others. she is also able to effectively manage her emotions. curlee appears to have high levels of

emotional intelligence

what is the correct order of stages in prenatal development?

germinal, embryonic, fetal

in prenatal development, the time between conception and about week two is called the

germinal stage

all of the following are examples of teratogens EXCEPT

folic acid

tara contracts rubella during the early part of her pregnancy. her offspring is at increased risk of developing

heart disease, deafness, and mental retardation

an unlearned response to a particular stimulus is an


the visual cliff apparatus tests infants' sensory abilities. what, specific aspect of the infant's sensory abilities does the device allow us to study?

depth perception

psychologists use the term__ to describe a characteristic style of behavior or disposition


the formation of a strong bond of a newborn animal to the first moving object seen after birth is called


in their research with baby rhesus monkeys, the Harlows demonstrated that __ was a strong determinant of attachment

contact comfort

in her research on attachment, ainsworth noted ___ different styles of attachment, and they were called __

secure, insecure-avoidant, and insecure-resistant

research on parenting styles suggests that the most effective parenting style is


in piaget's terminology, changing existing schemas to incorporate new information is called


what is the correct sequencing of piaget's stages of cognitive development?

sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational

which of the following have been put forth as criticisms of piaget's therory?

he observed far too many children to be able to draw any reasonable conclusions

vygotsky's concept of the zone proximal development is best described

as the range between children's present level of skills and knowledge and their potential level with appropriate guidance

the ability to solve abstract problems best describes someone at which of piaget's stages of cognitive development?

formal operations

imaginary audience and personal fable are components of which aspect of adolescent thinking?


moral reasoning based on confomity with social rules is characteristic of which level of moral development?


in a cross-cultural study of moral reasoning in americans and indians reported in text, which of the following was found?

indians placed more emphasis on interpersonal responsibilities, while americans placed more emphasis on justice

the stressful time of soul searching and self-examination that many adolescents experience is the

identity crisis

all but which of the following cognitive abilities generally decline after early adulthood?

application of acquired knowledge

fluid intelligence is to __ as crystallized intelligence is to __

speed of problem solving, acquired information

regarding physical changes in adulthood, which of the following statements is false?

significant weight gain is an inevitable consequence of aging.

according to erik erikson, people who forge a stronge sense of ego identity earlier in devlopment are more likely to achieve __ in early adulthood?


preserved intellectual ability in later life is associated with which factors?

engagement in stimulating activities, general physical health, and openness to new experiences