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44 Cards in this Set

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systematic, relatively permanent, change in behavior that occurs through experience or practice

Not the same as Plasticity

Not the same as Maturation

Associative Learning

When an association or connection is made between 2 events

Classical Conditioning

Operant Conditioning


Process of learning associations or connections between stimlui

Classical Conditioning aka: Pavlovian Conditioning

Associations between 2 stimuli become associated with one another and causes a change in behavior, learn to anticipate events ex:) showering/toilet flushing

Four components of Pavlov's experiment #1

Conditioned Stimulus- Stimulus that started out neutral-- Bell


Unconditioned Stimulus- Stimulus that started out meaningful-- Food


Unconditioned Response- Innate/unlearned response to meaningful stimulus-- Drooling


Conditioned Response- Learned response to previously neutral stimulus-- To drool when they heard a bell

Counter Conditioning

Process of changing relationship between CS & CR

Aversive Conditioning

Repeated pairings of stimulus with a second unpleasant stimulus

Conditional Taste Aversion

special kind of learning, particular taste and its association with nausea

Operant Conditoning

Associations between a behavior and its consequences-- learn to increase/decrease behavior depending on consequences of a behavior determines the probability of it occurring again


Behavior changes through rewards/punishments


Behavior more likely to occur



Behavior less likely to occur



behavior leads to receiving the consequence


behavior leads to the absence/removal of a consequence

Appetitive Stimuli

good things

Aversive Stimuli

bad things

Positive Reinforcement

Presentation of a stimulus following a behavior; increases frequency ex:) Dog learns to sit, is given a treat

Negative Reinforcement

Removal of a stimulus following a behavior; increases frequency ex:) when you do your HW so the teacher stops scolding you

Positive Punishment

Presentation of a stimulus following a behavior; decreases frequency ex:) child misbehaves, gets spanked

Negative Punishment

Removal of a stimulus following a behavior; decreases frequency ex:) get too many tickets, license is revoked


rewarding successive approximations of desired behavior.. do this until desired behavior is acheived

Continuous Reinforcement

behavior is reinforced each time it occurs

Partial Reinforcement

reinforcer follows behavior only somtimes

Fixed Ratio

behavior is reinforced after a set number of times ex:) get a free drink after buying 6

Fixed Interval

behavior is reinforced after a set amount of time ex:) hanging out in the kitchen after 6pm.. get dinner

Variable Ratio

number of times you need to behave before reinforcement ex:) slot machines

Variable Interval

amount of time before reinforcement ex:) fishing


decreased frequency of behavior when it is no longer reinforced

Observational Learning

Learning that occurs when watching or observing others -- acquiring knowledge, skills, rules, strategies, believes etc. Eliminates trial and error learning, takes much less time than operant conditioning

4 Main Processes of Observational Learning #1

Attention- must attend to what the model is saying/doing


Retention- encoding information and storing it in memory to be later retrived


Motor Reproduction- Imitating the models action


Reinforcement- is the models behavior followed by a consequence?

Cognitive Factors in Learning

Behaviorism focused on behaviors, not what was going on "inside the mind"

Purposive Behavior

behavior that is goal orientated

Expectancy Learning

We acquire expectations when we're conditioned

Latent Learning

implicit learning/ unreinforced learning that is not immediately reflected in behavior

Cogonitive Factors- Insight Learning

a form of a problem solving where the organism develops a sudden insight, realization about the situation

Biological Factors- Constraints

the structure of an organsim's body permits some kind of learning, inhibits others

Instinctive Drift

the tendency of animals to revert to instinctive behavior/ interferes with learning


Species-specific biological predispositions to learn in certain ways but not others