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24 Cards in this Set

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> the small gap b/t the terminal buttonsof a neuron and the dendrite or cell body.
Central Nervous System
> the Brain & Spinal Cord
> An interdisicplinary field of study directed at understanding the brain & its relation to behavior
Peripheral Nervous System
the Network of nerves which links the central nervous system w/the rest of the body.
> the cell in the nervous system that recieve & tranmit information.
> a neurotransmitter that often leads to inhibitory effects; decreased levels have been linked to Parkinson's disease & increase levels that have been linked to schizophrenia.
Glial cells
> cells that fill in space b/t neurons, remove waste, or help neurons to communicate efficiently.
Motor Neurons
> cells that carry info. away fromthe central nervous system to the muscles and glands the directly produce behavior.
> cells that tranfers info. from one neuron to another
> they make no direct contact with the outside world.
Sensory Neurons
> cella that carry enviromental messages toward the spinal cord & brain.
Resting Potential
> the tiny electronical charge in place b/t the inside and outsideof the resting neuron.
Myelin Sheath
an insulating material that protects the axon and hepls to speed up tranmission.
> Largely automatic body reactions ~ such as a knee jerk~ that is controlled primarily by the spinal cord.
> the fibers the extend outward from a neuron & recieve info. from the other neurons.
Terminal buttons
The tiny swellings at the end of the axon that contain chemicals improtant to neural transmission.
> the body if a neuron.
> thelong tall-like part of a neuron that serves as the cell's transmiter.
> a neurotranmitter that has been linked to sleep, dreaming, general arousal, & may also be involved in some psychological disorder such as depression and schizophrenia.
Action Potential
> the all-or-none eletrical signal that travels down a neuron'a axon.
> chemical messenger that relays info. from one neuron to the next.
GABA (gamma-amino-butyric acid)
> a neurotranmitter that may play a role in regulation of axiety; it generally produces inhibitory effects.
Refractory Period
> the period of time following an action potential when more action potential cannot be generated.
> a neurotransmitter that plays multiple roles in the central and peripheral nervous system, including the excitiof the muscle contractions.
> Morphinelike chemicals that act as the brain's natural painkillers.