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20 Cards in this Set

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Ego Psychology...

A) stresses the autonomy of the ego

B) looks upon the ego as operating in the service of the id

C) looks upon the ego as the helpless ride of the id horse

D) all of the above

stresses the autonomy of the ego

Erikson concluded that scenes created by children were outward manifestations of their..

A) genitals

B) goals for the future

C) unconscious mind

D) internalized values


According to Erikson, personality is determined by...

A) gender

B) culture

C) gender and culture

D) free choice

gender and culture

The epigenetic principle states that...

A) development occurs in accordance with a genetically determined plan

B) for every stage of development there is an erogenous zone

C) both progression and regression occur during development

D) either development occurs in a positive direction or it does not occur at all

development occurs in accordance with a genetically determined plan

Each stage of development is characterized by an important turning point that Erikson called a...

A) epigenetic choice point

B) crisis

C) psychosexual stage

D) virtue


Erikson said a crisis is resolved positively when...

A) the individual has only positive experiences

B) the individual has mainly negative experiences

C) the positive and negative experiences that a person has are about equal

D) the individual has more positive experiences than negative ones

The individual has more positive experiences than negative ones

According to Erikson, it is the individual's____environment that determines if a crisis is resolved positively or negatively

A) biological

B) genetic

C) social

D) more than one of the above


Erikson referred to the stages of development as...

A) psychosocial

B) psychosexual

C) socialsexual

D) epicgenetic


If the crisis characterizing the first stage of development is positively resolved, the virtue of____ emerges.

A) trust

B) mistrust

C) hope

D) will

1st - hope

If the crisis characterizing the second stage of development is positively resolved, the virtue of____ emerges.

A) autonomy

B) basic trust

C) hope

D) will

2nd - will

If the crisis characterizing the third stage of development is positively resolved, the virtue of____ emerges.

A) trust

B) purpose

C) competence

D) will

3rd - purpose

_____ are all those things that a child is warned not to become.

A) Role confusions

B) Negative resolutions

C) Negative virtues

D) Negative identities

Negative identities

If the crisis characterizing the fifth stage of development is resolved positively, the virtue of____ emerges.

A) love

B) fidelity

C) wisdom

D) care

5th - fidelity

If the crisis characterizing the sixth stage of development is resolved positively, the virtue of____ emerges.

A) care

B) wisdom

C) fidelity

D) love

6th - love

If the crisis characterizing the seventh stage of development is resolved positively, the virtue of____ emerges.

A) love

B) care

C) wisdom

D) fidelity

7th - care

If the crisis characterizing the eighth stage of development is resolved positively, the virtue of____ emerges.

A) love

B) care

C) wisdom

D) fidelity

8th - wisdom

In his therapeutic practice, Erikson..

A) minimized dream analysis

B) had his patients sit across from him in an easy chair

C) concentrated on strengthening the patient's ego

D) all of the above

Minimized dream analysis

Had his patients sit across from him in an easy chair

concentrated on strengthening the patient's ego


Dream analysis was used by Erikson to..

A) discover repressed, traumatic experiences

B) determine the strength of the dreamer's ego

C) explore first memories and the origins of the dreamer's lifestyle

D) determine if the dreamer moved toward, away from, or against people

Discover repressed, traumatic experiences

Erikson's theory has been criticized for..

A) being difficult to test empirically

B) excessive moralizing

C) supporting the status quo

D) all of the above

Being difficult to test empirically

excessive moralizing

supporting the same status quo


Erikson's theory has been praised for..

A) vastly expanding psychology's domain

B) helping to develop ego psychology

C) having considerable applied value

D) all of the above

Vastly expanding psychology's domain

Helping to develop ego psychology

Having considerable applied value