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20 Cards in this Set

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Which of the following caused Jung to enter his "dark years"?

A) the death of his wife

B) his deteriorating health

C) the reaction of American psychologist to his theory

D) his break with Freud

His break with Freud

Jung emerged from his "dark years" with..

A) a theory much like Freud's

B) a terrible hangover

C) his own unique theory of personality

D) utter despair and an inability to continue his work

His own unique theory of personality

Jung viewed libido as..

A) sexual energy

B) aggressive energy

C) a creative life force

D) all of the above

A creative life force

The personal unconscious contains clusters of emotionally loaded thoughts called..

A) archetypes

B) racial memories

C) complexes

D) attitudes


Jung's major tool for studying complexes was..

A) a word-association test

B) dream analysis

C) an analysis of symbols

D) slips of the tongue

A word-association test.

The collective unconscious results from ____ human experiences.

A) universal

B) unique

C) traumatic

D) animalistic


An ____ can be defined as an inherited predisposition to respond emotionally to certain categories of experience.

A) complex

B) archetype

C) attitude

C) transcendent function


According to Jung, it is the ___ associated with the emotional experiences of our ancestors that were passed on to future generations as archetypes.

A) fear

B) confusion

C) myths

D) objective realities


Jung used the term ___ to describe one's public self.

A) persona

B) ego

C) anima

D) animus


The ____ is the female component of the male psyche.

A) persona

B) anima

C) animus

D) shadow


According to Jung, the person who ignores his or her shadow tends to be...

A) creative

B) Christian

C) humanistic

D) dull and lifeless

Dull and lifeless

The____ tends to be quiet, imaginative, and more interested in ideas that in other people.

A) introvert

B) extrovert

C) self-actualized person

D) humanist


According to Jung, Freud was an..

A) introvert

B) extrovert

C) self-actualized person

D) humanist


Which of the functions of thought detects the presence of objects or events?

A) intuiting

B) feeling

C) thinking

D) sensing


Which of the functions of thought identifies objects or events?

A) intuiting

B) feeling

C) thinking

D) sensing


Which of the functions of thought tells if an object or event is acceptable or unacceptable?

A) intuiting

B) feeling

C) thinking

D) sensing


Which of the functions of thought is used when factual information is not available?

A) intuiting

B) feeling

C) thinking

D) sensing


Which of the following is an irrational function?

A) feeling

B) thinking

C) both A and B

D) neither A nor B

A) feeling B) thinking


According to Jung, one of the most important functions of a dream is to...

A) give hints about the contents of the unconscious

B) reveal repressed memories

C) compensate for neglected parts of the psyche

D) preserve sleep

compensate for neglected parts of the psyche.

Attempts to empirically validate Jung's theory have concentrated mainly on his concept of..

A) the collective unconscious

B) individuation

C) introversion-extroversion

D) entropy
