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70 Cards in this Set

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Inevitable, involuntary response to stimuli


An inborn pattern of behavior elicited by environmental stimuli. Also known as a fixed action pattern


a relatively permanent change in behavior or the capacity for behavior due to experience

Associative Learning

The formation of associations or connections among stimuli and behaviors

Classical Conditioning

A type of learning in which associations are formed between two stimuli that occur sequentially in time

Operant Conditioning

A type of learning in which associations are formed between behaviors and their outcomes

Nonassociative Learning

Learning that involves changes in the magnitude of responses to a stimulus


A simple form of learning in which reactions to repeated stimuli that are unchanging and harmless decrease


An increased reaction to many stimuli following exposure to one very strong stimulus

Observational Learning

Learning that occurs when an organism watches the actions of another. Also known as social learning or modeling

Conditioned Stimulus

An enviromental event whose significance is learned through classical conditioning

Unconditioned Stimulus

A stimulus that elicits a response without any prior experience

Conditioned Response

A response learned through classical conditioning

Unconditioned Response

A response to an unconditioned stimulus that requires no previous experience


The development of a learned response


The reduction of a learned response.

Spontaneous Recovery

During extinction training, the reappearance of conditioned responses after periods of rest


A feature of classical conditioning in which a conditioned stimulus actually predicts the nonoccurence of an unconditioned stimulus


The tendency to respond to stimuli that are similar to an original conditioned stimulus


A learned ability to distinguish between stimuli

Higher Order Conditioning

Learning in which stimuli associated with a conditioned stimulus also elicit conditioned responding

Latent Inhibition

The slower learning that occurs when a conditioned stimulus is already familiar compared to when the conditioned stimulus is unfamiliar

Systematic Desensitization

A type of counterconditioning in which people relax while being exposed to stimuli that elicit fear

Conditioned Reinforcer

A reinforcer that gains value from being associated with other things that are valued. Also known as a secondary reinforcer

Negative Reinforcement

A method for increasing behaviors that allow an organism to escape or avoid an unpleasant consequence


A consequence that eliminates or reduces the frequency of a behavior

Positive Punishment

A consequence that eliminates or reduces the frequency of a behavior by applying the aversive stimulus

Negative Punishment

A method for reducing behavior by removing something desirable whenever the target behavior occurs

Partial Reinforcement

The reinforcement of a desired behavior on some occasions but not others

Fixed ratio Schedule

A schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement occurs following a set number of behaviors

Variable ratio Schedule

A schedule of reinforcement in which reinforcement occurs following some variable number of behaviors

Fixed interval Schedule

A schedule of reinforcement in which the first response following a specified interval will be reinforced

Variable interval Schedule

A schedule of reinforcement in which the first response following a varying period of time is reinforced

Partial reinforcement effect in extinction

The more rapid extinction observed following continuous reinforcement than following partial reinforcement

Shaping/method of successive approximations

A method for increasing the frequency of behaviors that never or rarely occur

Latent Learning

Learning that occurs in the absence of reinforcement

Token Economy

An application of operant conditioning in which tokens that can be exchanged for other reinforcers are used to increase the frequency of desirable behaviors


The copying of behavior that is unlikely to occur naturally an spontaneously


The ability to retain knowledge

Information Processing

A continuum including attention, sensation, perception, learning, memory, and cognition


The transformation of information from one form to another


The retention of information


The recovery of stored information

Sensory Memory

The first stage of the Atkinson-Shiffrin model that holds large amounts of incoming data for very brief amounts of time

Short-term Memory

The second stage of the Atkinson-Shiffrin model that holds a small amount of information of a limited time


The process of grouping similar or meaningful information together

Working Memory

An extension of the concept of short-term memory that includes the active manipulation of multiple types of information simultaneously

Long-term Memory

The final stage of the Atkinson-Shiffrin model that is the location of permanent memories

Levels of Processing

The depth (shallow to deep) of processing applied to information that predicts its ease of retrieval

Declaritive Memory

Consciously retrieved memories that are easy to verbalize, which include semantic, episodic, and autobiographical information; also known as explicit memories

Explicit Memory

A conscious memory; also known as a declarative memory


Unconsciously and effortlessly retrieved memories that are difficult to verbalize, including memories for classical conditioning, procedural learning, and priming; also known as implicit memories

Implicit memory

An unconscious memory; also known as a nondeclaritive memory

Semantic memory

A general knowledge memory

Episodic Memory

a memory for personal experience

Autobiographical memory

Semantic or episodic memories that reference the self

Procedural memory

An implicit memory for how to carry out skilled movement


A change in a response to a stimulus as a result of exposure to a previous stimulus

Spreading activation model

a connectionist theory pressing that people organize general knowledge based on their individual experiences


Set of expectations about objects and situations


a stimulus that aids retrieval

Encoding Specificity

Memories incorporate unique combinations of information when encoded


The rebuilding of a memory out of stored elements

Flashbulb Memory

An especially vivid and detailed memory of an emotional event


A decrease in the ability to remember a previously formed memory


Reduction in ability to retrieve rarely used information over time


Competition between newer and older information in memory

Motivated Forgetting

Failure to retrieve negative memories

Long-term Potentiation

The enhancement of communication between two neurons resulting from their synchronous activation


Memory aids that link new information to well-known information