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Cultural psychology studies

The effects of culture on psychological processes

General psychology focuses on how psychological processes are ____ across cultures while cult psych focuses on how they are ____

Universal. Variable

Culture according to heine

Information acquired via social learning from members of the same species that is capable of affecting behavior

Problems with studying culture

1. Lines of culture are not clear cut

2. Cultures are constantly changing

3. Individual variation

The father of cult. Psychology

Richard schweder

Analogy for how general psychology veiws the brain

As a context and culture free CPU acting according to universal laws

Some basic psychological universals

Smiling when happy. Understanding of the concept of 2. Word for black

To general psychology context and content =


Cult. Psychology sees thw mind as

Unseperably bound to context and culture

Humans seek ___ in their actions. The possibilities of which are determined by culture


Culture determines your ______ which affects our behaviors


Two common cultural models of self

1. Independent- self is independent from others

2. Interdependent - self as interdependent with others

Model of self most common in middle class americans? Working class?

Independent. Interdependent.

3 challenges in defining cultures

1. Boundaries of culture are not clear

2. Cultures are constantly changing

3. Individuals within a culture vary

Circular nature of cultural systems

They can be considered both the product of actions as well as primes for future actions

Cultures can be said to consist of patterns of

Historically derived and selected ideas and their embodiement

The cultural cycle model of mutual constitution of culture and selves relates

Pervasive ideas----institutions and products---- daily practices agency and self identity

General psychology focuses on ____ attemps to uncover____

Universals. Laws by which the brain operates

Cult psych focuses on

Cult. Variation and how this effects meaning systems we create in our minds.

Two assumptions of cult. Psych

1. Mind and cult. Are entangled

2. Thoughts are shaped by contexts. Contexts inform the content of our thoughts

Diff. In attn. During figure line task between us and e asians

East Asian s showed more activation during absolute task while us showed more during relative task

Their is neural evidence that different cultures have differences in psychological processes


How do assumptions and practices surround speaking differ between asain and western contexts?

Asian- talking impairs thinking. Meditation. Listen in class. Good mind like water. Still and clear

Wester- talking good for thinking. Socratic method. Verbal participation in class. Thinking aloud

In an experiment between asian and western ppl. Using raven matrices and conditions of silence and thinking aloud which condition produced the most correct answers?

The condition that was more consitent with thw norms of the culture. Asian better in silence. Western bettern in thinking aloud

Difference between comercial content. Japanese vs. American

Japanese= others are focal. People responsive to one another. Products connect you with others

American= i can. I am in control. I is forground others backround. Products let you be you

Prob with psychology is that the magority originates from research of _ _ _ _ _ societies






96% of psychology participants are from ___ nations

Western industrialized

What adds even more to the weird problem of psychology

Most are uni. Undergrads

Are weird countries representative of the worlds population?

Make up only about 16% of world pop.

An exqmple of how the the weird psychology can produce phony universals

Results of the mueller-lyer illusion demo- relies on experience with carpets and walls to work

Why study cultural psych?

1. Better understand full distribution of human psychology

2. Understand implications for variation in psychology

Colorblind approach

Ignores cultural differences emphasizes common human nature

Benefit of colour blind approach

Avoid us vs. Them mentality- even trivial differences have been shown to lead to discrimination

Multicultural approach

Recognize group identities are different. Ignoring these differences can lead to neg. Response

In the colorblind vs multi cultural msg experiment which condition lead to more positive interactions between participants?


Male ROP in the sambia

Femininity is innate. Masculinity must be cultivated. To turn boys into brave men they must go through many innotiation processes. Must ingest semen which is seem as the physical bases of jerungdu.

Sexual stages of sambian male life

7-15 yrs - oral sex with older men

15+- recieve oral sex from younger boys

17+-married - bi sexual activity with wife and younger boys

Fatherhood- exclusively hetero sexual

Difference between sambian and western view of sexuality

Western see as integral part of identity

Sambian as dynamic stages of life

Cultural psychology can help us to recognize our own


Aims of cult psych.

Understand world from various points of veiw

Broaden concept of what is good and natural

Become slower to judge others

Common ancestor with apes

5-7 mya

Culture can be said to be unique to humans if

It is defined in concrete terms- culture has symbolic meaning

According to the abstract definition of culture "learning through social transmission" is culture unique to humans?


Ex. Of 2 unique chimp cultures

Twig v. Bark fishers

Cult. Learning in other species

Dolphins- sponges as foraging tooks

Whales- dialects

What is unique about human cultural learning?

1. Very rapid- sometimes only single exposure

2. Prestige bias- attuned to cues that signal prestige. General learning mechanism copies prestigious model

2 cognitive abilities that allow for uniqueness of human cult.

1. Theory of mind

2. Language

Theory of mind

The understanding that other people have a mind containing thoughts and intentions that are different from our own

Do chimps display TOM?

Those trained in captivity do

Those existing in the wild do not

2 types of learning

1. Imitative

2. Emulative

Imitative learning

Humans use. Tom. Internalize models goals and stratégies. Fullfill goal of model.

Emulative learning

Learner alone tries to figure out how object effects environnent. Focus on use of object to change environment. No tom

Results of rake experiment with apes and kids

Kids always imitate actions of model. Chimps use teeth up position regardless of models use

Pros and cons of imitative learning

Pros. Faithful high fidelity reproduction of target behavior. Allows cumulative cultural learning

Cons. Less efficient. Requires model

Pros and cons of emulative learning

Pros. Efficient. Learner quickly learns effective tool use

Cons. Doesnt allow cultural learning

How does language facilitate cultural learning?

Clearly communicate ideas of varying complexity. Complex grammar and syntax and extent of vocab. Allows for cumulative cult. Learning

Major difference between human culture and that of other animals

Human culture is cumulative

Cumulative culture is characterized by

The ratchet effect- over time ideas are modified and improved by others

3 requirements for cumulative culture

1. Sophisticated language

2. Reliable social transmission

3. Imitative learning

Metaphor for the speed of cumulative culture

Moores law- data density. That can be built in go putersdoubles every 18 months

Why does cumulative culture increase at an exponential rate

Pop. Incrs= more models to compy and more ideas to improve upon

Humans have a higher than average___?

Encephalization quotient (4.6)

Cost of human brain

1. Requires 16% of basal metabolism

2. Loss of muscle mass

3. Shorter gut (aided by invention of cooking)

3 theories for incrs in human brain size

1. Fruit theory

2. Extraction theory

3. Social theory - most likely

Neocortex ratio

Size neocortex/size of brain

Based on research of grp size compared to neocortex ratio the odeal grp size for humans is


Humans always preform better thab chinps on intellectual tasks


Evidence for hyper social nature of humans

Live in lager grps than other primates

More interested in others

Engage in more social learning

What part of culture is unique to humans

Cumulative cultural learning

Key reason behind evokution of big brains

Ability to learn skills while observing others. Successful social skills

In order to successfully compare cultures and avoid drawing faulty conclusions based on assumptions researchers must

Must have knowledge of norms and practices of cultures

Ways of developing an understanding of different cultures

1. Ethnographies

2. Informants

3. Immersion

Methodological equivalence

Ensure methods understood in identical ways across cultures

What mau researchers need to sacrifice for methodological equivalence?

Control. May need to alter procedure for diff. Cultures

How do researchers avoid problems with methodological equivalence?

Targeting students from industrialized societies

Problems with targeting students from industrialized societes

Can lack Generalizability and power

Problems with cultural studies

Understanding norms of other culture

Methodological equivalence

Translation of materials

How to insure material is translated properly

Back translations

Issues with cross cult. Surveys

Response biases

Types of response biases

1. Socially desirable responding

2. Moderacy and extremity bias

3. Acquiescence bias

4. Reference grp. Effect

5. Deprivation effect

In which bias are peoples answers motivated by their desire to be positively seen by others?

Socially desirable responding

Solutions to mod and ext. Biases

1. Yes no qs

2. Standardize answers

What does standardization allow and not allow for?

Allows- comparison within a cuktural context but not for that between contexts

Solution to acquiescence bias

Reverse response questions

How to control reference group bias

Use physiological response measures

Quantitative measure s such as frequency of response

Provide specific senarios as question

Which response bias is there no clear solution for?

Deprivation effect

2 possible experimental manipulations

Within group

Between groups

Pros of between grouo

Ensures participants are statistically equal b4 study

Atteibute any diff in dv between goups to diff in iv

Difference in themes in mainstream grad speeches and black grad speeches

Black grad= more interdependant themes

Mainstream= more independent themes

Cultural neurospych. Evidence gor cult. Diff. Effects

Asian show higher activation to dominance displays while americans to sub ordinance displays

2 methods unique to cult. Psych

Situation sampling and cult. Priming

Situation sampling allows analysis of

Cultural diff. In how ps resond to same situations

Cultural diff. In types of experiences ppl have

In american situations where they changed their initial preference because of another input who usually benefited. Idians?

Americans= influencer

Indians= influencee

Did american or indian situations get veiwed as having more positive outcomes


Cultural priming

Inducing cultural ways of thinking in ps not enculturated by that grp

When trying to study cultures via their cuktural message the use of _____ to categorize these messages is often needed

Multiple Coders

Best method for cross cultural study

Many methods

What does the 20 statments test tell us about the cult. Differences in how cuktures describe themselves.

Depending on cult. May use more personal trait descriptors or rolea and memberships

How did responses to 20 statment test vary between nairobi undergrads and workers?

Undergrads= more personal traits. Workers= more roles and meberships

Us olympic coverage focused on_____while japenese on ____

1. Athletes strengths, individual style or game. Competitors preformance

2. Advice from coaches teammates and family. Desire to meet expectations of fans and nation. Physical injury and stress

Models of self. 2 kinds?

Communities ideas about being a person and the social practices and situations and institutions that represent these ideas. Idependent and interdependent

Independent models of self

Person is fundamentally separate from others. Actions guided by personal preference. Priority to personal over group goals. Stands out. Is unique. Expresses self. Values feelibg good about swlf and high arousal

Interdependent model of self

Self fundamentally connected to others. Actions guided by social norms and values. Values low arousal, self reflection and criticism and calm. Fits in. Group goals put before individuals. Maintain group harmony at cost of own desires.

In an Independent view of self the in group is _____ while the individual is ____

Permeable. Rigid and distinct

In an interdependent veiw of self the in group is _____ while the individual is ____

Not easily permeated. Overlaps with others. Shares traits.

When describing themselves japanese student mention more _____ while americans more ____

Relation to others. Self descriptive statements

How do interdepentdrnt and indepent upbringings effect motivation in american and asian american students

Asian students- attempted more anagrams after neg feedback when told to describe mom.

American- attempted more anagrams when described self

How did interdependent and independent pressure affect AA students

Attempted more anagrams after interdependent pressure method

Individualistic cultures tend to emphasize ____ aspects of self while collectivist cultures emphasize _____ aspects of self

Independent. Interdependent.

Regional variation of individualism and collectivism

Most individ- Hawaii utah and confederate states

Most collect- west mountain region. Northeast and midwest. Great plains

Factors that can affect degree of personal individualism and collectivism?

Socioeconomic status

Ppl in higher ses tend to take a more ____ veiw

Individualistic. Independent

Middle class parents tend to emphasize_____ while working class emphasize ______

Following own direction. Listening to authority figures

Ppl in working class contexts (<4yr degree) compared to middle class (4yr degree) had

Lower incomes. More family time. Less geographic mobility. Diff. Parenting styles. Jobs with limited autonomy

Magazines that targeted university grads had more themes of _____ while those targeting highschool grads had more themes of _____

Grads- productivity. Attractiveness. Afluence. Choice.

Hs- eat/drink. Family. Ilness avoidance. Feeling good.

Diff. In self descriptions of college aducated ppl and hs educated

College= focus on self. Personal attributes

Hs= focus on how they interact with others

1st gen vs. Continuing gen undergrads

1st gen= lower grades and higher drop out rates. Less satisfaction with college e environment. Fewer relationships with peers and profs. Less feeling of belonging

Two cultural models of self

Independent models and interdependent models

How did independent and interdependent university messages affect anagram preformance in 1st gen and cont. Students?

Cont. Did better with independent msg

1st gen did better with interdependent msg.

Problem with independent focus of college

1st gen. Students tend to have more i terdependent motives

Caution with individualism and collectivism

Not a dichotomy. People have degrees of both. Can depend on situation.

Gender essentialism

The idea that one gender is reflective of an underlying unchanging nature

Which gender is more likely to be essentialized in a culture?

The one to which more power is associated

In the kunar mina brain switch task idian responses were evidence that they tend to _____

Essentialize femininity more

Self consitency. Japanese v. Us. 20 statements test.

Japanese showed variation in ratio of positive to neg. Statement s depending on context

Us. Remained consistent

Cog. Dissonance arises from a desire to

Maintain self consistency

Cognitive dissonance

Tendency to rationalize a decision to reduce feelings of distress

When is dissonance most salient

When making a choice between two equally desirable options

When do east asian ppl tend to show more cognitive dissonance

When making a choice for someone else. Ie cd experiment. Dissonance when asked to guess how other students wohld rate cds

In the marketing experiment which condition affected polish ppl more? Us ppl?

Polish- peer consistency

Us- self consistency

Is self consistency a good thing?

Depends on values of culture

2 types of self awareness

Subjective- take on 1st person perspective. Attention to world outside

Objective- 3rd person. Attention inward

What types of self awareness correlates with which models of self

Independent model= subjective sa

Interdependent = objective self

2 implicit theories of self

Incremental- can change ability with hard work

Entity- abilities are fixed

How do implicit theories of self affect. Motivation after failure?

Incremental= try harder

Entity= blame lack of ability

Entity theories are common in people with a _____ self model


Five underlying personality factors of neo-pi-r






Problem with neo pi r

Created using english words therefore lack ability to capture culturally specific personality traits

Factors from other cultures after critique of neo pi r

China - interpersonal relatedness

Philippines- tempermentalness and neg. Valence

South africa- integrity and relationship harmony

How does dr. Whiten describe culture

All we learn from others socially that endure to create socially transmitted traditions