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63 Cards in this Set

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Define: Attitude
Evaluation of person, things, issues
Attitude: Affective component
emotional reaction to target
EX=I don't like the smell of cigarettes
Attitude: Behavioral component
how you act toward the target
EX=I don't associate with people who smoke.
Attitude: cognitive component
knowledge and beliefs about the target
EX= I believe smoking is dangerous
Do attitudes relate to behavior?
longtime debate, modern consensus is that they do.
Cognitive Consistency
we want out behaviors to be consistent with our attitudes.
Cognitive Consistency--Dissonance
behaviors are inconsistent with attitudes
- especially when negative outcomes: "I like Jeff Dunham, but I did not go see him."
-Dissonance can be uncomfortabe. we want to reduce it.
Motivated to reduce cognitive consistency dissonance if:
- it was your choice to behave as you did: "I could have gone to Jeff Dunham but I just didnt"
- Negative consequences are your own fault
- Anticipated bad consequences: i know i would be disapointed to not see him
- dissonance will maek you look bad: my friends think its strange that i didnt go
Theory of Planned Behavior
Behavior is influenced by intentions. Intentions are a function of: attitude, opinions of important, perceived
Example of Theory of planned behavior
Do you intend to go on a diet?
- my attitude about dieting is positive, my doctor and gf think i should, im not confident
- if you put the most weight on attitude, you will go on a diet
- If i put the most weight on what others want me to do, i will go on a diet
- if i put the most weight on my sense of control, i will not go on a diet
standard model in health psych, consumer psych
suggests that changing attitude might not lead to behavior change; behavior change could result from getting people to emphasize different components.
- if others want you to go on a diet you will be more likely to do so.
how to change attitudes:
Theory of planned behavior--> change set of beliefs and/or evaluation of current beliefs
Example of changing attitudes
condom use in men:
- decreases sensitivity, eval=bad
-easy to get, eval=good
We could--change beliefs, change evaluations, add new beliefs
Changing attitude: Change beliefs--> condom use
condoms are ultrathin, no noticeable decrease in sensation
changing attitude: change evaluation--> condom use
interruption to put on condom is quick enough that it doesnt ruin intimacy
changing attitude: add new beliefs--> condom use
wearing a condom benefits my partner as much as me. Eval= positive
Dual Processing Model
much more socially cognitive
- people evaluate attitude info either centrally or peripherally
Dual processing model: Central
careful treatment of info
- think about it, check accuracy
- quality of info
- do this when issue is one of importance to us
Dual processing model: Peripheral
respond to features of infor
- # and length of arguments
- who is making the argument?
- do this when issue is not important to us, overloaded, distracted
Central approach to condom attitude
strategy-->present detailed, best-supported health info from center of disease control
Peripheral Approach to condom attitude
(doesnt care as much so you have to take different approach)
- strategy--> "there are 15 arguments in favor of condom use" says the surgeon general
dual processing model assumes:
people accept new info IF they cannot effectively argue
dual processing model: if you do the central approach
info needs to be: not to discrepant from persons current position, consistent and focused, presented by a credible trusted source
Resistance to Change
-usually strong, even with trivial issues.
- resistance related to--> centrality to self-concept
Go along with what someone asks you to do
"reform this behavior. whether you like it or not"
change you behavior in order to be like others
How do people get us to comply?
Legitimate Power
a social role gives the ability to make things happen--> people have to what you say (teacher, boss)
reward power
give people something positive if they change (do chores if you do this)
coercive power
give people something negative if they dont change (if you dont do this, i will deliver a negative outcome to you)
expert power
special knowledge about the behavior (dentist and flossing)
informational power
tell the person valuable about the behavior (no special expertise, happen to learn something you didnt know)
referent power
a model for others (if you want to be like me you have to do this)
what if you dont have any of these powers? But you still want people to comply
Weapons of influence
Weapons of influence: Scarcity
"order before midnight tonight!" you must act now; dont think about it
W of I: authority
"[respected person] say you should do this"
- actually a topic that the speaker has no special knowledge about
diffusion of status
high status in all areas, could be imagined status, E.g. actor talking about investment firm on commercial
- correlate with W of I authority
W of I: reciprocity
take this free gift just for checking us out. (theyve done something nice for you so you need to do something nice back)
W of I: social proof
"look how many people do what we ask them to do"
- E.g. 4 out of 5 doctor reccomend this
- idea of #s-- how can you argue with so many people?
W of I: Foot in the door
get compliance with small request then jump up to larger target request
"Please read this lit about our group"
- based on desire for consistency, need to keep acting lie you did
information influence
others know what to do , we dont
normative influence: injunctive norm
(what is approved of)
"please dont take chips to preserve park"
- theft went down
normative influence: descritptive norm
(what people are doing at this point)
"many past visitors have taken chips ruining natural state"
- theft went up
when are people most likely to conform?
- large # of people do it
- they are unanimous (unified that this is the behavior)
- group is attractive to person
- person doe not like to stand out ( be like the rest)--> individuation
conformity is less likely
- some deviant in group
- group is unattractive
- issue is of central importance to ourself concept
- person want to individuate
social norms marketing
- use of conformity pressure to decrease problem behaviors
- used to target behaviors in high school and college students such as smoking and drinking
- they show public that people their age dont do that
evidence of social marketing
- problem behavior are reduced in severe abusers
- but may encourage mild users to increase
negative feelings about a certain group
belief about members of the group: mexicans are short tempered
negative behavior toward disliked group: i wont hire mexicans
reasons why we are prejudice
- starts as early as 5
- childrens lit can be a major source
- by teen years prejudice is solidified
- rein-forced through soical networks
- media presentation
Old fashioned racism
white superiority, segregation, withhold resources
aversive racism
negative affect toward minorities, belief in equality, avoid interacting with minorities
symbolic racism
discrimination doesnt exist, minorities dont try, resentment of special treatment of minorities, related to overall anger, reject old fashions
implicit stereotypes
well learned, automatic reactions to outgroups-->uncontrollable
why are people prejudiced?
-evolutionary: be on guard against hostile other tribes
-conflict over resources: prejudice usually less severe wealthier countries
- social dominance
social dominance
belief in a need for hierarchies
social dominance: paternalism
high groups must take care of low groups: low groups must defer to high groups
social dominance: legitimizing myth
"if a group is low, its their own fault"--> women cant lead. they are too emotional
minority perceptions on other minorities
- light skinned blacks show prejudice to dark-skinned
- latinos and blacks show bias agaisnt
- both show bias against asians
contact hypothesis
reduction of stereotypes...prejudice results from lack of experience with outgroup members. should decrease as experience increases
to reduce stereotypes:
- must be of equal status
- must work on cooperative task
- mist have frequent and deep interaction
- EX. jigsaw classroom
emphasize larger group classification, "we are all americans", blur group differences