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24 Cards in this Set

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age range for intelligence tests:
1 month - age 17
How stable is intelligence?
infant - NOT
age 4 and 12 - highly correlated
school age - moderately stable
low IQ is more stable than high IQ
under what circumstances do children get tests?
1. developmental delay
2. learning disabilities
5. pediatric illness
6. neuropsychological concerns
factors that influence IQ scores:
birth (complications, etc)
Head Start:
started with kids from low SES
improves pre/post IQ scores
shows kids better cognitive/social skills
improvements diminish, but kids were more likely to finish high school
Lovaas: Autism
able to teach autistic children important skills they lacked to function
IQ showed gain
Learning Disabilities
on Axis I
3 parts:
1) achievement lower than IQ (>16 pts)
2)the IQ achievement discrepancy must interfere with academic functioning OR daily activities
3) NOT due to sensory deficit
3 types of learning disabilities:
reading (most common)
written expression
age patterns in LD
begins by 7/8 unless the child has a high IQ or less severe LD
internalizing and externalizing disorders
language problems
social skill deficits and interpersonal problems
etiology of LD
birth/prebirth complications
brain functioning
chronic ear infections prior to age 4
home environment
cognitive processing problems associated with LD
visual perception
language processing
Specifics of Reading Disorder
word recognition
phonological deficits
Specifics of Math Disorder
reading and writing math symbols
performing calculations mentally
Specifics of Writing Disorder
hand eye coordination problems
Americans with Disabilities Act
any type of disabilities provides test taking accomodations
Educational School System
regular classes vs. special classes
used to be 100% special classes, but not intermingled
Treatment for Reading Disabilities
-phonological training
-behavioral interventions (rules written out and applied)
-cognitive behavioral interventions(monitor thought processes)
-computer assisted learning
prevention for reading disabilities:
teach phenomenological awareness early
protective factors of psychopathology or mental health problems:
average or above average intelligence
Mastery Oriented type of kid:
tries despite failure on previous tasks, goal oriented, believe skills and cognitive ability can increase, they believe knowledge comes with effort
Helpless type of kid:
gives up with failure, have performance goals, believe skills and cognitive ability is fixed, performance declines with harder tasks
parental factors related to academic achievement:
parental involvement at school
parenting style
parental social support
other factors related to academic achievement:
school belonging
social competence
perceived control
activity involvement
academic self - concept
better nutrition