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28 Cards in this Set

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Who was the founder of rational emotive behavior?
Albert Ellis
What category of therapy does REBT belong to?
CBT (cognitive behavior therapy)
What does CBT stress?
What assumption is it based on?
A structured psychoeducational model-empahsizing the role of homework, place responsibility on the client to assume an active role during and outside of therapy and use a number of cog. and behav. techniques to structure a change./ THe assumption that a reorganization of one's self-statements (thoughts) will result in an = amt. of change in their behavior.
What philisophical assumption of human beings is REBT based on? (there's 3)
People contribute to their own pshcyological problems, as well as to specific symptoms, by the way they interperet events and situations that surround them. Also on the assump. that cognitions, emotions, and behaviors interact significantly and have a reiprocal cause-and-effect relationship. ALSO that human beings are born with a potiential for bot rational and irrational thinking.
What is the core of emotional disturbances (according to REBT)?
REBT employs what therapeutic tools to get at the emotional and behavioral problems?
A Persuasive methodology with 4 functions
1.encourages clients to discover a few basic irrational ideas that motivate much disturbed behavior.
2.Shows how these beliefs are inoperative and how they will lead to future emotional and behavioral disurbances.
3.Challenges clients to change their self-sabotaging beliefs.
4.Uses several cognitive,emotive,and behavioral methods to hel the client work directly on their feelings and to at agaisnt their disturbances.
What are some cognnitive, emotive, and behavioral techniques used to explore the clients thoughts in relation to their emotions and behaviors? (be fammiliar with what they do)
Cog-Disputing irrational beliefs, doing gog h-dub, changing one's language,using humor. Emotive-Rational-emotive imagery, role-playing, shame-attacking exercises, use of force and vigor. Behav-op condit., self-mgmt, sys, desensitization, relaxation, and modeling.
What is the basic goal of REBT? (3) (1 has 3 parts)
1.Teaching clients how to separate the evaluation of their behaviors from the evaluation of themselves/their essence and totality/and how to accept themselves despite their imperfections. 2. Assist clients in achieving unconditional self-acceptance and unconditional oher acceptance (and to see how they are interrelated).
What is the main function of REBT?
To teach clients how to change their dysfunctional emotions and behaviors into healthy ones. Showing the client that they can change the irrational thoughts that directly cause their disturbed emotional consequences. (and above goals)
What does ellis believe about human beings?
(5 beliefs)
People disturb themselves by the things that happen to them, and by their views, feelings, and actions. We do not need to be accepted and loved by other humans although it is highly desired. We are self-talking, self-evaluating, and self-sustaining. We are striving for actualization and we mix up simple preferences for dire needs. We rate ourselves as a total person on the basis of our performances.
What is the role of the client in REBT?
A student learner.
Ellis believes that we are self-____, self-____, and self-____.
talking, sustaining, evaluating.
What is the difference btwn homework assignments, logical-analysis, contract, behavioral and action methods in REBT?
According ot Meichenbaum, behavioral change occurs where?
Through a sequence of mediating process involving the interaction of inner speech, cognitive structures and behaviors and their resultant outcomes.
Whose theory utilizes cognitive restructuring?
What are the 3 phases of Meichenbaum's stress-inoculation program? (Be familiar with them)
1)Conceptual phase
2)THe skells acquisition and rehearsal phase
3)Application and follow through phase.
What method is taught in REBT to help the client challenge irrational beliefs?
Cognitive homework-ex.-put themselves in risk-taking situations. Teaches them to deal better with anxiety and destroy neg. self-fulfilling prophecies that they will fail (disputing irrational beliefs)
What is the relationship between the client and the therapist in REBT?
it doesn't have to be intense. The therapist is the teacher and the client, the student learner. Therapist has unconditional acceptance of the client in order to teach them to be accepting of themself and of others. Too much warmth and understanding could be outer-productive b/c then the client becomes reliant on the therapist for approval. Transference not encouraged. Therapist should be open to show that they are imperfect too. Models unconditional full acceptance. not so much babying.
What is role-playing?
it has both emotional and behavioral components. The focus is on working through the underlying irrational beliefs that are related to unpleasant feelings. The therapist interrupts to show te client what they are telling themselves to create their disturbance and what they can do to change their unhealthy feelings to healthy ones.
Describe the 5-step used in the coping-skills program.
1. Exposing client's anxiety-provoking situations by means of role-playing and imagery.
2.Client evaluates their anxiety level.
3.Teach clients to become aware of he anxiety provoking cognitions they experience in stressful situations.
4.Help client examine those thoughts by re-evaluation of their self-statements.
5.Have the client note the level of anxiety after the re-eval.
What are the cognitive methods of REBT?
Disputing irrational beliefs, Doing cogniive homework, Changing one's language, and using humor.
What is the difference between Ellis' REBT and Beck's cog. therapy?
REBT is highly directive, persuasive, and confrontive. Uses rational disputation. It also focuses on the therapist's teacher quality. It's based on irrational thoughts and CT uses socratic dialogue by posing an open ended question to the client with the aim of getting them to reflect on personal issues and arrive at their own conclusions. Its more structured and emphsizes the client coming to their own conclusions. doing things for themselves. Collaborative empricism. Instead of telling the client their thoughts are irrational CT therapists tell the client their thoughts are too broad or extreme Relationship with client should be instensely warm and understanding.
What is polarized thinking?
The cognitive error that thinking or interrupting in all-or-nothing terms or categorizing experiences in either/or extremes.
Beck's cognitive therapy has been utilized most in treating what?
What are arbitrary inferences?
The cognitive distortion that makes conlusions without supporting and relevant evidence.
What are labeling and mislabeling, overgenralization, arbitrary inferences, selective abstraction, and personalization?
Personalization-a tendency for individuals to relate external events to themselves. Selec abstract.-forming conclusions base on an isolated detail of an event. Overgen-a process of holding extreme beliefs on the basis of a single incident and applying them inappropriately to dissimilar events. Labeling/mislabeling-portraying one's i.d. on the basis of imperfections and mistakes made in the past and letting them define one's true i.d.
What is the first step in the change process according to Meichenbaum?
What is Meichenbaum's constructivist approach to cognitive behavior therapy?
Less structured and more disovery oriented than standard c.t.-more emphasis to past development,targets deeper core beliefs,and explores the behavioral impact and emotional toll a client pays for clinging to certain root metaphors.