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74 Cards in this Set

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An explanation for a phenomenon that can be falsified and that involves entities that cannot be directly observed

You have to be able to prove it what and with what?


A theory must be able to generate predictions, as such there must be a set of hypothetical facts that would prove the theory false

It must involve entities that cannot be observed


A statement about the possibility let relationship between observable variables

Falsifiability Criterion

Must always be possible to prove that a scientific theory is false

Modus Ponens

P is theory

Q is hypothesis

If P is true, then Q is true

P is true

Therefore, Q is true

A valid argument, but not useful in science because it assumes the theory is true.

Affirming the Consequent

If P is true, then Q is true.

Q is true.

Therefore, P is true.

Not a valid argument.

Modus Tollens

If P is true, then Q is true

Q is *not* true

Therefore, P is not true

Both a valid argument and useful to science.

Naturalistic Observation

A research technique where the researcher simply observes and describes behavior

Correlational Approach

A research tech in which the researcher determines the relationship between variables without manipulating the variables

Best Correlational Use Cases

1) Manipulating the variables would be difficult or impossible

2) Manipulating the variables would be unethical

There are two of them about the variables


A causal relationship exists between two variables if a change in one results in a change in the other

Independent Variables


The variable for which the researcher chooses values

Dependent Variable

The variable the researcher measures to determine the effect of the independent variable

Levels of the Independent Variable

The specific values of the IV that a researcher chooses to use in an experiment

Between Subjects Design

Research design in which each subject receives one of the IV

Within Subjects Design

Research design in which each subject receives *all* levels of the IV

Random Selection

Occurs when every member of the population to which we would like to generalize the results has an equally likely chance to participate in the research

Random Assignment

Once the participants for a study have been chosen, random assignment occurs when each participant had an equally likely chance to be assigned each IV level (in a BSD) or to each treatment order (in a WSD)


A research technique that has two things:

1) Random assignment

2) The researcher manipulates the IV

In contrast to other techniques, experiments allow the researcher to infer causation.


Research technique in which the researcher manipulates the IV, but which fails to have random assignment


Research techniques that doesn't allow a researcher to infer causation.

Naturalistic observation, correlation approach, and quasi-experiments are all investigations.

Experiments Can't Be Done When...

1) Difficult or impossible to manipulate the IV

2) Unethical to manipulate the IV

3) Random assignment cannot be done

Frequency Distribution

A graph showing the number of times each score occurred in a data set

Normal Distribution

A symmetrical, bell-shaped distribution

Positively Skewed Distribution

A distribution with a few extreme high scores

Negatively Skewed Distribution

A distribution with a few extreme low scores

Comparison of Mean and Median

1) Extreme Scores

Normal: Mean = Median

Positively: Mean > Median

Negatively: Mean < Median

2) Consistency

The mean is more consistent across repeated samples.

3) Ease of Calculation

The mean is usually easier to calculate than the median

Sum of Squares Formula

sum( (X-_X)^2 )


sum( X^2 ) - ( (sum( X ))^2 / N )

Standardized Scores (z scores)

Standardized scores allow scores on different scales to be compared by placing all scores on a common scale.

All sets of standardized scores have a mean = 0 and a standard deviation = 1

Scales of Measurement: Identity

Occurs when different entities receive different scores on the scale

Scales of Measurement: Magnitude

Occurs when the ordering of the values on the scale reflects the ordering of the trait being measured

Ex: running, weight in lbs

Non-Ex: Zipcodes

Scales of Measurement: Equal Intervals

Occurs when a difference of 1 on the scale represents the same amount of trait being measured everywhere on the scale

Scales of Measurement: Absolute Zero

Occurs when a 0 on the scale represents a complete absence of the trait being measured

Types of SoM: Nominal

Have only the identity property

Ex: zipcodes, jersey numbers


Types of SoM: Ordinal

Has only the identity and magnitude properties

Ex: basketball rankings, class ranks


Types of SoM: Interval

Has only the identity, magnitude, and equal intervals properties

Ex: Fahrenheit and Celsius

Addition and subtraction are meaningful, but multiplication and division is not

Types of SoM: Ratio

Has the identiry, magnitude, equal intervals, and absolute zero properties

Ex: weight in lbs, # right on a test, Kelvin

ALL arithmetic operations are meaningful here

Advantages of Within Subjects Design

1) Allows the use of fewer subjects to obtain the same number of observations

2) Allows for greater statistical power than between subjects

Use this whenever possible.

Problems with Within Subject Designs

1) Practice effects

2) Sensitization effects

3) Carry-over effects


A method of assigning subjects to treatment orders in a within subjects design that, across subjects, practice effects are balanced

Methods of Counterbalancing

1) Use all possible treatment orders (4 or fewer independent variable levels)

2) Use a Latin Square

Latin Square

As many columns and rows as there are IV levels.

Columns represent treatment order and rows represent subjects. Treatments are placed in each row of the cell so that each treatment appears only once in every column and every row.

Sensitization Effects

Occur when the subject realizes what the manipulations are in a study and such awareness causes a change in behavior

Practice Effects

Occurs when a subject's performance on the experimental task changes either for the better or worse as a result of experience with the task

Carry-over Effects

Occur when the effects of one treatment persist when another treatment is introduced

W2U: Test of a Single Sample Mean

Used to compare a sample mean to a standard value (for which the sample is unvailable)

Internal Validity

The extent to which a study provides a valid test of the relationship between the IV and the DV

Type I Error

Finding an effect of the IV on the DV when in reality no effect exists

(False positive)

Type II Error

Failing to find an effective of the IV on the DVD when, in reality, an effect exists.

(False negative)

Alpha (a)

The probability of making a Type I error, given that the experiment found an effect of the IV on the DV

Usually 0.05

Beta (B)

The probability of making a Type II error given that the experiment failed to find and effect of the IV on the DV

Statistical Power

The probability that a given experiment will find an effect of the IV on the DV given that an effect exists

Power + B = 1

It is desirable for an experiment to have high statistical power because it lowers Type II errors

Factors Determining Statistical Power

1) (a) level: larger gives more power but also increases chances of making Type I error

2) Effect Size: the size of the IV's effect on the DV, larger gives more power

3) Variability in the DV: lower variability gives more power

4) Sample Size*: larger sample size gives more power

(In between subjects only)

5) The correlation between the IV levels: larger correlation between the IV levels gives more power

* Most effective way to raise power

Increasing the Statistical Power

1) Choose IV levels that will maximum the effect size

2) Try to lower the variability in the data

3) Increase sample size

Factors that can increase Type II Errors

1) Nuisance Variables

2) Floor and Ceiling Effects

3) Narrowing of the IV

Nuisance Variables

Any variable other than the IV that effects the DV

Floor and Ceiling Effects

Occur when the DV is so low (floor, too easy) or so high (ceiling, too hard) that it is unlikely to be effected by the IV

Narrowing of the IV

Occurs when the IV levels are so similar that their effects on the DV cannot be distinguished

Can't Prove the Null Hypothesis

It is impossible to prove that an IV has no effect on a DV

Factors Producing Type I Errors

1) Regression to the Mean

2) Confounds

Regression to the Mean

The tendency of extreme values of a variable to fall closer to the group mean when tested

Can be countered with a control group

Control Group

A group of subjects in a between subjects design that receives a treatment we know is ineffective at changing the DV


A nuisance variable that varies non-randomly with the IV

Can produce both TI and TII errors

How is the logic of experimentation ruined by confounds?

We assume the only difference in the IV levels is the IV. If you have a confound in your experiment, then it is impossible to know whether it was the IV or the confound that was responsible for the changes in the DV

Types of Confounds

1) Confounds due to subject assignment: occur when subjects at different IV levels differ on some variable prior to IV manipulation

2) Confounds due to manipulation of the IV: occur when additional, unanticipated changes accompany IV manipulation

External Validity

The extent to which the results of a study can be applied outside the research situation

Random Factor

And I whose levels were chosen randomly from a population of possible values

Reliable effects of random factors can be generalized across off levels in the population

Fixed Factor

An IV whose levels were chosen non-randomly

Do not generalize beyond the levels tested

Demand Characteristics

Aspects of a study that indicate to subjects how they are expected to respond

Experimenter Expectancy Effect (Rosenthal Effect)

A demand characteristic that occurs when subjects change their behavior due to intentional cues from the researcher

Placebo Effect

A demand characteristic that occurs when subjects change their behavior as a result of their expectation that change will occur

Ways to Overcome Placebo and Rosenthal Effects

1) Single Blind Study: an experiment in which the subject is unaware of which treatment they have received

2) Double Blind Study: an experiment in which both the subject and experimenters don't know which condition the subject is in

Double blind cures both, single blind only cures placebo

Hawthorne Effect

A demand characteristic that occurs when subjects change their behaviour because they know they are being watched

Novelty Effect

Occurs when the IV influences the DV only because the IV is something new