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35 Cards in this Set

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conditions having a sudden onset and a strong possibility of ending quickly
antipsychotic (neuroleptic) drugs
drug that relieves schizophrenia
atypical antidepressants
miscellaneous group of drugs with antidepressant effects but only mild side effects (Wellbutrin, bupropion)
bipolar (manic depressive) disorder
condition in which a person alternates between the two poles of mania and depression
Bipolar I
condition including full-blown episodes of mania (more severe than bipolar II)
Bipolar II
condition with only mild manic phases, characterized mostly by agitation or anxiety (less severe than bipolar I)
Borna disease
a viral infection which may predispose people to depression
class of antipsychotic drugs that includes haloperidol
first drug found to relieve the positive symptoms of schizophrenia
conditions having a gradual onset and long duration
pair of twins is concordant for a trait if both of them have it or if neither has it
beliefs that other people regard as unfounded, such as the belief that one is being severely persecuted
differential diagnosis
identification of a condition as distinct from all similar conditions
dopamine hypothesis of schizophrenia
proposal that schizophrenia is due to excess activity at certain dopamine synapses
electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
electrically inducing a convulsion in an attempt to relieve depression or other disorder
glutamate hypothesis of schizophrenia
proposal that schizophrenia is due to deficient activity at certain glutamate synapses
sensory experience that does not correspond to reality
element whose salts are often used as a therapy for bipolar disorder
major depression
state of feeling sad, helpless, and lacking in energy and pleasure for weeks at a time
condition of restless activity, excitement, laughter, self-confi dence, and few inhibitions
monomine oxidase inhibitors
drug that blocks the enzyme monoamine oxidase (MAO), a presynaptic terminal enzyme that metabolizes catecholamines and serotonin into inactive forms
negative symptom
absence of a behavior ordinarily seen in normal people (e.g., lack of emotional expression)
neurodevelopmental hypothesis
proposal that schizophrenia is based on abnormalities in the prenatal or neonatal development of the nervous system, which lead to subtle but important abnormalities of brain anatomy and major abnormalities in behavior
drug that inhibits type NMDA glutamate receptors; at low doses, produces intoxication and slurred speech, and at higher doses, produces both positive and negative symptoms of schizophrenia
class of antipsychotic drugs that includes chlorpromazine
positive symptom
presence of a behavior not seen in normal people
postpartum depression
depression after giving birth
disorder characterized both by a deteriorating ability to function in everyday life and by some combination of hallucinations, delusions, thought disorder, movement disorder, and inappropriate emotional expressions
seasonal affective disorder (SAD)
period of depression that recurs seasonally, such as in winter
seaason of birth effect
tendency for people born in winter to have a greater probability of developing schizophrenia than people born in other seasons
second-generation antipsychotic
drugs that alleviate schizophrenia without serious risk of producing movement disorders
selecive serotonin reuptake inibitor (SSRI)
drug that blocks the reuptake of serotonin into the presynaptic terminal
tardive dyskinesia
side effect of neuroleptic drugs characterized by tremors and other involuntary movements
drug that prevents the presynaptic neuron that releases serotonin or catecholamine molecules from reabsorbing them
unipolar disorder
mood disorder with only one extreme (or pole), generally depression