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26 Cards in this Set

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Fluid intelligence depends on ____
working memory
3 factors of fluid intelligence
the “ability to reason and solve problems involving new information, without relying extensively on an explicit base of declarative knowledge derived from either schooling or previous experience.” (Carpenter, Shell, & Just, 1990)
allows us to adapt thinking to new cognitive problems
distinct from crystallized intelligence, which depends on knowledge and skills learned from experience
traditional view of fluid intelligence
fluid intelligence is hereditary and largely can’t be changed
recent work on fluid intelligence
Training in specific working memory tasks can increase overall fluid intelligence
Improvement on Raven's test after Dual N Back
definite improvement..but more training, more improvement!
explicit memory
Conscious recollection
Declarative Knowledge
implicit memory
Unconscious change
Includes Procedural Knowledge
example: Skills
explicit memory tests and what they do

Require subject to make explicit reference to previous study or learning

Learning is tested through
implicit memory tests and what they do

Tests do not make explicit reference to previous study or learning

Learning is tested through changes in performance
psychogenic amnesia
Relatively rare in the real world
Due to psychological, not physical trauma
organic amnesia
Caused by injury to the brain
Anterograde amnesia (example of organic)
Inability to learn new explicit information after trauma
Retrograde amnesia (example of organic)
Inability to retrieve explicit information from prior to trauma
Usually temporally-graded
Memory for old information typically intact
More recent information more vulnerable
Pure form is rare
Brain damage to amnesia starts in the _____
Temporally graded retrograde amnesia
Earliest explicit memories spared but anything past that is forgotten before surgery
Patient H.M. has....
anterograde amnesia and temporally graded retrograde amnesia
Korsakoff's Amnesia
Causes severe anterograde amnesia
Damage to the mammillary bodies associated with chronic alcoholism
Clive Wearing (and what he has)
Lives in the present only

Music can extend his period of consciousness

Anterograde amnesia and nearly complete retrograde amnesia for episodes
No new memories
Can’t remember people except for his wife
No episodic memory
Some retrograde semantic memory intact (he knows the meanings of words and can carry on a conversation)
Mirror reading (which people can do it)
People with anterograde amnesia can get better at mirror reading!
Patient N.A. (who he is and what he can do)
Amnesia from accident with toy fencing foil

Shows normal improvement in mirror-reading speed with practice
Non-repeated word condition with mirror
Practice mirror reading with different words each day

N.A. and controls both get faster over time (skill learning)

No difference between N.A. and controls
Repeated word condition with mirrors
Practice mirror reading with same words each day

N.A. and controls get faster over time (skill learning)

N.A. worse than controls, because he doesn’t have benefit of explicit memory for words
priming definition
Advantage in processing a stimulus as a result
of a previous exposure to that stimulus or to
something similar.
Priming is a type of ____
A type of implicit memory:
don’t have to remember it consciously.
What test to measure priming
In studies of amnesia, a word fragment completion test
can be used to measure priming
Result of priming experiment with amnesics
amnesics show normal priming, but poor recognition memory.