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57 Cards in this Set

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What is the age range of early childhood?
2 to 5/6 years
The terms assymilation and accomodation which influence congnitive develop are associated with who?
The term tabula rasa is associated with who?
John Locke
An important aspect of conducting ethical research is what?
Informed Consent, Confidentiality, Rights Observed, Debriefing after, Deception won't harm
The latency stage for children is from ___ to _____.
6 yrs to puberty
What was the average life expectancy in 1915 in the USA?
Piaget's stages of congitive development in order are what?
Sensorimotor, Preoperational, Concrete Operational, Formal Operational
According to class lecture, which of the following is not a type of developmental research?
These are: lab research, naturalistic observation, surveys and interviews, standardized tests, case studies, life-history records, physiological measures
Which age group reports being the most happy?
According the Freud, personality has 3 parts, what are they?
Id, Ego, Superego
What's the number one stressor both poor and middle class children are exposed to?
According to class lecture, which of the following is not one of the 4 steps of scientific investigation?
4 Steps are: Conceptualize a process, collect info, analyze data, draw conclusions
The difference between sensitive and critical periods in ethological theory is what?
humans have sensitive, animals have critical periods
Classical conditioning is associated with ______ while operant conditioning is associated with ______.
Pavilov, Skinner
According to Erickson's theory of psychosocial development, what stage are early adults in?
Intimacy vs. Isolation
Turner syndrome __________ while Klinefelters __________
girls born with XO instead of XX, boys born with XXY instead of XY
An aspect of the epigenetic view is ___________
Development is an ongoing, bi-directional interchange between heredity/genetics and environment
Who stated that evolution shapes our physical features and how we make life decisions?
David Buss
T/F Our evolved mechanisms are not always adaptive.
As noted in lecture, which of the following assisted reproduction techniques was the most effective?
Invitro Fertilization
A person's sex is determined by which pair of chromosomes?
T/F Everyone has genetic flaws.
When a childs characteristics elicit a certain type of environment or environmental response the child is thought to have ________
Evocative Genotype
Genotype refers to ________ while phenotype refers to ________.
Genetic make-up, Physical characteristics
Which of the following is not a type of prenatal diagnostic test?
The following are: Amniocentisis, Ultrasound, Chorionic Villus Sampling, Amniocentisis, Maternal Blood Testing
Human have ________ amount of genes
20K to 22K
Examples of sex linked genes
Hemophilia and fragile-X syndrome
A benefit of an extended juvinile period in organisms is what?
Allows time for brain to develop and learn the complex social skills needed
An example of an x-linked genetic material is what?
Humans have how many genes?
20K to 25K
The word teratogen literally means what?
At 20 weeks, how big is the average fetus?
10-12 inches
Which of the following affects the post-partum period for women?
1. Influenced by preceding conditions and experiences; 2. Mother learns to care for the baby, feel good about herself and those close to her; 3. Physical: hormone changes, weight loss, return to menstruation, loss of energy or fatigue; 4. Psychological: feelings of depression, anxiety, coping in new role, excessive worrying
Prenatal development lasts approximately how many days?
The Apgar scale is administered approximately ____ after birth, while the Brazelton is administered _________ after birth.
1-5 minutes, 24-36 hours
T/F Massage therapy can help improve children with defects
Which of the following is a type of pain management used during childbirth?
Analgesia: pain relief; Anesthesia; Oxytocics: synthentic hormones to stimulate contraction
Maternal smoking during pregnancy can cause all but which of the following?
It can cause: Respiratory problems, SIDS, ADHD, low birth weight
About how many hours after fertilization does the fertilized egg become 4 cells?
48 hours
What percentage of low birth weight children are enrolled in special education programs?
About 50%
Which of the following is not one of the prenatal developmental periods?
The ones that are: Germinal, Embryonic, Fetal
Post-partum blues are experience by approximately what percent of women while post-partum depression affects how many?
70%, 10%
If exposed to a teratogen, which of the following may affect the severity of damage to a fetus?
Dose, Time of Exposure, Genetic Susceptibility
Which of the following is not a a type of non-medicated pain reduction techniques used during childbirth?
These are: waterbirth, massage, acupuncture, music therapy, hypnosis
In which lobe do we find the sensory cortex?
When a child is 2 years old, what proportion of their adult brain is the child's brain?
Action potentials in neurons are governed by what principles?
All or none principle
On average, how many hours per day do newborns sleep?
What is the highest cause of infant death in the US in each year?
Which of the following best describes the pattern of development in infancy?
Cephalocaudal and Proximodistal
The layer of fat surrounding the axon of a neuron is called what?
Myelin Sheath
Which of the following is not a growth spert period in the brain?
These are: 1.5-2, 9, 12, 15, 18-20
Which of the following in not a risk factor for SIDS?
The following are: Sleeping with your baby, siblings who died of SIDS, low birth weight/anea, passively exposed to cigarette smoke, being from lower SES or being AA or Eskimo
Which lobe of the brain is involved in voluntary thinking and movement?
T/F Whether an environment in enriched or deprived, does not significantly affect physical brain development
Information comes into a neuron through what cell structure?
A mother should not breast feed if:
If she has AID, TB, or any other drug not safe for the infant