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19 Cards in this Set

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The global evaluative dimension of the self. Aslo talked about as self-worth or self-image
Domain-specific evaluations of the self
The belief that one can master a situation and produce favorable outcomes
What is one of the most important aspects of the self in middle and late childhood?
The increased capacity for self-regulation
What is Erik Erikson's stage for middle childhood?
Industry vs. Inferiority
What contributes to a child's sense of industry?
Family and social settings such as school
What emotional developmental changes occur during middle and late childhood?
- improved emotional understanding
- increased understanding that more than one emotion can be experienced in a particular situation
- increased tendency to be aware of the events leading to emotional regulation
- ability to suppress or conceal negative emotional reactions
- the use of self-initiated strategies for redirecting feelings
- a capacity for genuine empathy
At what age are most children able to cope with stress?
By 10 years of age
What are Kohlberg's three levels of moral development?
Preconventional - no internalization - moral thinking is tied to punishment
Conventional - intermediate internalization
Postconventional - full internalization
Who argues that Kohlberg's theory has gender bias and proposes the Care Perspective
Carol Gilligan
What is the care perspective?
Moral perspective which views people in terms of their connectedness with others and emphasizes interpersonal communication, relationships with others and concern for others
What does the Domain Theory of Moral development state?
there are different domains of social knowledge and reasoning, including moral, social, conventional, and personal domains
What is the justice perspective?
A moral perspective that focuses on the rights of the individual and in which individuals independently make moral decisions
What are the three components of a moral personality?
- moral identity - moral notions and moral commitments are central to their lives
- moral character - has the willpower, desire and integrity to stand up to pressure and overcome distractions/disappointments
- moral exemplars - people who lived exemplary moral lives
Gender stereotypes
broad categories that reflect our impressions and beliefs about females and males
What are the five different peer statuses?
-popular children
-average children
-neglected children
-rejected children
-controversial children
What are the six functions friendship can serve in childhood?
-physical support
-ego support
-social comparison
-affection and intimacy = characterized by self disclosure and sharing private thoughts
Constructivist approach to learning
is a learner-centered approach that emphasizes the importance of individuals actively constructing their knowledge and understanding with guidance from a teacher
Direct instruction approach to learning
is a structured, teacher-centered approach that is characterized by teacher direction and control, high teacher expectations for students progress