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83 Cards in this Set

  • Front
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stimulation of sense organs
selection, organization and interpretation of sensoty input (making sense of it)
absolute threshold
smallest quantity detected (50% can see it)
Just Noticable difference
smallest difference in stimulus intensity
weber's Law
size of JND proportional to size of stimulis
study of how physical stimuli are translated into experience
subliminal perception
registration of sensory input without conscious awareness
social desireability bias
create favorable impression, don't always answer honestly
signal detection theory
stimuli detection depends on sensory and decision processes
sensory adaptation
decline in sensitivity to prolonged sensation example: strong perfume
peak end theory
the peak and end play larger subjective role in an experiance
transparant protective coating
hole in eye
colored part
transparent and focuses light
lens adjusting to near vs. far objects
back of eye, absorbs light, processes images & sends info to brain through optic nerve
feature detectors
neurons that respond selectively to specific features of complex stimuli
receptive field of visual cell
retinal area that affects firing of cell
center of retina that only has cones. visual acuity
optic nerve
attaches to brain. made of ganglion cell axons
optic disk
hole in retina where optic fibers exist
color and daylight
night and periphial
ganglion cells
rods and cones send into to them
depth perception
interpret visual cues to tell how far away of near something is
visual agnosia
inability to recognize objects
inability to recognize faces
subtractive colors
additive colors
binocular depth cues
2 eyes with 2 diff perspectives
monocular cues
1 eye can see it
perceptual set
readiness to perceive a stimulus in a particular way
inattentional blindness
failure to see visble objects or events because of distractions
trichromatic theory
3 types cones red green blue
opponent-process theory
1 color on- opposite off
r/g blue/y black/w
perceptual constancies
accurate perception of objects as stable. shape, location, size, color
bottom up processing
actually seeing something
top down processing
concepts, expectations and memories ( THE CAT)
feature analysis
process of detecting specific elements in visual input and assembling into more complex
phi phenomenon
appearence of movement (flip book)?
whole can be greater than sum of parts
external ear, where you pierce
auditory canal
external ear, tube
ear drum
middle ear, vibrates
hammer anvil and stirrup
middle ear, amplify sounds to take them to inner ear
inner ear, fluid filled coil tunnel
basilar membrane
rubbery surface in cochlea
auditory nerve
takes neuroimpulses to brain for it to interpret to sound
being aware of self and surroundings
biological rhythm
periodic fluctuations in physical functioning. getting older
circadian rhythm
24 hour biological cycle. bed time dinner time etc.
physiological pathway
light levels - retina -scn of hypothalamus -pinal gland
sleep apnea
frequent gasps for breath while sleeping
lucid dreams
inception -like
ascending reticular activating system
major part of sleep center
classical conditioning
reflexive responces
operant conditioning
voluntary. tell a joke, people laugh, tell another joke.
principle of classical conditioning, stimulus continguity
principle of classical conditioning, gradual weakening
Structural Encoding
shallow. physical structure. blue shirt with letters
Phonemic Encoding
intermediate. word sounds. rhymes with pink
semantic encoding
deep. actual meaning. blue with with bhs on it
phonological loop
rehersal in short term mem
central executive
dividint attention
visualspatial sketchpad
2+2 draws out in mind
episodic buffer
taking info putting it into long term and retrieving it
flashbulb memory
vivid detailed recollections of momentous events
conceptual hierarchy
multi level classification. animals thing
framework of how we organize and label info
semantic network
web of words that connect. chalk talk
parallel data processing
pattern of activation. lines are words not bubbles in web
encoding specificity
context encoded with stimulus (study drunk, take test drunk)
transfer-appropriate processing
initial processing context info is similar to processing required by retrieval
retroactive interference
new info impairs retention of previously learned
proactive interference
old into impairs retention of new
serial-position effect
recall is better for things at begining and end of list (cereal... grocery list.)
method of loci
walk through familiar path to remember things
semantic declarative memories
general knowledge, who is the 1st president
episodic declarative memories
personal eperiances (dated), 1st kiss
retrograde amnesia
loss of memories prior to onset
anterograde amnesia
loss of memories after onset
making memories more durable