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36 Cards in this Set

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Freud's psychoanatlyci theory levels of concouisness are:
• Conscious- thoughts or motives person is currently aware of or is remembering
• Preconscious- thoughts or motives that one can become aware of easily
• Unconscious- thoughts or motives that lie beyond a person’s normal awareness
o Psychoanalysis or dream interpretation is the best way to access
Freud's psychoanalytic theory of personality sturcutres:
id, ego, superego
- most primitive part of personality.
o Pleasure principle.
o Get what it wants right now, avoid what it doesn’t want
o Selfish
o 2 parts
 Conscience- punitive, negative and critical part.
o All no’s. Things you shouldn’t do in order to be a good person
 Ego Ideals- positive aspirations. More abstract
o Things you should do to be a good person.
o Ex. give to charity
reality principle- tries to fulfill needs of id while listening to superego
what are the psychosexual stages of development?
oral anal phallic latency and genital
birth to 12-18 months
o Pleasure through eating and thumb sucking.
 Thought thumb sucking was auto-erotic
o Fixation- either overly indulged or overly frustrated during a particular stage. Remained fixated on the pleasure of that stage.
 If only bottle fed, may be frustrated.
 Breast fed for to long, overindulged
o Regression- frustrated and regress to an earlier stage of development.
oral stage of development
12-18 months to 3 years
o Focused on retaining or expelling feces.
o Potty training during this time
o “battles of the toilet bowl”
 everyone is frustrated at this time
o Anal expulsive
 As children fought back against toilet training. Are messy adults and unreliable
o anal compulsive
 Over praised during potty training. As adults, always on time, neat, clean people.
 Term “anal” person
anal stage of development
1. 3-6 years
o Boy’s Oedipus Complex
 Decide want to have sex with mom, but knows dad will be angry
 Castration anxiety from father
 formation of superego because with dad all the time and learning how to be a man
o Girl’s Electra Complex
 Little girl blames mother for loss of penis because she doesn’t have one either
 Penis envy; weaker superego
 Women are morally weaker then men because we don’t have castration anxiety
phallic stage of development
– 6 to puberty
• Repression of sexual urges
puberty onward
• Get out of the house (to apply those sexual urges not related to you)
genital stage
Whoare the non-freudian theoriests?
1.Adler’s Individual Psychology
2. Jung’s Analytic Psychology
3.Horney’s Feminine Psychology
• Each of us is born with a sense of inferiority
• Striving for superiority
• Inferiority complex – feelings of inferiority develop from early childhood experiences of helplessness/ incompetence
• Birth Order
adler's individual psychology
o First born- important until other siblings arrive
 Often have greatest number of problems as they get older
o Middle born – dethrone first born
 High need for superiority
o Youngest – least amount of power
o Only Children – tend to spend a lot of time around adults. Which can lead to higher intellectual ability
 As adults, they may be timid, passive, and withdrawn
birth order
• More to unconscious than Freud theorized
• Collective unconscious- inherited unconscious all humans share
• Archetypes – generic, idealized model of a person, object, or concept from which similar instances are derived
o Animus – masculine side of female
o Anima – feminine side of male
o Shadow – unconscious dark side of our personality
Jungs analytic psychology
• Big influence on feminism
• Womb envy – man’s envy of woman’s ability to bear children
• Social / cultural explanation of gender differences
horney's feminne psychology
what are the 5 criticisms of psychoanalytic theories
1. Difficult to test
2. Overemphasis on biology and unconscious forces
3. Inadequate evidence
4. Sexism
5. Lack of cross cultural support
Who are the two humanistic theories developed by?
Carl Rodgers and Abraham Maslow
o Most important aspect of personality is the self
o Self-concept – all information/beliefs individuals have about own nature, qualities, and behavior
o Poor mental health occurred when there was a difference between our self-concepts and our actual life experiences
o Unconditional positive regard – positive behavior towards a person with no contingencies attached
Carl rodgers - humanistic theory
o Self-actualization – complete understanding of self
o Criticisms of humanistic theories
 Naïve assumptions
 Poor testability and inadequate evidence
 Narrowness
abraham maslow (humainstic theory)
whowere the early trait theorists of personality
Gordon allport, rayomnd cattel, hans eyzenck
best way to understand personality was to study an individual and arrange their personality traits into a hierarchy
condensed list of traits to 30-35 basic traits using factor analysis- statistical procedure for determining most basic units or factors in a large array of data
personality is relationship between 3 traits- Extroversion-Introversion, Neuroticism (how much control you have over emotional state), Psychotism (how in touch with reality you are)
(Costat-McCrae)- most influential trait theory
i. Extraversion (AKA Surgency)- talkative, energetic, and assertive
ii. Agreeableness- sympathetic, kind, and affectionate
iii. Conscientiousness- organized, thorough, and planful
iv. Openness to New Experiences (AKA Intellect or Culture)- having wide interests, being imaginative and insightful
v. Neuroticism (sometimes reversed as Emotional Stability)- tense, moody, and anxious
known as the BIG FIVE MODEL
what does the big five model consist of?
(Costat-McCrae)- most influential trait theory
i. Extraversion (AKA Surgency)- talkative, energetic, and assertive
ii. Agreeableness- sympathetic, kind, and affectionate
iii. Conscientiousness- organized, thorough, and planful
iv. Openness to New Experiences (AKA Intellect or Culture)- having wide interests, being imaginative and insightful
v. Neuroticism (sometimes reversed as Emotional Stability)- tense, moody, and anxious
what are the critiscm of the big 5 model
i. Lack of explanation-theories describe people but don’t tell you why they are that way
ii. Stability vs. Change- personality is relatively stable after 30, but theorists haven’t told us which characteristics are stable and which are transient
iii. Situational determinants- some researchers believe you just cannot predict what people can do in any given situation- traits are meaningless
______ is based on levels of consciousness and personality structure
freuds psychoanalytic theory
patterns of emotion, thought, and action considered pathological (diseased or disordered)
abnormal behavior
What is used when identifying abnormal behavior
staistical infrequency, disbaility or dysfunction, personal distress, social norm violation, medical disorder, and insanity
(legal term)
maladaptive behavior (not good for you-ex. Alcoholism, cutting) not good for you or other people
a. Practical and flexible
disability or dysfunction
if you are ok with it you dont have a mental disorder
personal distress
humanism and existentialism (if you are not self-actualized, you are mentally ill) \
deviation from ideal
- (legal term) people cannot be held responsible for their actions or allowed to manage their own affairs
mysterious actions were attributed to supernatural powers and possession
a. Trephining- boring holes in skull to let out evil sprits
supernatural view of psycholgical disorders
ancient Greece
a. Hippocrates- madness was like any other sickness- a natural event arising from natural causes; a physical illness
b. Imbalances in the four humors- trying to link mental to physical
i. Blood- air- sanguine-amorous, happy, generous people
ii. Yellow bile- fire- choleric- violent, vengeful people
iii. Phlegm- water- phlegmatic- dull, pale, cowardly personality
iv. Black bile- earth- melancholic- gluttonous, lazy, sentimental
naturalistic view of psycholigcal disorders