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130 Cards in this Set

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What is the term for the subfield that attempts to explain how the actual, imagined, or implied presence of others influences the thoughts, feelings, and behavior of individuals?
Social psychology
What is the term for a person who poses as a participant in an experiment but is actually assisting the experimenter?
T or F
In order to create a deception for an experiment, a researcher must use one or more confederates.
What is the term for a person who has agreed to participate in an experiment but is not aware that deception is being used to conceal its real purpose?
Naive subject
T or F
Social psychologists seek to identify hypotheses that can help to predict how changes in each of the variables will interact with changes in the others to produce variations in outcomes>
List the 2 strategies people use when first perceiving others?
1. impression formation
2. attribution
What is the term for the tendency for an overall impression of another to be influenced more y the first information that is received about that person than by information that comes later?
Primacy effect
T or F
Studies reveal that an overall impression or judgment of another person is influenced more by the first information that is received about that person than by information that comes later?
When listing your personal traits or qualities, which should you list first?
The positive qualities
What is the term for an assignment of a cause to explain one's own or another's behavior?
List the 2 main types of attribution:
1. situational attribution
2. dispositional attribution
What is the term for the type of attribution that results from attributing a behavior to some external cause or factor operating within the situation?
Situational attribution
What is another name for an external attribution?
Situational attribution
What is the term for the type of attribution that results from attributing a behavior to some internal cause, such as a personal trait, motive, or attitude?
Dispositional attribution
What is another name for an internal attribution?
Dispositional attribution
What type of attribution do we tend to use to explain our own failures?
Situational attribution
What type of attribution is being used when explaining why you failed an exam you might say, "The test was unfair" or The professor didn't give us enough time"?
Situational attribution
What type of attribution is being used when explaining why you failed an exam you might say that it is due to a poor ability or poor memory?
Dispositional attribution
What type of attribution do we tend to use to explain others' failures?
Personal factors or dispositional attribution
What is the term for the tendency to attribute one's own behavior primarily to situational factors and the behavior of others primarily to dispositional factors?
Actor-Observer effect
What type of attribution is being used when you explain away a traffic accident by saying that it was the result of another driver's failure to yeild to you?
Situational attribution
What type of attribution is being used when you explain away away another person's involvement in a traffic accident was a result of his poor driving skills?
Dispositional attribution
What is the term for the tendency to attribute others; behavior to dispositional factors?
Fundamental attributional error
What is the term for the phenomenon that occurs when you are waiting in line to make a purchase, witnessing an unsatisfactory transaction between the store clerk and a customer who is ahead of us may cause you to expect your own transaction to be unsatisfactory as well?
Fundamental attributional error
What is the term for the tendency to attribute one's successes to dispositional causes and one's failures to situational causes?
Self-serving bias
What is the term for the phenomenon that allows us to take credit for our successes and shift the blame for our failures to the situation?
Self-serving bias
What is the reason why people pay closer attention to early information they receive about a person than to later information?
The Primacy Effect
What type of attribution do people tend to make to explain their own behavior?
Situational attributions
What type of attribution do people make to explain the behavior of others?
Dispositional attribution
What is the overall term used for the tendency for everyone to use both situational and dispositional attributions to explain their's and other's behaviors?
Self-serving bias
What type of attribution is being used to explain a person's good grades to her intellectual ability?
Dispositional attribution
What is the term for physical or geographic closeness and is a major influence on attraction?
What is the term for the tendency to feel more positively toward a stimulus as a result of repeated exposure to it?
Mere-Exposure effect
What is the term for the tendency to like the people who also like us, or who we believe like us?
Reciprocity or reciprocal liking
What is the most influential factor in attraction?
physical attractiveness
What facial expression is the most influential in people's perception?
What is the term for the tendency to assume that a person has generally positive or negative traits a a result of observing one major psoitive or negative trait
Halo effect
What is the phenomenon when people attribute additional favorable qualities to those who are attractive?
Halo effect
What is the term for the notion that people tend to have lovers or spouses who are similar to themselves in physical attractiveness and other assets?
Matching hypothesis
List the 4 qualities that men and women generally rate as the most important in mate selection?
1. mutual attraction/love
2. dependable character
3. emotional stability and maturity
4. pleasing disposition
What is the term for the phenomenon that takes place when Manny Susan at the library often and begins to like her?
Mere-Exposure effect
What is the term for the phenomenon that takes place when Letitia assumes that because Carter is handsome, he must be popular and sociable?
Halo Effect
What is the term for the phenomenon that takes place when Travis and Faith are going together ad are both very attractive?
Matching Hypothesis
T or F
People are usually drawn to others who are similar to themselves.
Which attributes do men and women across cultures view as most important in prospective mate:
1. mutual attraction/love
2. dependable character
3. emotional stability and maturity
4. pleasing disposition
5. all of the above.
5. all of the above
What is the term for changing or adopting a behavior or an attitude in order to be consistent with the social norms of a group or the expectations of other people?
What is the term for the attitudes and standards of behavior expected of members of a particular group?
Social norms
T or F
Some conformity is necessary if we are to have a society at all.
What is the term for the tendency for members of a tightly knit group to be more concerned with preserving group solidarity and uniformity than with objectively evaluating all alternatives in decision making?
What is the major weakness to groupthink?
Individual members may hesitate to voice to any dissent.
What is the term for acting in accordance with the wishes, suggestions or direct requests of other people?
What is the term for a strategy designed to gain a favorable response to a small request at first with the intent of making the person more likely to agree later to alarger request?
Foot-in-the-door technique
What is the term for a strategy in which someone makes a large, unreasonable request with the expectation that the person will refuse but will then be more likely to respond to a smaller request later?
Door-in-the-face technique
What is the term for a strategy in which someone makes a very attractive initial offer to get a person to commit to an action and then make the terms less favorable?
Low-Ball technique
What strategy is being used when Chantal agrees to sign a letter supporting an increase in taxes to fund construction of new schools and later she agrees to make 100 phone calls urging people to vote for the measure?
Foot-in-the-Door technique
What strategy is being used when Bart refuses a phone request for a $20 donation but agrees to give $5?
Door-in-the-face technique
What strategy is being used when Hue agrees to babysit for her next-door neighbors and is then informed that their 3 nephews will be there, too?
Low-ball technique
What percentage of participants in the original Asch study never conformed to the majority's unanimous incorrect response in his experiments on conformity
What percentage of the participants in Milgram's original obedience experiment administered what they thought was the maximum 450-volt shock(study at the beginning of chapter)?
What phenomenon occurs when members of a group are more concerned with preserving group solidarity than with evaluating all possible alternative in making a decision?
T or F
Individual performance can be either helped or hindered by the mere physical presence of others.
What is the term for any positive or negative effect on performance that con be attributed to presence of others, either as an audience or as co-actors?
Social facilitation
What is the term for the impact of passive spectators on performance by individual?
Audience effects
What is the term for the impact on performance by the presence of other people engaged in the same task?
Co-action effect
Name the 2 effects that can influence performance that is attributed to the presence of others?
1. audience effect
2. co-action effect
What is the term for the tendency to put forth less effort when working with others on a common task than when working alone?
Social loafing
In what culture is social loafing more prevalent?
individualistic Western cultures such as the US
What is the term for socially defined behaviors considered appropriate for individuals occupying certain positions within a given group?
Social roles
What leads to improved performance on easy tasks and poorer performance on more difficult tasks?
Social facilitation
When is social loafing more likely to occur?
When individual output cannot be indentified
What is the term for a relatively stable evaluation of a person, object, situation, or issue, along a continuum ranging from positive to negative?
List the 3 components that most attitudes have:
1. cognitive component
2. emotional component
3. behavioral component
What is the term for the component of an attitude that is based on thoughts and beliefs about the attitudinal object?
Cognitive component
What is the term for the component of an attitude that is based on feelings toward the attitudinal object?
Emotional component
What is the term for the component of an attitude that is based on the predisposition to act toward the attitudinal object?
Behavioral component
What is the term for the unpleasant state that can occur when people become aware of inconsistencies between their attitudes or between their attitudes and their behavior?
Cognitive dissonance
What source do psychologists believe cognitive dissonance arises from?
The desire to maintain self-esteem
How do people try to reduce cognitive dissonance?
1. changing the behavior
2. changing the attitude
3. explaining away the inconsistency
4. minimizing the importance
What is the term for the deliberate attempt to influence the attitudes and/or behavior of another person?
What are the 4 elements of persuasion;
1. source of the communication
2. audience
3. the message
4. the medium/ how the message is being sent
Name the 2 traits that credible communicators have:
1. expertise
2. trustworthiness
T or F
A one-sided message is usually most persuasive if the audience is not well informed on the issue, is not highly intelligent, or already agrees with the point of view.
What is the term used to describe a message where both sides of an issue are mentioned?
2-sided message
T or F
A 2-sided message works est when the audience is well informed on the issue, is fairly intelligent, or is initially opposed to the point of view.
T or F
A 2-sided appeal will usually sway more people than will a 1-sided message.
What kinds of appeals are most effective when the presentation outlines definite actions the audience can take to avoid the feared outcome?
Appeals based on fear
What are the 3 components of attitudes:
1. cognitive
2. emotional
3. behavioral
What can be reduced by changing an attitude?
Cognitive dissonance
List the 2 traits that relate most directly to a communicator's credibilty?
1. expertise
2. trustworthiness
What kind of messages are more persuasive with a well-informed audience?
2-sided messages
What is the term for the type of behavior that benefits others, such as helping cooperation, and sympathy?
Prosocial behavior
What is the term for the type of behavior that is aimed at helping another, requires some self-sacrifice, and is not performed for personal gain?
What is the term for the socail factor that affects prosocial behavior?
Bystander effect
T or F
As the number of bystanders at an emergency increases, the probability that the victim will receive help decreases?
Bystander effect
What is the term for the feeling among bystanders at an emergency that the responsibility for helping is shared by the group, making each person feel less compelled to act than if he or she alone bore the total responsibility?
Diffusion of responsibility
What is the term for cultural standards for helping others?
Responsibility norms
What is the term for the intentional infliction of physical or psychological harm on others/
List the 5 possible biological causes of aggression:
1. heredity
2. low arousal level of autonomic nervous system
3. high testosterone level
4. neurological disorders, ex. brain tumors
5. alcohol abuse
What is the term for the hypothesis that frustration produces aggression?
Frustration-aggression hypothesis
What is the term for displacing aggression onto members of minority groups or other innocent targets not responsible for the frustrating situation?
What is the term for an area surrounding each person, much like an invisible bubble that the person considers part of himself or herself and uses to regulate the level of intimacy with others?
Personal space
What is the term for the subjective judgment that there are to many people in a confined space?
What is the term for any kind of sexual contact in which one or more participants are either unable to give consent or are forced into participation?
Sexual aggression
List 4 types of sexual aggression
1. sexual assault
2. rape
3. date/acquaintance rape
4. sexual abuse
What is the term for the type of sexual aggression that is the forcing or coercing another person into engaging in any kind of sexual activity?
Sexual assault
What is the term for the type of sexual aggression that is sexual assault that includes penetration?
What is the term for the type of sexual aggression that is rape that occurs in the context of a social relationship?
Date/acquaintance rape
What is the term for the type of sexual aggression that is sexual assault directed toward a vulnerable individual(child or elderly)
Sexual abuse
T or F
Women are far more likely than men to be victimized by sexual aggression
What is the term for a person who prefers children for sexual partners?
What theory of aggression claims that aggressive behavior is learned from models?
social learning
What kind of hypothesis would explain the kind of aggression that might occur after a person has been stuck in a traffic jam for several hours?
frustration-aggression hypothesis
What is the term that would describe a child who is angry at his parents responds by acting aggressive toward a younger sibling?
T or F
Males are more likely than females to respond aggressively to crowding.
What is the term for attitudes toward others based on their gender, religion, race, or membership in a particular group?
T or F
Prejudice usually involves negative attitudes.
What is the term for behavior that is directed toward others based on their gender, religion, race or membership in a particular group
T or F
Prejudice is an attitude;
Discrimination is a behavior.
What is the term for the view that as competition increases among social groups for scarce resources, so do prejudice, discrimination, and hatred.
Realistic Conflict Theory
What is the term for a social group with a strong sense of togetherness, from which others are excluded?
What is the term for a social group made up of individuals specifically identified by the in-group as not belonging?
What is the term for the mental processes that people use to notice interpret, and remember information about the social world?
Social cognition
What is the term for widely shared beliefs about the characteristic traits, attitudes, and behaviors of member of various social groups including the assumption that the members of such groups are usually all alike?
What is the term for the tendency to look at situations from one's own racial or cultural perspective
Describe the situation:
Darlene thinks all Whites are racists.
stereotypic thinking
Describe the situation:
Betty's salary is %5,000 less than that of her male counterparts.
Describe the situation:
Bell doesn't like police officers.
T or F
Members of an in-group usually dislike people in an out-group
T or F
The Social-cognitive theory suggests that prejudice develops and is maintained through modeling and reinforcement,
What 2 ways do people negatively try to bolster one's self-image by disparaging others?
1. prejudice
2. discrimination