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25 Cards in this Set

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central nervous system (CNS)
is the largest part of the nervous system; it includes the spinal cord and the brain
peripheral nervous system (PNS)
the part of the nervous system that serves the limbs and organs
somatic nervous system
the part of the peripheral nervous system that picks up stimuli from the outside world, coordinates movements, and performs other consciously controlled tasks
autonomic nervous system
the part of the peripheral nervous system that performs tasks that are not consciously controlled.
sympathetic nervous system
the part of the autonomic nervous system that is always active and acts as an accelerator for organs.
a cable-like extension that transmits a signal away from a neuron’s soma toward the target of communication.
parasympathetic nervous system
is the part of the autonomic nervous system that is responsible for functions that do not require immediate action and acts as a brake for organs.
excitable cells that receive different types of stimulation; the building blocks of the nervous system.
relatively short, bushy, branch-like structures that emerge from the neuron’s cell body and receive signals from adjoining neurons.
is the cell body of a neuron.
myelin (forms myelin sheath)
a fatty substance that coats and insulates axons
terminal buttons
structures at the ends of the branches that extend from axons.
sensory neurons
carry information from the sensory receptors to the brain as a coded signal
motor neurons
carry information away from the central nervous system to operate muscles and glands.
blood-brain barrier
a fatty envelope that filters substances trying to leave the bloodstream and reach the brain.
a tight grouping of neurons.
action potential
an electrochemical ripple that works its way from the cell body to the terminal buttons and terminates in the release of neurotransmitters that will stimulate the next neuron.
resting potential
a relatively negative state inside a neuron in which the neuron’s fluid interior contains a surplus of negatively charged particles
nodes of ranvier
parts of an axon that are not insulated by myelin
the area between neurons across which nerve impulses travel
synaptic cleft
a narrow space between a transmitting neuron’s terminal buttons and a receiving neuron’s dendrites.
pre-synaptic neuron
a neuron that delivers a signal to a synapse
post-synaptic neuron
a neuron that receives a signal from a synapse.
a chemical message created by a synapse from an electric message transmitted by terminal buttons.
spinal cord
connects the spinal nerves to the brain and organizes simple reflexes and rhythmic movements.