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40 Cards in this Set

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abnormal behavior
patterns of behavior, emotion, thought an action that are considered pathological for four reasons

-stat infrequency
-disability or dyfunction
-personal distress
-violation of norms
provides detailed descriptions of symptoms and contains over 200 categories of illness, 17 major catagories, and 5 dimensions
Axis 1
current clinical disorders
Axis 2
personality disorders and mental retardation
Axis 3
general medical info
Axis 4
psychosocial and environmental problems
Axis 5
global assesment of functioning
Anxiety disorder
characterized by irrational fear
Generalized Anxiety Disorder:
persistent, uncontrollable and free floating anxiety
Panic disorder
sudden panic attacks
Major Depressive Disorder:
long lasting depressed mood that interferes with the ablility to function, feel pleasure, or maintain interest in life
Perception schizo
language schizo
word salad, neologisms
Thoughts schizo
delusions, psychosis
Emotion schizo
exaggeratted or flat affect
Behavior schizo
unusual behaviors
Biological explanation for schizo
genetic predisposistion, brain abnormalities, disruption in neurotransmitters
Psychosocial explanation for schizo
stress, disturbed family communication
Dissociotive Identity disorder
system of two or more distinct personalities
Antisocial Personality Disorder:
profound disregard for and violation of the rights of others
Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD
impulsivity and instablity in mood, relationships, and self image
Antisocial Personality Disorder
profound disregard for and violation of the rights of others

key traits-egocentrism, lack of conscience, impulsive behavior, and superficial charm
paranoid schizo
delusions of grandeur, hallucinations,
marked by motor distrubances, immobility or wild activity
disorganized schizo
marked by incoherent speech or wild or exaggerated emotions and social withdrawl
techniques employed to improve psychological functioning and promote adjustment to life
Freudian therapy designed to bring unconscious conflicts into consciouness
Evaluation of psychoanalysis:
limited applicablity and lack of scientific credibility
Psychodynamic Therapy:
briefer, more direct, and more modern form of psychoanalysis that focuses on conscious processes and current problems
Cognitive Therapy
focuses on faulty thinking and beliefs

improvement comes from insight into negative self talk
Psychodynamic Therapy: briefer, more directive, and more modern form of psychoanalysis that focuses on conscious processes and current problems
briefer, more direct, and more modern form of psychoanalysis that focuses on conscious processes and current problems
Cognitive Therapy:
focuses on faulty thinking and beliefs

improvement comes from insight into negative self talk
Ellis’s Rational-Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT):
eliminates self defeating beliefs through rational examination
Beck’s Cognitive-Behavior Therapy:
confronts and changes behaviors associated with destructive cognitions
Depressive thinking patterns:
selective perception, overgeneralization, magnification, all or none thinking
PRO Evaluation of cognitive therapy
considerable success with a range of problems
CON Evaluation of cognitive therapy
criticized for overemphasizing rationality, ignoring unconscious dynamics, minimizing importance of past
Humanistic therapy:
maximizes personal growth through affective restructuring
Rogers’s Client-Centered Therapy
empasizes client's natural tendency to become healthy and productive
successive approximations of target behavior are rewarded, includes role playing, behavior rehearsal, assertiveness training