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77 Cards in this Set

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Person situation controversy
even though traits are stable across time, specific trait doesn’t predict specific behavior/ not going to have behavior for every situation
Distinctiveness Hypothesis
find what makes us unique, highlight it in self concept
Social comparison
compare self to evaluate own abilities/opinions

Glass self
shape self concept around how THINK others feel about us

not how they ACTUALLY think about us
self beliefs (make up self knowledge)
o personal beliefs
o social self
o relational
o collective
self image bias
judge other’s personalities based on how similar/not they from ours
self perception theory
infer attitudes/feelings from observed behavior/situation
misattribution of arousal
mistake in assuming what causes arousal
Locus of control
amount feel that events in life are frm chance/internal control

Sociometer hypothesis
esteem is internal, is index of how much socially liked
Self eval maintenance model
motivated to see self as good in 2 ways
o Reflection (friend successful in domain don’t care about)
• Use others’ glory to feel good by helping friends succeed more with things not important to us
o Social comparison (use for stranger)
• Notice when better at things
self serving bias
tendency to see self favorably, to preserve pos self image

** blame failure = situation
False consensus effect
overestimate commonality of opinion/bad behaviors/failures
False uniqueness effect
underestimate commonality of abilities/good behaviors/successes
Self handicapping
protect self image by setting up situation where hard to succeed but has excuse for failure
Spotlight effect
overestimate amount of attn aimed at us
Self reference effect
form memories around primary interests
(Remember info more if relates to us)
Self fulfilling prophecy
belief comes true by behaviors (that are influenced by belief)
Rosenthal/Pygmalion effect
greater expectation → better performance
Ekman’s facial feedback hypothesis
change in expression → change in emotion

o face reflects & INFLUENCES internal states

ex: chewing on pen, thinking cartoon funny
Rosenberg Scale
standard scale to measure overall esteem
explanation for behavior
explanatory style
person’s habitual way of explaining events
o internal/external (cause of event)
o stable/unstable (how perm it is)
o global/specific (extent of event affecting things)
Attributional classes: Situational, Dispositional
• Dispositional = cause of behavior frm something internal to person
• Situational = cause frm situation
Attribution Theory:
Free choice
Effects of behavior
• More free choice = stronger disposition attribution
• Not expect = weaker disposition attrbt
• More pos effects frm behavior = less certain of WHY person did it
Fundamental Attribution Error/ Correspondence Bias
tendency to think behavior matches personality

ex: Alex Trabec Effect
Big 5 Model
personality factors:


Traits stable as adults, change during develop
50% Heritable
Culturally Universal
perceptual salience
when figure out others behavior, pay more attn to person instead of situation
actor/observer difference
•look at own behavior = we are actor (know ourselves so look @ situation)
•look @ others = we are observer (bc don’t know person)
I <3 fidel castro exp:
o 2 speeches (one pro, one anti), writer had free choice vs assigned
o Anti castro writers = readers attributed to anti castro attitudes
• Even though didn’t have free choice → still attributed behavior to personality
Kelly Covariate Model :
• consistent with previous behavior
• behavior distinct from situation? Does this with all situations?
• Other ppl do behavior? Only you?

high distin/consensus = external attrb
low distin/consensus = internal attrb

• Mary not usually sarcastic (low consistency + high distinctiveness) & others also sarcastic to M. = external
Discounting principle
other possible causes of behavior present → perceived cause is discounted
- more pos effects frm behavior = less certain WHY did behavior

ex: rewards for grades --> not sure if worked hard:
to do well
for $$
Augmentation principle
other causes present that would predict opp behavior → strengthen attrbtn

ex: threatened to be killed for beliefs & still believe
Counterfactual thoughts
'If only' thoughts
Emotional amplification
incr in emotional rxn to event = how easy to imagine event not happening

ex: think easy about not grad = more emotional
Pluralistic ignorance bias
act against private beliefs to conform to what they think is the group norm

ex: think other students more comfortable w/ drinking than they were
emphasize important things when tell other person a story
de-emphasizing boring things
Bad News Bias
Media overexaggerates bad things

• Correlation with time spent watching TV & thinking you’re going to be victim
Asch Primacy Study
People read list of traits & rated person on how positive/neg

Pos & Neg framing
- avoid neg framing, endorse pos framing

ex: 75% fat free vs 25% fat ground beef
Cognitive miser
use as little info as possible, lots of cog shortcuts when processing info

- use schemas, selective attn
Confirmation bias
look for info that confirms preconception (self verification)
Belief perseverance
persistence of initial conception
• Even though WHY you think so = false, still think your explanation = right
Representative Heuristics
assume someone part of group if they resemble typical group member

ex: Tom's description = means he's an engineer
- ignore base rate info (stats)
Availability heuristic
Think of something easier = think thing is more common

- interesting stories > stat info
ex: more likely to die in plane crash bc think of crashes easier EVEN THOUGH STAT LESS LIKELY
Anchor & adjustment heuristic
make estimates → use anchor value & adjust from there

-ex: estimate mult problem in 5 sec
evaluation of people/obj/things

Attitude prop:
valence = overall eval = pos/neg
extremity = how pos/neg
strength = how strong/weak
IAT (implicit association test)
Measure rxn time on natural assoc in head btwn things
Bogus pipeline
Tell ppl know when lying → get them to tell truth (have pipeline to real attitude)
Moral hypocrisy
appear moral while avoid cost of being so

ex: want less violent games but violent games = most pop
Specificity Principle
to predict behavior, match level of specificity btwn attitude & behavior

- specific behavior/attitude: recycle newsp = recy news @ home
- general behavior/attitude: environ friendly behavior = helping environ
Theory of Planned Behavior
attitude toward behavior
subjective norm (how others think)
perceived behavioral control (how easy is intended behavior)

ex: want to tutor/friends say i should/nothing preventing me
Self presentation theory
Express behaviors to make us seem consistent/non-hypocrite

(don't need to actually change attitude)
Dissonance theory (attitude change)
Reduce dissonance/discomfort by changing attitude

- psych arousal
Insufficient justification
the less external justification for bad action → feel more responsible → attitude change

ex: $20/$1 --> changing opinion
(Said something inconsistent with belief & $1 not enough to justify lie → change belief )
buyers remorse
More free choice/responsibility have in decision → more dissonance
•After make decision: upgrade choice, downgrade non-choic
Self perception theory (attitude formation)
observe behavior → imply attitudes that caused it
- change attd to match observed behavior

-changing facial expression --> affect mood
ex: agree to persuasive editorial via headphones if move head up/down

** predict overjust effect
Overjustification effect
reward for something already like to do → red intrinsic motivation → behavior less appealing

- vs discounting principle (more pos beh effects = not sure why did beh)
system justification theory
motivated to believe systems/status quo are good/just

- justify systems = don't feel bad about inequality (--> disson)
compensatory stereotype
justifies inequality by showing that ‘no one has it all’

ex: poor but happy
terror management theory

(maintain self esteem = protect self frm anxiety)
use processes to deal with anxiety frm when aware of inevitable death

- indirect/symbolic immortality
- more commit to in group, uphold institution values
social identity theory
group part of → affect self esteem
behaviors/attitudes/ideas shared by group & passed down
Norms: (universal)
incest taboo
status= talk in specific way (familiar vs formal)
war = uniforms, human treatment of prisoners
Independent Self Concept
- personal identity, western
Interdependent Self Concept
- social identity, collectivist cultures
Cultural Diff:
Norms (personal space, being late, life pace)
perceptions (notice/describe world)
self concept
correspondence bias
cog dissonance
- personal space: indep = bigger space
- late: interdep = more accepting of being late
- life pace: indiv = faster

- indiv = describe major feature, inter = details

self concept:
- inter = group identities, don't need to see self favorably

correspondence bias:
- inter = attribute behav to disposition but will red bias w/ situational factors

- inter = red indiv dissonance less (vs group dissonance)
Predicting conformity:
public response/prior commit
conform more:

big group, unanimous, more cohesion, higher status, public response
conformity frm AUTHORITY

incr obed: emotional distance frm victim, closeness/legitimacy of authority, gradual incr of bad behavior, fear of violating norm
conformity frm DIRECT REQUEST
Milgram Experiment (shock & obedience)
result: 65% obeyed = end of shock dial, EVERYONE went to 300 v (when person started to complain)

obey bc: socialization of obedience, gradual incr of shock = rationalization, diffusion of responsibility (put it on authority)

decr obedience: low prestige setting (in office), person in same room, touch person, experimenter in diff room, exp = ordinary person, rebel
Sheriff Study (norm formation)
ask to see how far light moved --> change indiv answer to match group norm

*informational influence
Informational Influence
believe others behave correct --> copy behavior (use their behavior as info)

* ambiguity (don't know if answer right/wrong)
* no arousal/discomfort
* private conformity
Normative Influence
fear of neg social consequence of being diff --> conform to be accepted

* unambiguous (know right answer)
* arousal/discomfort
* public superficial conformity
Asch Study (norm influence)
everyone in room said wrong answer --> conform to wrong answer/be deviant frm group (75% conformed)

red conformity: write answer, 1 confederate said right answer

*normative influence