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69 Cards in this Set

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The scientific study of mental, emotional, and behavioral disorder
statistical Abnormality
abnormality defined on the basis of an extreme score such as IQ or anxiety
Social nonconformity
failure to conform to societal norms or the usual minimum standards for social conduct
maladaptive behavior
behavior that makes it difficult to adapt to the environment and meet the demands of day to day life
mental disorder
a significant impairment in psychological functioning
psychotic disorder
a severe mental disorder characterized by a retreat from reality by hallucination, delusions, and by social withdrawlal
organic mental disorder
mental problem caused by brain diseases or injury
mood disorder
anxiety disorder
disruptive feeling of fear or anxiety
somatoform disorder
physical symptoms that mimic disease or injury which there is no identifiable physical cause
dissociative disorder
temp. amnesia, multiple personality, or depersonalization
personality disorder
a maladaptive personality pattern
sexual and gender identity disorders
any of a wide range of difficulties with sexual identity
substance related disorder
abuse of substances
outdated term uses to refer to mental disorder
a legal term that refers to mental inability to manage one's affair
antisocial personality
a person who lacks a conscience; is emotionally shallow, impulsive, selfish, and tends to manipulate others
adjustment disorder
an emotional disturbance caused by ongoing stressors within the range of common experience
generalized anxiety disorder
a chronic state of tension and worry about work/disaster
panic disorder
a crhonic state of anxiety, with agoraphobia is with social settings
fear of something extremely embarrassing will happen if one leaves the house
stress disorder
a significant emotional disturbance caused by stresses outside the range of normal human experience
acute stress disorder
psychological disturbance lasting up to 1 month following stresses
dissociative amnesia
loss of memory for important info related to identity
dissociative fugue
sudden travel away from home plus confusion about one's personal identity
dissociative identity disorder
the presence of two or more distinct personalities
a preoccupation with fears of having serious diseases.
somatization disorder
afflicted persons have numerous physical complaints but not organic causes
muchausen syndrome by proxy
an affected person fakes the medical problems of someone in his or her care to gain attention
conversion disorder
a bodily symptom that mimics a physical disability but is actually caused by anxiety or emotional distress
anxiety reduction hypothesis
explains the self-defeating nature of avoidance responses as a results of the reinforcing effects of relief from anxiety
a withdrawal from reality marked by hallucinations and delusions, disturbed thorught and emotions
false belief held against all contrary evidence
serious mental impairment due to old age
delusional disorder
a psychosis marked by severe delusions of jealousy or persecution
paranoid psychosis
delusional disorder centered on delusions of persecution
disorganized schizophrenia
schizophrenia marked by bizzare thinking and inappropriate attitude
catatonic schizophrenia
schizophrenia marked by rigidity, posturing, mutism
paranoid schizophrenia
schizophrenia marked by frequent auditory hallucinations related to persecution
undifferentiated schizophrenia
schizophrenia lacking the specific features
psychological trauma
psychological injury or shock
dysthymic disorder
moderate depression that persists for 2 years or more
cyclothymic disorder
moderate manic and depressive behavior that persists for 2 years or more
endogenous depression
depression produced from within rather than as a reaction to life
postpartum depression
mild depression caused by child birth
any psychological technique used to facilitate positive changes in a person's behavior
the study of demons
the tendency of patients to transfer feelings to a therapist that correspond to those the patient had for important persons inn his or her past
interpersonal psychotherapy
a brief dynamic psychotherapy designed to help people by improving their relationship with other people
client-centered therapy
a non-directive therapy based on insights gained from conscious thoughts and feelings emphasizes accepting one's truth value
unconditional positive regard
an unqualified unshakable acceptance of another person
a capacity for taking another's point of view; the avility to feel what another is feeling
in carl roger's, the ability of a therapist to be genuine and honest about his or her own feeling
in client-centered therapy, the process of rephrasing or repating thoughts and feelings expressed by clients so they can become aware of what they are saying
existential therapy
an insight therapy that focuses on elemntal problems such as existence
gestalt therapy
an approach that focuses on immediate experience and awareness to help clients rebuilt thinking
behavior therapy
any therapy designed to actively change behavior
aversion therapy
supressing an undesirable response by associating it with something paintful
reciprocal inhibition
the presence of one emotional state can inhibit the occurrence of another such as joy preventing fear or anxiety inhibiting pleasure
tension-release method
a procedure of systematically achieving deep relaxation of the body
vicarious desensitization
a reduction of fear by letting the client watch a model perform the feared behavior
social comparison
making judgements about ourselves through comparison with others
interpersonal attraction
social attraction to others
the process of revealing one's persoanl thoughts to another
fundamental attribution error
the tendency to attribute the behavior of others to internal causes
a compulsion by members of decision making groups to maintain agreement, even at the cost of critical thinking
bending to the requests of a person who has little or no authority
superordinate goal
a goal that exceeds or overrides all others
mutual interdpendence
condition which people must depend on one another to met each person's need or goal