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108 Cards in this Set

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Values; Facts

Pro-life versus pro-choice

Frued's Theory

Unconscious process of mind, transference

Nature vs Nurture

Allowing nature to play it's course versus aiding the subject

Gene Environment Interaction

when two different genotypes respond to environmental variation in different ways


A statistic used in breeding and genetics works that estimates how much variation in a phenotypic trait in a population is due to genetic variation among individuals in that population

Subjective experience versus objective experience

subjective = student's answer ?'s from own experience

objective = facts

Carl Jung

founded analytical psychology

Collective Unconscious

Ancestral memory and experience

Method of Loci

use visualization to organize and recall info

Spacing Effect

more effective than cramming, multiple shorter study-sessions versus one larger session


thinking about thinking process


a branch of biology, study of nervous system


independent person


group oriented person, work together to help everyone

"Opposites attract"


Computer Metaphor and Cognitive Psychology

processor = metabolic rate in brain

RAM = short term memory

hard drive = long term memory

Hermann Ebbinghaus word lists

discovered the spacing effect


when scientists replicate other scientists past experiments

Conceptual to measured variables

paradigm effect

'statistically significant'

p-value > .05, meaning that the results of the experiment would happen by random chance less than 5% of the time


a specialized cell transmitting nerve impulses; a nerve cell.

What influences the way people act most?



part of brain related to memory, emotions, and learning. Damage to this can lead to dimentia


part of the brain that processes emotions, mainly fear (phobias)

Corpus Callosum

located on both right and left hemisphere (lets both sides communicate), appears as a bundle of nerves

Brain injury and age

Plasticity is better the younger we are

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS)

pulses to the brain, commonly used to treat depression


Excitation; pupils dilated, tense, muscles tighten


Rest; person is relaxed


process of making new neurons

Central Nervous System (CNS)

consists of the brain and spinal cord

Surface area of the cortex and IQ

positive correlation, 70% of the surface area


process in which physical signals from the environment are converted into neural signals and sent to the brain


No meaning

Rods & Cones

Rods = help you see in dark

Cones = help you see in light

Electromagnetic Spectrum & Visible Light

narrow band of visible light, from 400 to 700 nanometers


consists of receptors in back of eye, displays vision of world on eye


measure of sound; human ear can comfortably listen at 80 decibels

Sleep Apnea

periods of non-breathing during sleep and repeated momentary awakenings


troubling going to/staying asleep

Sleep Terrors

mostly occur in children; awake in terrorized state

Latent and Manifest Content

Latent = unconscious censored meaning of a dream

Manifest = content remembered after awakening


Characterized by irresistible and sudden attacks of REM sleep during the day

Rem sleep behavioral disorder

skeletal muscles are not paralyzed during sleep

Rats that were not allowed to dream...

Had difficulty learning new tasks

Hypnosis and Legal System

testimony brought out by hypnosis is typically inaccurate


often a repeated word, aids concentration in meditation

Erikson stage's of development

0 -18 months = trust vs mistrust

1.5 - 3 = shame vs autonomy, child wanting to do their own thing

3 - 6 = initiative vs guilt, child is encouraged to initiate activities

6 - 12 = industry vs inferiority, friend group

12 - 18 = identity vs role confusion, child is involved and always busy, filling a role


the diminishing of a physiological or emotional response to a frequently repeated stimulus.


modifying schemas for our experience


learning reverse processes in your head

Object Permanence

concept that is not initially grasped, example of this is peek-a-boo

1st Piaget State - Sensorimotor

Perception of environment with sensors

Piaget Stages - Formal Operational

Includes understanding metaphors and abstract thinking


Not high expectations, but still helpful and loving


Not caring, neglecting

Kubler-Ross Stages (5, DABDA)

denial > anger > bargaining > depression > acceptance

Alzheimer's Disease

occurrence has a positive correlation with age, most common form of dimentia

Social Clock

the appropriate time to do things in your life

Classical Conditioning

Learning by association; the media

Operant Coniditioning

Learning via reward or punishment


the act of acquiring new, or modifying and reinforcing, existing knowledge, behaviors, skills, values, or preferences and may involve synthesizing different types of information

Classic "shock" study

Conducted by Stanley Milgram; people will do something if they are instructed by someone, even if it affects/hurts others

Social Facilitation

tendency for people to perform differently when in the presence of others than when alone

Social Inhibition

Conscious of unconscious avoidance of a situation or social interaction

Social Loafing

Bigger groups = more lazy

small groups = equal work

How to counter social loafing

work in smaller groups

Juries are influenced by...

Conformity pressure

Person-centered humanistic; Carl Rogers

Problems are caused by limits placed on you

Aversion Therapy

unpleasant outcome to try and fix the undesired behavior

Systematic Desensitization

treating fearful anxiety method w/ some kind of relaxation technique, and gradual exposure to anxiety-inducing stimulus

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)

group therapy, 12-step program

Primary, secondary, and tertiary

primary = law affects everyone

secondary = affects small group of people

tertiary = working w/ people who directly have a disorder

Threats to Validity of Research

Placebo Effect, natural improvement

Placebo Effect

People people and act as if they are subject to a cure, when really they've taken a non-active stimulus

Empirically Supported Psychotherapy

using previous research w/ a problem to solve a present problem

Preferred Universally

Youthfulness, Symmetry, and Avergeness


attitude towards a group or people or race


acting on that prejudice

Narcissistic Personality Disorder

Exaggerated sense of self-importance


not sociable; not wanting the company of others

Conversion Disorder

a condition in which you show psychological stress in physical ways


a condition characterized by abnormal sexual desires, typically involving extreme or dangerous activities

Dissociative Personality Disorder

Multiple personality disorder


chronic depression; loss on enjoyment; can't complete projects


a mood disorder that causes a persistent feeling of sadness and loss of interest. Epinephrine, dopamine, and serotonin = 3 stressors


when anxiety's run together (more than one connect) and (more than one correlation)

Bipolar Disorder ( 2 levels )

Bipolar 1 - full blown mania followed by depression

Bipolar 2 - small amount of mania followed by depression

Associated with Schizophrenia

Too much dopamine; low frontal lobe activity

# of Gene's

25,000, original estimate was 100,000

Biopsychosocial Model of Illness

health and illness are determined by a dynamic interaction between biological, psychological, and social factors


the body keeping internal equilibrium


non-verbal communication, body position, humans can display dominance with proxemics

Nonverbal Language

Communication without speaking


The components of speech minus speech itself. The nonlexical component of communication by speech, for example intonation, pitch and speed of speaking, hesitation noises, gesture, and facial expression

Stress Hormone Cortisol

Negative correlation with marital happiness


a general statement or concept obtained by inference from specific cases


irrational fear; can be caused by classical conditioning

EQ (Emotional Quotient)

measure of emotional intelligence; the capacity of individuals to recognize their own, and other people's emotions, to discriminate between different feelings and label them appropriately, and to use emotional information to guide thinking and behavior

Flashbulb Memory

happens for dramatic events

Functional Fixedness

inability to see uses for broke objects

Confirmation Bias

people are more likely to support a belief system rather than challenge it

Reinforcement (+)

increases rate of behavior

Punishment (-)

decrease rate of behavior

Intermittent Reinforcement

compared to fixed


gradual reinforcement to reach a goal

Primary Reinforcers

food, water, shelter

Secondary Reinforcers

words of verbal praise