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17 Cards in this Set

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actions, thoughts, and feelings harmful to self or others is called,...
abnormal behavior
long continuum (continuity hypothesis)
evil spirits cause mental illness
supernatural theories
4 humors (blood, phlegm, yellow bile, black bile) out of balance
Stress causes abnormal behavior. Created wellness temples
Unonscious conflicts cause abnormal behavior
DSM (diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders)
think CPMEO - clincial, personality, medical, environmental and overall
1.not guilty by reason of insanity is...
lack capacity to know right from wrong
2. competence to stand trial..
can't understand trial proceedings
3. involuntary commitment..
danger to self or others
anxiety disorders..
excessive levels of negative emotions - phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, panic anxiety disorder, post traumatic stress disorder, OCD
somatoform disorders
a)somatization disorders - chronic pain
b) hypochondriasis- concerned with health
c)conversion disorders - serious physical impairments
d) somatoform pain disorder - pain from stress
dissociative disorders
sudden cognitive changes
a) depersonalization - person feels distorted or unreal
b) dissociatie amnesia - loss of memory after stressful event
c) dissociative fugue - forget your identity and previous life
d) dissocative identity disorder - multiple personalities
Mood disorders
major depression - periods of deep unhappiness, loss interest
type of schizophrenia (false beliefs, delusions, paranoia
paraoid schizophreia
type of schizophrenia (cognition, speech highly disorganized. extreme social withdrawal
disorganized schizophrenia
type of schizophrenia (rigid body posture and movement)
catatonic schizophrenia